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ISI claiming Afghan govt supporting TTP

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Jan 28, 2012
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Pakistan intelligence agency claims Afghanistan supports Taliban splinter groups

ISLAMABAD — Pakistan's intelligence agency has accused the Afghan government of supporting Taliban splinter groups.
In a report presented to Pakistan’s Supreme Court on Tuesday, the ISI agency alleged President Hamid Karzai’s administration was in league with groups linked to the main Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan movement, known collectively as the TTS.
The report suggested the "recent nexus of TTS with Afghan government is likely to enhance the terrorist activities" in areas along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border such as Mohman, Bajaur, Dir, Swat and Chitral.
Anti-Pakistan elements, particularly from across the border in Afghanistan, had provided "strong support" in terms of money, logistics and training and this was “one of the main factors for increased militancy,” the report said.
However, it added that the Taliban’s ability to act "at will and to face security forces openly has been substantially curtailed."*
The report said that internal rifts within the main Pakistani Taliban group had led to the creation of splinter groups.
"TTS, after having been dislodged from area, has resorted to [suicide bomb and improvised explosive device] attacks" on law-enforcement agencies and other officials, the report said.
The court is considering a case involving seven people who are being kept in one of several internment centers in the border area, despite being acquitted by an anti-terrorism court because of lack of evidence against them.
The ISI report was submitted to justify the internment centers and military operations against militants more generally.
The ISI said it was not going to release people held at the internment centers, warning that the detainees included terrorists who could go to cities like Islamabad and Lahore and launch attacks.
It said that 3,871 Pakistani security personnel, more than 3,000 militants and more than 5,000 civilians had been killed in the border area in the last five years.
There had been 235 suicide attacks, 9,257 rocket attacks and 4,256 bombings during the same period, the report added.
Afghanistan and Pakistan have a difficult relationship.
Islamabad has accused Kabul of failing to stop anti-government militants from operating from mountain havens in Afghanistan, while Kabul has blamed Pakistan’s military for cross-border shelling.
U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel responds to Afghan President Hamid Karzai's statements in which Karzai accused the U.S. and Taliban with working together.
In September, Afghanistan’s foreign minister told the United Nations Security Council that diplomatic ties with Pakistan were under threat.
The Afghan foreign ministry declined to comment on the ISI report.
Earlier this month, Karzai claimed that the Taliban was carrying out attacks in Afghanistan "in service of America."
On Monday, after a private meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry in Kabul, Karzai insisted he had not meant to suggest that the United States was colluding with the Taliban, Reuters reported.
"I never used the word 'collusion' between the Taliban and the U.S. Those were not my words. Those were the [words] picked up by the media," he said.
Kerry said the two men had discussed the matter but he played it down, Reuters reported. "I am confident that the president absolutely does not believe that the United States has any interest except to see the Taliban come to the table to make peace."

Pakistan intelligence agency claims Afghanistan supports Taliban splinter groups - World News

Enough is enough, we need to silence the dog(Afghan govt) which is biting its masters hands
it makes sense because he cant grow balls being american puppet, seems he is getting backed up
I thought it was India that supported TTP.
Karzai is an idiot trying to stay relevant in future of Afghanistan and this region. He is trying to befriend snakes and they will going to bite his A$$ off.

I thought it was India that supported TTP.

Do you want to be relevant in this discussion so badly? Our agencies are intelligent enough to not to blame anyone without proof unlike india.
Karzai is an idiot trying to stay relevant in future of Afghanistan and this region. He is trying to befriend snakes and they will going to bite his A$$ off.

Do you want to be relevant in this discussion so badly? Our agencies are intelligent enough to not to blame anyone without proof unlike india.

India is financing terrorists in Pakistan, says Pervez Musharraf : Pakistan, News - India Today

Pakistan blames India for Lahore 'cricket terror plot' - Telegraph

Pak blames India, U.S., Afghanistan of funding banned militant outfits in country | TruthDiveTruthDive
Yes yes, we get it already ISI. Your neighbours are evil, b@stards, every single one of us financing terrorism in Pakistan, and that's completely illegal. ISI should be given an international monopoly over all terrorists to ensure fair use of the terrorists that it isn't already controlling.


There is a difference between speculations in news and handing over a dossier to supreme court. If you want to consider everything coming out of rehman maliks mouth reliable then go right ahead.

EzioAltaïr;4087225 said:
Yes yes, we get it already ISI. Your neighbours are evil, b@stards, every single one of us financing terrorism in Pakistan, and that's completely illegal. ISI should be given an international monopoly over all terrorists to ensure fair use of the terrorists that it isn't already controlling.


O you are so cute you damn pikachu. Is that your way of telling that you are betting on karzai to win. Wouldnt be the first time india betting on a loosing horse or more like irrelevant donkey in this case.
There is a difference between speculations in news and handing over a dossier to supreme court. If you want to consider everything coming out of rehman maliks mouth reliable then go right ahead.

O you are so cute you damn pikachu. Is that your way of telling that you are betting on karzai to win. Wouldnt be the first time india betting on a loosing horse or more like irrelevant donkey in this case.

Did Pakistan give a dossier about afghanistan's role?
EzioAltaïr;4087225 said:
Yes yes, we get it already ISI. Your neighbours are evil, b@stards, every single one of us financing terrorism in Pakistan, and that's completely illegal. ISI should be given an international monopoly over all terrorists to ensure fair use of the terrorists that it isn't already controlling.


Thank you for admitting that..
Wonder what soup ISI cooks in Afghanistan now that ISI knows Afghan is terrorist supporter

I thought it was India that supported TTP.

The same TTP that claimed it would attack Hindu "terror" camps, and help PA in gaining back IOK?

RAW must be against their own interest, then.
There is a difference between speculations in news and handing over a dossier to supreme court. If you want to consider everything coming out of rehman maliks mouth reliable then go right ahead.

O you are so cute you damn pikachu. Is that your way of telling that you are betting on karzai to win. Wouldnt be the first time india betting on a loosing horse or more like irrelevant donkey in this case.

I'm not betting on anyone. I'm just laughing at your conspiracy-theorist/intelligence agency. :D

Wonder what soup ISI cooks in Afghanistan now that ISI knows Afghan is terrorist supporter

The same TTP that claimed it would attack Hindu "terror" camps, and help PA in gaining back IOK?

RAW must be against their own interest, then.

Thank you Icewolf, you unknowingly rebutted your fellow trolls' main point in any anti-India argument. :lol:
EzioAltaïr;4087377 said:
Thank you Icewolf, you unknowingly rebutted your fellow trolls' main point in any anti-India argument. :lol:

Everyone has their own opinion on this issue, this issue of TTP supporting is very hazy, but whichever idiots are saying TTP is supported by India, should look at the things TTP has said about India.

Anyways all we know is that these TTP thugs would not survive without support, and all evidence is pointing to Afghanistan. When ISI says it, you know it's reliable. Although one is skeptical about what R&AW says... Better catch up in your credibility
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