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Islam has ‘no place’ in my country, says next EU president

@flamer84 Didn't this guy say that there were '40 million muslims in Europe' ?
How within some hours they increased by more than '10 million' ? Tomorrow they will be '150 million' ?

It depends what definition of 'Europe' you go by.

There are 44 million Muslims in Europe whereby Europe is all continental Europe+Russian part of Europe. However, East Thrace (European lands under Turkish rule) are not counted.

If you count East Thrace as well--then the number of Muslims in Europe comes out to be 55 million.

However, if you subtract Russian parts of Europe AND East Thrace as well (both of which have been historically European mainlands)--then the number of Muslims in Europe is ~30 million.

All of these numbers are not counting the new Syrian refugees in Europe.

Makes sense now?
I don't want the Russian population to be extinct. They have,in my opinion, the genes that produce the best looking women on our planet, and I still couldn't visit Moscow or St. Petersburg so please stop with the pessimistic posts on their population. It's upsetting me
He is right and Pakistan is a good example for it..
I don't want the Russian population to be extinct. They have,in my opinion, the genes that produce the best looking women on our planet, and I still couldn't visit Moscow or St. Petersburg so please stop with the pessimistic posts on their population. It's upsetting me

its fantasy of some islamo facists. Shouldnt bother you. russia wont go extinct and no other european nation as well.
...A theocratic dictator was removed from Iraq and another theocratic force was removed from Afghanistan..the wars were necessary...Isis will be dealt with...so will Bashar...the US should have adopted similar polices like the 2nd World War..Germany and Japan were rid of fascism....we could have done it with Islamo-Fascism too.

Oh yeah. Saddam was a bad actor for sure. But you need guys like him to keep the other kooks in line. Now Iran is running roughshod over Iraq. I'd rather have Saddam. :usflag:
Oh yeah. Saddam was a bad actor for sure. But you need guys like him to keep the other kooks in line. Now Iran is running roughshod over Iraq. I'd rather have Saddam. :usflag:
I would take out the Ayatollah too!:usflag::devil:
So, have the Christians, Jews, and Muslims left Europe yet?...... No? OK I'll wait..... *sigh*

I object to this, Turkish community in Europe is not responsible for these jihadist maniacs... We don't preach hatred in our mosques. Our Imams are university graduates. And they are strictly controlled by the government. That extends to Turkish mosques in Europe.....i think, it's responsibility of the EU countries, to control and enforce regulations on certain mosques.

And it doesn't end with that, while you are on it, you should also control Markist-Leninist maniacs, etc.....Like Belgium is a free heaven for terrorists.
Nope. Erdogan is on a crusade to oppress Europe. The entire turkish community are essentially his henchmen. Just look what happened to that German comedian and any MPs that condemn the Armenian genocide
Everyone is hateful to some extent. Even I a PC Berkely grad and SJW carry that small tinder of hate for the Muslims,, the colored, LGBTs and even the yanks but that is just my primal basic instinct like the sugar pangs when i come across some delicious confectionery or an urge to leer at a well stacked biological specimen of the opposite sex.

The maturity of a character is displayed by keeping these instincts on leash and applying a moral filter before we translate them into action. This filter of morality is how we differ from each other.

For good of bad, Islam is not a evolving as per moralities of modern age which requires respect and consideration for all and it insists on carving out a small corner which screams Muslims in all caps where it exists. All this leads to self imposed isolation where ever they are in minority. Now there might be a few of who do co-mingle but to a great extent perceptions are negative.

The solution is quite simple - Islam has to evolve and ironically de-islamify if that makes any sense. It should be adapt modern age's sensibilities when it comes to interacting with people having different religion and culture. It should give women equal rights and not be so hostile towards people with alternate sexual lifestyle. Muslims also have to drop their pathological hatred for all things Semitic.

A few will not do, there has to be a mass scale self-realization and reform as other posters have said. The moderates can no longer be silent, they have to become face of Islam instead of ISIS and AQ of the world.
That would make sense if Islam was a unified body of sorts. Moreover, it would make even more sense if the interaction with the "modern" world (if men walking into women's bathrooms to touch little kids as happened today in a target store is modernism) was of all of these interpretations of Islam.

If you are berkely, have you not been exposed to Islam right here? Thriving just fine and interacting just fine in places like Orange country, parts of Texas and even in areas of Chicago. Yet, you have chosen to paint all of these perfectly well integrated societies who take part in their community, in elections, go to concerts and stand around for premiers with the same brush as one would paint the smaller niches of extremism that popped up due to a cancerous form of ideology.

So I beg the question then, WHAT possibly besides holding a pride parade or something of the sort must these muslims do to be "forgiven" by you?
That would make sense if Islam was a unified body of sorts. Moreover, it would make even more sense if the interaction with the "modern" world (if men walking into women's bathrooms to touch little kids as happened today in a target store is modernism) was of all of these interpretations of Islam.

If you are berkely, have you not been exposed to Islam right here? Thriving just fine and interacting just fine in places like Orange country, parts of Texas and even in areas of Chicago. Yet, you have chosen to paint all of these perfectly well integrated societies who take part in their community, in elections, go to concerts and stand around for premiers with the same brush as one would paint the smaller niches of extremism that popped up due to a cancerous form of ideology.

So I beg the question then, WHAT possibly besides holding a pride parade or something of the sort must these muslims do to be "forgiven" by you?

Leave Islam
the west is in big trouble if they did nothing they are finished in the near future and if they did something no one can know how this could end but we all know if the immigrants are asked to leave they wont just pack their bags and leave
its fantasy of some islamo facists. Shouldnt bother you. russia wont go extinct and no other european nation as well.

Just like the fantasy of European fascists like you is to "cleanse" Europe of Muslims because "Muslims will take over Europa" ...:rofl:

Fascists of all brands are retarded loons.

Nothing's gonna happen.

No country is going extinct in Europe nor "Muslims" are taking over anything European.

Ya'll need to relax and go out more often.
Well if he is talking about the muslims who don,t change according to the customs and culture of the hosting country or simply don,t keep their religion to themselves or try to influence the thoughts of others directly or indirectly or don,t respects the local mindset .Then yes they should have no place not just in Slovakia but in every modern and civilized country which belongs to the 21st century.
It,s actually a hypocrisy we don,t want other non muslims to build the temples ,churches or spread their religion in our so called muslim countries but we want the opposite in their countries.Wow just wow.
Well if he is talking about the muslims who don,t change according to the customs and culture of the hosting country or simply don,t keep their religion to themselves or try to influence the thoughts of others directly or indirectly or don,t respects the local mindset .Then yes they should have no place not just in Slovakia but in every modern and civilized country which belongs to the 21st century.
It,s actually a hypocrisy we don,t want other non muslims to build the temples ,churches or spread their religion in our so called muslim countries but we want the opposite in their countries.Wow just wow.

I look at in a slightly different way.

I decided to be a resident of UK out of my free choice without any compulsion. Therefore I must respect laws of this country no matter how abhorrent to the Muslim faith. If these are unbearable, no one is going to stop me from leaving the country.

Similarly, Saudi Arabia has ban on alcohol, on women drivers and ban on construction of Churches. It is their law, and I must not bring alcohol to Saudi Arabia; if I don’t like I should not live in Saudi Arabia or pack up and leave.

However, as Hon Secular Nationalist states, it is the ultimate hypocrisy that we don’t criticize Saudi Arabia but raise hue & cry when French ban the Hijab!!!!

Again I would restate that personally I consider banning of hijab against the basic human rights. My point being that while banning hijab in wrong; imposing hijab by force, as in Iran & in Saudi Arabia is equally wrong. Rightly or wrongly; in my view, unless I have a freedom of choice of my actions; I should not be held responsible for my actions on the Day of Judgement. Regrettably Taliban lovers don’t see it that way and I would be forced to wear a beard of the correct length and keep my trousers above the ankles if their nefarious designs ever succeed in Pakistan.

Robert Fico does not represent all of Europe nor Donald Trump all of the US; however it is possible that terrorist acts such as Orlando killings could induce the xenophobic element of US population to vote Donald Trump into office.

Despite the fact that that West is a den of hedonism and sin; most refugees from Muslim countries would like to settle in Europe & the US. Main reason being that with all the evils & sins of the flesh, Europe & the US are still far better places to live and raise the family than the Dark Age heaven under ISIS or Taliban.

I would be intellectually dishonest if I don’t mention Spanish case. Spain under Generalissimo Franco (died 1975) was a staunchly Roman Catholic country. Roman Catholicism was the only legal religion and other worship services could not be advertised or have the books published. Catholic services were mandatory in all the schools, civil marriages and divorce not allowed; even the sale of contraceptives was banned. It was only after Franco’s death and restoration of monarchy that with the 1978 Spanish Constitution amendment Spaniards were given the freedom to practice religions other than Roman Catholicism.
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