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This thread is going way off topic. The question was about what the ISI does --- and whether it does James Bond-type stuff!

The ISI is set up a little different to Western (and even Indian) intel agencies, wherein the ISI is responsible both for internal and external intel/ops. In the US, for example, the FBI takes the lead in domestic counter-intelligence while the CIA is essentially external focused. In India, the IB is the lead internal agency and RAW is the lead external agency. In Israel, Mossad is external and the Shabak (aka Shinbet) is internal (including occupied Palestine).

Based on open source information, the ISI (allegedly) is structured into "Wings" denoted by letters. Some of the ones that can be gleamed from the internet have the following (supposed) responsibilities:
C - counter-intelligence; monitoring foreigners; catching spies; hunting double-agents

P - personnel; recruitment, approvals, etc.

CT - counter-terrorism; monitoring, infiltrating and acting against terrorist cells (TTP's worst nightmare)

A - analysis; preparing reports and intel estimates for the Army high command and PM

T - technical; usually headed by a Maj Gen from the Corps of Signals, gathers SIGINT mainly but also apparently runs a detention program for terrorists funded by the US

M - media; usually headed by a Navy or Air Force 2-star, responsible for molding public opinion

S - strategic/security; allegedly responsible for strategic depth and external ops (mainly India/Afghanistan); very secret, highly compartmentalized and headquartered away from the main ISI HQ in Aapbada (where C, CT, A, M and others are)

R - no proof that it exists; mentioned just in one David Ignatius article on the ISI; allegedly S Wing's operational partner (could be a rotating letter for this capability if it even does exist)

To answer the James Bond question --- obviously James Bond is fictional and glamorized, but most capable intel agencies have undertaken risky covert/clandestine ops in enemy territory by their versions of "James Bond."

Hope this helps. I do not claim that any of this is accurate --- it is mostly via open source. Happy to provide sources for any specific point if required.

What has it do it with what i wrote.....And where did i mention that i watch Bollywood...Kid if you don't have anything meaningful to say don't quote me...
And don't forget to drink your Nido every night.....:cheers:
Its typocal of yous watching bollywood movies :toast_sign:
. .
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