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Islamabad uncomfortable with US Afghan exit


Apr 25, 2012
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LAHORE - Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar’s criticism of US President Obama’s Afghan exit plan in New York recently has reignited the international press’s dilemma regarding Pakistan’s role – whether Islamabad will facilitate or frustrate the American drawdown.

The US government and media have long accused Pakistan’s intelligence agencies of keeping covert ties with selected Taliban outfits, with the likely intention of hedging its interests for an unpredictable post-US withdrawal Afghanistan. Islamabad’s refusal to move against the Haqqanis, and fostering the so-called good Taliban, has led to repeated breakdown in communication with Washington regarding significant regional developments ahead.

But Hina Rabbani Khar’s warning that the US was leaving “without determining whether you have accomplished your objectives” draws from Pakistan’s experience of partnering with America in the Soviet war, and carries serious security implications for the region.

Back then, once the military objective was met, the US left without necessary rebuilding and reconstruction, plunging Afghanistan into a long civil war and leaving Pakistan to deal with the spillover.

Clean break?

“It was the political and security vacuum that enabled the creation of the Taliban in the first place”, security officials told Pakistan Today. “And the US is leaving behind a similar vacuum again.”

This time, even military victory has not been achieved. The Taliban have been gaining ground and authority since the famous spring offensive of 2006. Any post-Karzai government will be strongly influenced, if not represented, by them. And failing rehabilitation and promised reconstruction aid, the country is likely to experience an even more protracted civil conflict, they added.

Pakistan is also concerned about security around its borders. NATO/ISAF forces abandoned Kunar and Nooristan on the Afghan side long ago. With refugee and militant movement again on the rise, Pakistani security forces do not trust their Afghan counterparts to control the borders, especially when their western trainers failed at securing them.

Current US counterinsurgency (COIN) strategy revolves mainly around leveraging captured Taliban commanders, apparently to initiate discussions with Mullah Omer’s inner group.

And even though western media spins it to reflect a US position favouring negotiations to end the 11-year war, Pakistani observers more familiar with Afghanistan see it as a realisation that the country will go back to warlords after America’s departure.

“Propping up former senior commanders, even getting them freed from Pakistani prisons, is to secure geographical regions where they have influence, not so much to open a window for negotiations”, security officials said.

The Taliban have already rejected talks as well as disarmament, and vowed to fight at least till a complete US/NATO/ISAF withdrawal.

And with the Americans still counting on the possibility of negotiations, and promises of billions in aid in addition to the war effort far from being met, the resulting political void makes the possibility of a clean break unlikely.

The exit plan has caused inevitable complications within Pakistan’s own COIN framework. The TTP is wounded and confused. Beaten in the mountains, it has occupied strategic positions near main cities, and taken to hit-and-run attacks in large population centres, which increases impact value.

But it is also making calculated hints of de-escalation that indicate, among other things, that it expects the Taliban to gain political influence across the border. Should the Americans leave without providing Afghanistan a viable reconstruction outline, its internal breakdown is sure to affect Pakistan’s fragile COIN situation.

Add to that the sudden provocation at the LoC in Kashmir, and another political confrontation with India, and Hina Rabbani’s concern with the border situation becomes understandable. The last few years have diverted significant forces from the eastern border, which has eased Indian infiltration, hence the corresponding rise in insurgent activity, especially in Balochistan.

“The way in which America is withdrawing will hurt both Afghanistan and Pakistan,” said Rasheed Safi, head of news at Radio Burraq, which transmits exclusively in FATA and follows the insurgency very closely. “The US committed to stay till Afghan society was rebuilt and the people there given normal lives. The British promised to stay too. But now it seems they are just minimising losses and running, which will hurt the entire region.”

The rush to leave has led to repeated changes in America’s approach to the Taliban. From “no negotiations with terrorists” they have moved to cajoling some of Mullah Omer’s most trusted former warlords into the political process in return for peace. In that they are not much different from Pakistan’s approach of bolstering the good Taliban against the bad, a strategy they criticised for a decade before embracing it ahead of their departure.

Hina Rabbani’s tone reflected a long-standing suspicion in Islamabad. Even before joining the international war against terrorism, Gen Musharraf warned Washington that Pakistan’s participation came in return for American promises of not repeating mistakes of the past, and staying until Afghan civil society was helped back to normalcy.

Yet after more than a decade of war, at least half of which has seen the Taliban record consistent advances, the Americans are leaving Afghanistan far worse than they found it, with another civil war very likely, and Pakistan again forced to handle militants and refugees.

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Pakistan is trying to purse Washington to act their's way for exit from Afghanistan...but US doesn't want to give Pakistan the reins to direct the horse...US exist strategy will surely be a disaster for her...its just a matter of time..
Again blaming US ?

There are no Good Taliban, Bad Taliban. Kill all the terrorists. No favor to anyone. Spare no one. Pakistan is repeating he same mistake.

Why don't Pakistan understand that terrorists, fundamentalists and extremists are counter productive and bring down everything that is against them.

Taliban is shooting anti-Polio workers. Its an epidemic and if it spreads to a critical population number, it will create a whole generation of deformed youth which will be of no use but a burden on the nation. It will also affect Tourism and investment.
Its a time bomb.

TTP and BLA is just a start. Post 2014, there will a huge number of unemployed terrorists who won't have US to target. They will be easy recruits for these groups and external forces.

Pakistan has allowed and even assisted NATO to kill these people for 12 years. Won't they take revenge ?
No way... Indians would do any thing to keep Americans feeding them ghost construction contracts and allowing them steal, Afghan minerals.

Clearly an Indian move through its key mole (slaman bashir) in Pakistan's foreign office, ill advising Khar.

Zardari will ensure, even if he gone Pakistan keep suffering.
Pakistan again hedging its bets and creating scenario of "I told you so"

Aha. Islamabad uncomfortable with US Afghan exit. Pakistan again waking up? :)
Waking up to the painful realisation that there is no difference between "Good Cobras and Bad Cobras"?
That nobody on earth can make a pet out of a Cobra (whether good or bad)? Both can Kill!
And waking up to the realisation that there are so many Cobras now. That they can simply overrun the Farm and the poor Farmer got no place to hide!
But Hina Rabbani Khar’s warning that the US was leaving “without determining whether you have accomplished your objectives” draws from Pakistan’s experience of partnering with America in the Soviet war, and carries serious security implications for the region.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...comfortable-us-afghan-exit.html#ixzz2Je82PZUe

A picture speak thousand word Ms Khar..


Look like Pakistan is afraid of loosing bargaining chip (Transit route for USA forces/supply ). Role of different nation in Afghanistan
1. NATO : Security
2. India : prosperity
3. China : Industry
No way... Indians would do any thing to keep Americans feeding them ghost construction contracts and allowing them steal, Afghan minerals.

Clearly an Indian move through its key mole (slaman bashir) in Pakistan's foreign office, ill advising Khar.

Zardari will ensure, even if he gone Pakistan keep suffering.

@bold...Wht? I thought Salman Bashir was a god Pakistani diplomat.. Never heard/read anything suspicious abt Salman Bashir.. Like everyone knew abt hussain haqqani much before the memo case even tht he was a traitor..but never heard anything of tht type abt Salman Bashir
Aha. Islamabad uncomfortable with US Afghan exit. Pakistan again waking up? :)
Waking up to the painful realisation that there is no difference between "Good Cobras and Bad Cobras"?
That nobody on earth can make a pet out of a Cobra (whether good or bad)? Both can Kill!
And waking up to the realisation that there are so many Cobras now. That they can simply overrun the Farm and the poor Farmer got no place to hide!

You guys have this all wrong - Pakistan are done, they are preparing to surrender on one hand, but on the other they want the US to stick around so that Pakistan can extort some more funds -- Ridiculous? Absurd? Not at all.

Let me first deal with surrender -- in the 11 years that Pakistan Armed forces have engaged the various super Muslims, point to a single success - Coincidence?? In those 11 years Pakistan have allowed society to become even more radicalized, sectarian violence is now so common that while it may make it to the front page, it's no longer the lede, it's just one more piece that may be of importance to those wonder what's going on while the stock market hits record highs.

Extorting funds from the US -- keep your eyes on the IMF mission - and of course the US's continual support ($$) of Pakistan refusal to save itself from the super muslims, while pointing to the Indian (horrible hindu).

So Islamabad comfortable or uncomfortable - this is just so much show, an opportunity squandered - why ?? Because the Pakistan leadership civil and military do not actually believe in Pakistan - as far as the politician are concerned, there is no war in Pakistan and all is good, and the military, well, it's pretty much the same for them, every now and then there will be an operation (American funding), a blood sacrifice of poorly trained, ill equipped, terribly led soldiers will be offered to the super muslims and their gods (in arabia) -- Outrageous?? Absolutely!!
@muse Problem is people are not interested in listening you and rather interested in other countries and blaming others except their own leadership, both civil and military.
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I don't Believe this.

They are in fact waiting for the troops exit

or has pakistan finally woken up?
You guys have this all wrong - Pakistan are done, they are preparing to surrender on one hand, but on the other they want the US to stick around so that Pakistan can extort some more funds -- Ridiculous? Absurd? Not at all.

Let me first deal with surrender -- in the 11 years that Pakistan Armed forces have engaged the various super Muslims, point to a single success - Coincidence?? In those 11 years Pakistan have allowed society to become even more radicalized, sectarian violence is now so common that while it may make it to the front page, it's no longer the lede, it's just one more piece that may be of importance to those wonder what's going on while the stock market hits record highs.

Extorting funds from the US -- keep your eyes on the IMF mission - and of course the US's continual support ($$) of Pakistan refusal to save itself from the super muslims, while pointing to the Indian (horrible hindu).

So Islamabad comfortable or uncomfortable - this is just so much show, an opportunity squandered - why ?? Because the Pakistan leadership civil and military do not actually believe in Pakistan - as far as the politician are concerned, there is no war in Pakistan and all is good, and the military, well, it's pretty much the same for them, every now and then there will be an operation (American funding), a blood sacrifice of poorly trained, ill equipped, terribly led soldiers will be offered to the super muslims and their gods (in arabia) -- Outrageous?? Absolutely!!

On a very serious note; actually both Pakistan and USA should set aside their differences IF ONLY to sort out Extremists (who think that they are Super Muslims) ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Both USA and Pakistan need that, heck the world needs that to happen, that includes India as well. Ideally if the USA and Pakistan can jointly exert a vise-like pince grip from both sides of the border; there is a fair chance of success. Otherwise I am no fan of US policies. They have muddied the waters in S.Asia and the rest of the world for as long as anyone can remember. About the Arabian deities, the less said the better. They seriously need the lighting of a "small fire below their posteriors" to keep them well occupied from creating and sponsoring mischief elsewhere.
Let me add that MMS in India is willing to help Pakistan (by keeping a low-profile) to sort out the "wild bunch" in Pakistan and to the west; even at the cost of domestic brick-bats.

But the "can" is on the Pakistani Estt. both Political and Military to decisively deal with it,
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@muse Problem is people are not interested in listening you and rather interested in other countries and blaming others except their own leadership, both civil and military.

Look at PDF right now. There is no thread on today's bomb blast. People are still discussing Indian Muslims.

This is the pure reflection of why people are no longer interested in finding and discussing their problems and are getting used to terrorism, sectarian violence. etc. No one is discussing spread of Polio, tanking economy etc.

Chalta hai attitude is worst for any country. I know because I hate this about my country.

mate in fact my friends mock me for hating this attitude.

you see even if one person goes against this attitude, the others bring him down.

(I am not boasting. Hehehe.)
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