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ISIS Video: Afghan refugee says he will 'attack Germany' after an axe rampage injuring 19 on train


Apr 8, 2013
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Pictured: Afghan refugee waves knife and says he will 'attack Germany in revenge for airstrikes' in chilling video released by ISIS after he went on axe rampage injuring 19 on a train
  • Attacker went on the rampage on a train near Wurzburg targeting 15 people
  • Three critically injured after an attack with 'cutting and stabbing weapons'
  • A 17-year-old Afghan refugee has since been shot dead by armed police
  • ISIS have claimed the teenage attacker was an 'Islamic State fighter'
  • They released video of attacker claiming he was was Muhammad Riyad
  • Attack will put pressure on Angela Merkel and her open door policy to refugees

PUBLISHED: 21:02 GMT, 18 July 2016 | UPDATED: 15:45 GMT, 19 July 2016

  • (Check the link for videos)
ISIS has released a chilling video of the Afghan refugee who went on an axe rampage on a German train where he says he will attack the country in revenge for airstrikes against the terror group.

The attacker, who is named in the footage as Muhammad Riyad, was gunned down by armed police after fleeing the scene near the city of Wurzburg, 70 miles north of Nuremberg last night.

He is believed to be 17 years old although in the video, he appears he could be much older.

It has been revealed he moved to Germany two years ago and had been living with a foster family in Ochsenfurt for the past two weeks.

He shouted 'Allahu Akbar' during the incident and ISIS has claimed responsibility, making it the first attack by the terror group in Germany.


The 17-year-old attacker, who has been named as Muhammad Riyad by ISIS, was gunned down by armed police after fleeing the scene near the city of Wurzburg, 70 miles north of Nuremberg last night

In the video released by ISIS and filmed before the stabbing, the teenager says he will carry out the attack and threatens 'infidel' countries.

Knife in hand, he then announces in Pashto, an Afghan language, he would carry out an 'operation' in Germany, and presents himself as a 'soldier of the caliphate'.

He says: 'I am one of the soldiers of the Islamic Caliphate, and I am going to conduct an attack in Germany. It is about time to stop you from coming to our homes, killing our families, and getting away with it.


Gruesome pictures taken in the hours after the attack show the blood-soaked interior of the train


German police carry the body of the Afghan train attacker is carried from carriage and into a hearse after he was shot dead by police

The axe that Riyad used to injure his victims is recovered by police at the scene of the attack earlier today

Axe-wielding man injures at least 21 in train attack in Germany

'Our apostate politicians have never tried to stop you, and Muslims have never been able to fight you back or even speak against what you do. But these times are gone now.

'With the Islamic Caliphate now instated in Iraq, Sham, Khorasan, Libya and Yemen, its soldiers will be able to attack and slaughter you in your homelands, and they will take your nations as homes and military bases for them.


I am one of the soldiers of the Islamic Caliphate, and I am going to conduct an attack in Germany.

It is about time to stop you from coming to our homes, killing our families, and getting away with it.

Our apostate politicians have never tried to stop you, and Muslims have never been able to fight you back or even speak against what you do. But these times are gone now.

With the Islamic Caliphate now instated in Iraq, the Levant, Khorasan, Libya and Yemen, its soldiers will be able to attack and slaughter you in your homelands, and they will take your nations as homes and military bases for them.

They will also target you wherever you are, in every village, city or airport. And I here warn you, that the Islamic Caliphate is now powerful enough to target your parliaments, and I am the proof of how powerful it became.

I have been living with you all the time while planning an attack that will be stronger than the Paris attacks that continue to horrify you to this day.

I will keep fighting you as long as I am alive, I will slaughter you with this knife, and I will decapitate you with an axe.

And to the Muslims all over the world, I say: 'How long are you going to remain that passive. The Islamic Caliphate is now well established, so this is the time to declare your loyalty to the Caliph Abu Bakr Al Baghdady, and to migrate to Khorasan as well as the other Islamic State cities.

'There are also Islamic State cities all over the world, so if you can’t go to the Levant (Sham), then start killing all of the apostate armies in your countries.'

'Know this, that the Islamic State is powerful and has your parliaments in its sights.

I would advise you not to forget the spectacular attacks in France. I will fight you so long as I live and I will slaughter you with this knife and I will cut through your throats with this axe.'

Police have now recovered the axe the teenager used in his assault and removed his body from a field, where it had been left since he was shot dead last night.

However, officers have yet to confirm if he is indeed called Muhammad Riyad. But they did say the attacker had learned over the weekend that a friend had been killed in Afghanistan.

It has also been revealed that police searching the home where he had been living had found an home-made ISIS flag and a note indicating that he had become self-radicalised.

The flag and the note are believed to have been discovered in the house he was living in with a foster family.

There were also books in English and German about Islam found in his room and a written farewell to his father among his possessions.

It said: 'Pray for me that I can take revenge on these infidels and pray for me that I will go to heaven.'

He had been placed with a couple just two weeks ago after living for nearly two years in a hostel run by the Catholic Kolpingwerk charity.

Bavarian interior minister Joachim Hermann said that the teenager came to Germany as an unaccompanied minor, and applied for asylum in March.

He lived in a home for teenage refugees until he was placed with the foster family.

Neighbours in the street adjacent to the centre recalled a 'confused' young man who never marked himself out as a fanatic of any stripe.

'He always looked worried' recalled Hannelore Lenz.

'But then the Afghans here often did. The government changed the rules about offering their asylum and they were always perpetually worried about if they were going to be allowed to stay.'

Another who would not give her name said: 'The relationship with the refugees was always harmonious here.

'I do remember seeing this young man around town - not very tall, very intense dark eyes, always a little troubled looking. But I never thought him capable of this.'

People in Ochsenfurt said he was seen in a nearby mosque on 'high days and holidays' but was by no means regarded as deeply religious.


A stain of blood and the remains of a bandage lie on the pavement close to where the axe attack happened in Germany


Investigation: Police stand by the regional train on which a teenager wielding an axe attacked passengers


A 17-year-old Afghan refugee went on the rampage with an axe and a knife on a train in Germany. He was later shot dead by police

Police have refused to reveal the names of his foster parents but they are known to be worshippers at the Catholic Kreuzkirche in the centre of the town and registered with the charity that had looked after the youngster to provide a home for him.

The case is likely to deepen worries about so-called 'lone wolf' attacks in Europe and could put political pressure on German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has welcomed hundreds of thousands of migrants to Germany over the past year.

Four of the most seriously injured victims in the attack were a family of four Chinese tourists from Hong Kong.

Eyewitnesses said Riyad swung the axe into the stomach of one of his victims in a bid to disembowel him after going into the bathroom and arming himself.

According to the local newspaper in Ochsenfurt it was the 31-year-old boyfriend of the Hong Kong victims' daughter who was most gravely injured as he slashed at passenger's bodies and heads.

This morning police officers search for evidence in a field near to the railway station close to Nuremburg

Germany had thus far escaped the kind of large-scale jihadist attacks seen in the southern French city of Nice last week

Meanwhile an eyewitness, who declined to give his name, said he saw people crawl from the carriage and ask for a first-aid kit as other victims lay on the floor inside.

The onslaught started on the train from Treuchtlingen to Würzburg as the service stopped at Würzburg-Heidingsfeld.

The attacker boarded the train in Ochsenfurt at 8pm for the hour long journey.

Apparently Riyad chose that train because it was often used by a female social worker who had helped him in the past.

Someone pulled the emergency cord when the train was in the Wuerzburg suburb of Heidingsfeld, just behind a quiet street called Roethenweg.

Melanie Göttle and Günter Karban heard screams in their garden shortly after 9.15.

Their garden borders on the tracks and the pair ran out through a narrow gate to try to aid the wounded who were screaming.


The rampage onslaught started on the 9pm train from Treuchtlingen to Würzburg as it stopped at Würzburg-Heidingsfeld

'The paramedics brought the injured on stretchers through our garden to the ambulances,' said Miss Göttle.

She, her husband and neighbors helped as best they could, bringing out blankets and towels.

'We gave them hot sweet drinks before police sent most of us back into our homes,' said Melanie.

'The Asian man looked quite terrible,' she added Melanie. 'I hope so much that he survives the attack.'

As well as the two critically injured victims, one other passenger is believed to have non life-threatening injuries while 14 others suffered minor injuries or shock.

A police spokesman said: 'Shortly after arriving at Wuerzburg, a man attacked passengers with an axe and a knife.

'Three people have been seriously injured and several others lightly injured.'

As well as the three critically injured victims, one other passenger is believed to have non life-threatening injuries while 14 others suffered minor injuries or shock

The Bavarian interior ministry confirmed that police had shot and killed the attacker and a special task force has been dispatched from Wurzburg

He added: 'The perpetrator was able to leave the train, police left in pursuit and as part of this pursuit, they shot the attacker and killed him.'

There were no further details on the circumstances of the teenager's death, and police declined to suggest what the motive was for the attack.

'At this time everything is possible,' the spokesman said.

Train services had come to a halt between Wurzburg-Heidingsfeld and Ochsenfurt and a police helicopter circled the area.

The Bavarian interior ministry confirmed that police had shot and killed the attacker and a special task force has been dispatched from Wurzburg. Police believe the attacker worked alone.

The train line near the city of Wurzburg in southern Germany has been closed and police have descended on the scene

The teenager was eventually shot dead by police after he tried to attack them with a 'knife or hatchet'


Joachim Herrmann, the interior minister of Bavaria state, said the attacker was a 17-year-old Afghan who had lived in nearby Ochsenfurt

Germany had thus far escaped the kind of large-scale jihadist attacks seen in the southern French city of Nice last week, in which 31-year-old Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel used a truck to mow down people leaving a Bastille Day fireworks display, killing 84 people in an attack claimed by ISIS.

In May, a mentally-unstable 27-year-old man carried out a similar knife attack on a regional train in the south, killing one person and injuring three others.

Early reports suggested he had yelled 'Allahu Akbar' but police later said there was no evidence pointing to a religious motive. He is being held in a psychiatric hospital.

Germany let in a record nearly 1.1 million asylum seekers last year, with Syrians the largest group followed by Afghans fleeing ongoing turmoil and poverty in their country.

The number of refugees arriving in Germany has fallen sharply as a result of the closure of the Balkans migration route and an EU deal with Turkey to stem the flow.

Police, fire and ambulance crews were all dispatched to the scene of the axe attack this evening

There were no further details on the circumstances of the teenager's death, and police declined to suggest what the motive was for the attack

In April, May and June, the number was around 16,000 each month, less than a fifth of the tally seen at the start of the year, according to official figures.

Bavaria is governed by the Christian Social Union (CSU), sister party to Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative Christian Democrats.

The CSU has been loudly critical of Merkel's welcoming stance toward asylum seekers, a split that threatened the unity of the ruling coalition in Berlin and sent the government's approval ratings plunging.

It has also lent support to a right-wing populist party, Alternative for Germany, which was founded as a Eurosceptic protest party in 2013 but now mainly rails against Islam and Germany's refugee influx.

It currently polls at more than 10 percent and is represented in half of Germany's 16 states as well as the European Parliament

Throw this douche bag into the prison or out of the Germany. Terrorism should not be tolerated. They should be grateful to Germany for providing the shelter. This brainless idiot brings shame and troubles for his own community.
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Throw this douche bag into the prison or out of the Germany. Terrorism is should not be tolerated. They should be grateful to Germany for providing the shelter. This brainless idiot brings shame and troubles for his own community.
let me ask you something you are in Afghanistan ok and having dinner with your relatives and a US/Nato(germans) f-22 jet drops a bomb on your house killing everyone except you . so you bury your dad/mom little brother. Next day you open news and Obama says it was mistake but still wont stop and keep bombing and wont even issue and apology. what will you do ?
Now multiply this scenario x16 million(offical number of innocent civilians killed by NATO since its formation) and you will have al qaeda,ISIS and other terrorist organizations . .
Ungrateful piece of shit.

He gets asylum in a foreign country...lives off the hospitality of his hosts and then attacks innocent Germans? Bastards like him not only bring Islam into disrepute, feed into the far right narrative...but also make it that much harder for genuine refugees to get asylum.
let me ask you something you are in Afghanistan ok and having dinner with your relatives and a US/Nato(germans) f-22 jet drops a bomb on your house killing everyone except you . so you bury your dad/mom little brother. Next day you open news and Obama says it was mistake but still wont stop and keep bombing and wont even issue and apology. what will you do ?
Now multiply this scenario x16 million(offical number of innocent civilians killed by NATO since its formation) and you will have al qaeda,ISIS and other terrorist organizations . .
In no norms of humanity is either of the things acceptable.
Bombing of civilians and in it's revenge by attacking women and children. Both of them.
There are plenty of American and ANF troops in Afghanistan, why not fight them?
If it is revenge the seek, at least seek it with honor. If you think you'll be rewarded for butchering innocent children, you're dead wrong.
In no norms of humanity is either of the things acceptable.
Bombing of civilians and in it's revenge by attacking women and children. Both of them.
There are plenty of American and ANF troops in Afghanistan, why not fight them?
If it is revenge the seek, at least seek it with honor. If you think you'll be rewarded for butchering innocent children, you're dead wrong.
good point but do these (innocent civilains) not pay the money which leads to the army able to afford the fuel for the jets and bombs for the jets which bombs hospitals,schools,local madrassas which btw are targets of jet fighters and are absolutely legal to bomb in eyes of NATO and any kid dead is labelled terrorist .
the point i am making here is that you cant clap with just one hand if these(terrorist) are attacking people then what led them to it ? it is a reality that the west does not want you to even consider . i mean sure blame islam all you want blame whole muslim ummah but they have no one to blame except for themselves to Attack/Invade destable countries and put them in a state of war killing innocent civilians there will always be retaliation . ps the guy who just lost his family and relatives will he really give a shit if hes killing someone responsible or not to him they are the people who funded the wars and are all same .
let me ask you something you are in Afghanistan ok and having dinner with your relatives and a US/Nato(germans) f-22 jet drops a bomb on your house killing everyone except you . so you bury your dad/mom little brother. Next day you open news and Obama says it was mistake but still wont stop and keep bombing and wont even issue and apology. what will you do ?
Now multiply this scenario x16 million(offical number of innocent civilians killed by NATO since its formation) and you will have al qaeda,ISIS and other terrorist organizations . .

Its what they keep ignoring

They blame religion, radicalisation, madrassas etc etc

But they always forget one simple factor REVENGE!!

They attacked nations, they destroyed countries, killed innocents and some people want revenge and the reasoning is simple, the Americans, westerners, Europeans killed our innocents and civilians so we will attack theirs, they terrorised our people so we will do the same to theirs

The thing is they dont just want revenge, they see it as a way of destroying and ruining the very moral foundations of the western nations creating anger, animosity, hatred so they turn right wing and start to undo the very moral foundations of their states

We wilk see this as the west lurches to the right

The muslim, other non muslim immigration populations are collateral damage so as the west lurches to right wing extremism immigrant population bare the brunt and then start fleeing, in turn they lurch to conservative right wing extremism in muslim/non muslim non white countries

Personally I think its a workable plan, the west keeps sticking its nose into everyones affairs, isis, aq etc keep causing chaos so its full ahead, pity about all the collateral damage aka dead train passengers, bastille day revellers or syrians, iraqis, Afghans on the end of strikes
let me ask you something you are in Afghanistan ok and having dinner with your relatives and a US/Nato(germans) f-22 jet drops a bomb on your house killing everyone except you . so you bury your dad/mom little brother. Next day you open news and Obama says it was mistake but still wont stop and keep bombing and wont even issue and apology. what will you do ?
Now multiply this scenario x16 million(offical number of innocent civilians killed by NATO since its formation) and you will have al qaeda,ISIS and other terrorist organizations . .

Let's use your pro terrorists excuse making words and apply to your country, okay?

Say you are sitting, having dinner with your family members in FATA and boom a bomb from Pakistan artillery, or F16 comes blows you family everyone expect you...Next day you open news and nobody says it was mistake and still won't stop and they keep bombing and won't even issue any apology. what will you do ?

"Now multiply this scenario x16 million(official number of innocent civilians killed by PAK since its formation) and you will have al qaeda,ISIS,TTP and other terrorist organizations

Does it work for you? Good terrorists/ Bad terrorists.
Let's use your pro terrorists excuse making words and apply to your country, okay?

Say you are sitting, having dinner with your family members in FATA and boom a bomb from Pakistan artillery, or F16 comes blows you family everyone expect you...Next day you open news and nobody says it was mistake and still won't stop and they keep bombing and won't even issue any apology. what will you do ?

"Now multiply this scenario x16 million(official number of innocent civilians killed by PAK since its formation) and you will have al qaeda,ISIS,TTP and other terrorist organizations

Does it work for you? Good terrorists/ Bad terrorists.

Actually we evacuated the civilians first before bombing the place, but yeah I get your point.
Let's use your pro terrorists excuse making words and apply to your country, okay?

Say you are sitting, having dinner with your family members in FATA and boom a bomb from Pakistan artillery, or F16 comes blows you family everyone expect you...Next day you open news and nobody says it was mistake and still won't stop and they keep bombing and won't even issue any apology. what will you do ?

"Now multiply this scenario x16 million(official number of innocent civilians killed by PAK since its formation) and you will have al qaeda,ISIS,TTP and other terrorist organizations

Does it work for you? Good terrorists/ Bad terrorists.
there are no good or bad terrorists there are no terrorists there simply people looking for revenge for there lost ones again use your brain i am not pro terrorist the focus of conversation is not me its the 17 year old kids in germany . i am simply stating the reality that the west is avoiding . i am highlighting the very base of problems the very base of terrorist organization which is Invasion attacking whole country for the acts of a small groups and killing millions of innocents for no reason .
the whole FATA point was straight up lame emoved 90% of civilians from area prior to OP the casualty rate of Waziristan to that of NATO is not even 0.9%

Let's use your pro terrorists excuse making words and apply to your country, okay?

Say you are sitting, having dinner with your family members in FATA and boom a bomb from Pakistan artillery, or F16 comes blows you family everyone expect you...Next day you open news and nobody says it was mistake and still won't stop and they keep bombing and won't even issue any apology. what will you do ?

"Now multiply this scenario x16 million(official number of innocent civilians killed by PAK since its formation) and you will have al qaeda,ISIS,TTP and other terrorist organizations

Does it work for you? Good terrorists/ Bad terrorists.
btw when was the last time pak army was burning villages in vietnam with naplm ?
let me ask you something you are in Afghanistan ok and having dinner with your relatives and a US/Nato(germans) f-22 jet drops a bomb on your house killing everyone except you . so you bury your dad/mom little brother. Next day you open news and Obama says it was mistake but still wont stop and keep bombing and wont even issue and apology. what will you do ?
Now multiply this scenario x16 million(offical number of innocent civilians killed by NATO since its formation) and you will have al qaeda,ISIS and other terrorist organizations . .
I understand that but it should not mean I start killing innocent people and I travel all the way to Germany. If I have to avenge them, I will fight the soldiers in Afghanistan like brave person and kill them. But not the innocent people.
I understand that but it should not mean I start killing innocent people and I travel all the way to Germany. If I have to avenge them, I will fight the soldiers in Afghanistan like brave person and kill them. But not the innocent people.
I understand that but it should not mean I start killing innocent people and I travel all the way to Germany. If I have to avenge them, I will fight the soldiers in Afghanistan like brave person and kill them. But not the innocent people.
not the point am making here dude i am not justifying his action i am simply asking what led him to do it ? i am talking about unnecessary invasons wars by west which kill innocent civilians which give them an EXCUSE to attack . the very base of radicalization the very base of peoblem which no one addresses in interview the guy says
"It is about time to stop you from coming to our homes, killing our families, and getting away with it.

Our apostate politicians have never tried to stop you, and Muslims have never been able to fight you back or even speak against what you do. But these times are gone now."
this is what i am taking about why give him the excuse to attack ?
good point but do these (innocent civilains) not pay the money which leads to the army able to afford the fuel for the jets and bombs for the jets which bombs hospitals,schools,local madrassas which btw are targets of jet fighters and are absolutely legal to bomb in eyes of NATO and any kid dead is labelled terrorist .
the point i am making here is that you cant clap with just one hand if these(terrorist) are attacking people then what led them to it ? it is a reality that the west does not want you to even consider . i mean sure blame islam all you want blame whole muslim ummah but they have no one to blame except for themselves to Attack/Invade destable countries and put them in a state of war killing innocent civilians there will always be retaliation . ps the guy who just lost his family and relatives will he really give a shit if hes killing someone responsible or not to him they are the people who funded the wars and are all same .
They do not pay with intention of buying bullets to kill innocent people in Afghanistan. They just pay taxes, they don't even know how those are spent.
They do not pay with intention of buying bullets to kill innocent people in Afghanistan. They just pay taxes, they don't even know how those are spent.


this happened today.. you telling me these people dont know that their country is doing this ? they speak very freely about tax and seem to know everything and how it works when they say we will not pay for refugees with out tax .
How many protest have there been in support of civiilians killed by Drone/JET attacks in USA or NATO countries between 2001-2003
you telling me if i buy a hitman m16 clothes and food and he kills someone with it i am not to be accused of murder ?

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