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Bill Longley

Apr 15, 2008
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Disputes amongst Muslims started immediately after the death of holy prophet (PBUH). The Ummah, weather Ahle Sunnah likes it or not, divided it self into two political parties, Shia and Sunnies.
Sunnies were those who dominated in whole history and were those who elected Huzrat Abo Baker (RATA) as successor of Prophet (PBUH) and thought that Prophet nominated no body his successor and it was up to Ummah to elect their leader.
Where as Shia’ne’ AhleBait (PBUT) where those who thought Huzrat Ali (AS) as successor of Prophet (PBUH). They gave the example of the event of Ghadeer-e-Khum where Prophet (PBUH) in clear words nominated Ali (AS) his Caliph. Sahaba like Huzrat Abo Zar Ghaffari, Salman Farsi, and Jabber bin Abdullah, Hajar Bin Addi, and Miqdad (RATA) etc were the prominent Shia’ne’Ali of the first period of Islam after the death of holy Prophet (PBUH).
It shall be very unrealistic to say that there was no friction amongst the Muslims in the era immediately after the death of Prophet (PBUH). In depth study of history will reveal that after the death of Prophet (PBUH) the friction started and hence two political parties with their own approaches about different challenges appeared.
But it is interesting to note that till the khilafat e Omer (RATA) every thing moved smoothly because of Justice and Tolerance amongst these political Fractions.
Era of Huzrat Omer (RATA) and to some extent era of Huzrat Usman was the last era of Tolerance in Ummah as they were the last rulers in Ahle Sunnah who recognised the place and importance of Ahle Bait. I don’t want to get into history and events of past because they are open to every body to read and research.
I think that truth is relative and is based on perceptions and experiences for example for a Christian it’s a reality that Christ is son of God and the philosophy about it is more convincing than any other denying it. There are many recorded incidents, which tell about certain experiences experienced by many Christians proving their perception of Christ being Son of God. In words of Sharief Al Razi, the famous Arab Poet
“ My Friend you cannot know the experience of wine unless you taste it”
one can clearly understand that the relativity of truth depends upon experiences and observations along with self-understanding of phenomena playing as a catalyst.
Now keeping in mind the above example and historical facts we can understand that the sects in Islam were created as a result of perceptions on political as well as different akaidi and jurisprudential understandings coming out of same sources i.e. Quran and Sunnah.
Only Quran remained undisputed in Ummah because Allah promised its protection and un-like Bible it was not collection of books written by different people, as they perceived what Christ or other prophets of Israel said. However there are some disputes on interpretations again dispute are due to difference in political affiliations and akaids.
In case of hadith there are reservations about different hadiths among Muslims for example Sunnies deny or challenge those hadith coming from Shia sources and vice versa. There is also rift between fractions of Ale Sunnah. There are controversies on hadith among conflicting schools of thought of Akaied and jurisprudence like Wahabi’s and Beralvies and Deo Bandies and Ahle hadith.
I think if we stop fighting like kids and understand that “the thing which I think true for my self may not be a truth for others” and stop criticising others and start looking on our selves only than we shall be able to make a tolerant society.
Secondly if we succeed in understanding the concept of Hadood and also the potential and concessions granted by Allah to legislate according to the requirements of time then only we will be able to over come difficulties and will be able to do what is desired from us to do.
How unfortunate it is that at present Muslim Ummah is producing only Muftees and no Mujtahids. And majority of us are still living in 7th century. Knowledge, which is the path to paradise, has become an alien in Muslim masses. Narrow mindedness, fanaticism and ignorance have become new version of Islam. I some time wonder how would Prophet respond to us so called Muslim and wonder what would have been prophet’s emotions about the present Ummah? For Ummah he wept and prayed for!
I think its time to wake up and learn from our blunders. Islam is not a still water; it gives huge space to change while remaining in the parameters or hadood Allah. Ummah must decide weather it wants to act as Allah and prophet wanted it to or remain divided and intolerant?
Question is open!

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