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ISAF (NATO) Killed 3 Pakistani Soldiers @ Pak-Afghan Check Post (Again)

This seems to go with other reports as to what exactly happened.

But this goes on to show that despite prior warnings to the NATO officials they paid no head to it. and still decided to cross over into Pakistan, and the small arms fire that they received was from the Border forces to warn them that they are in Pakistani territory.
But this goes on to show that despite prior warnings to the NATO officials they paid no head to it. and still decided to cross over into Pakistan, and the small arms fire that they received was from the Border forces to warn them that they are in Pakistani territory.

Yes this is true. This is 100% ISAF fault. They knew they would be fired on if they crossed over. Smalls arms fire was not going to bring a gunship down anyway so they decided to act aggressively. Obviously they wont release the radio or gun cam footage so we will not know exactly how everything played out.
ISPR Press Realease:

A spokesman of ISPR said that today at 0525 hours two helicopters from Afghanistan appeared to have crossed the border into Pakistan at Mandata Kandaho, Ali Mangola area of Upper Kurram Agency and engaged through cannon fire on an outpost of Frontier Corps, located 200 meters inside Pakistan (location of post shared with ISAF), manned by six soldiers.

Troops of Frontier Corps present at the post retaliated through rifle fire to indicate that the helicopters were crossing into our territory.

Instead of heeding to the warning, helicopters went to fire two missiles, destroying the post.

As a result, three FC soldiers have embraced shahadat (killed) and three have been injured. This is the third incident of its kind during past one week.

In the wake of the last incident on 27 September, contact was made at the highest military level and the incident was regretted by the USA.

What a shame... I think enough is enough... Pakistan needs to get tough on America... We are already shamed by what our civilian and military governments have done in the past... Now is the time that Pakistan's military needs to take decisive action... Enough with regrets...
Obviously NATO pilots did this on purpose..A trained Pilot sitting in hi tech Attack helicopter with dozen types of cameras cannot mistake a military check post for terrorist hideout.
In essence ISAF has been showing their middle finger to Pakistan for too long now.Its time Pakistan takes practical action instead of just verbal protests...

Pakistan is facing loss of life and material anyway by the hands of the so called ISAF..Why not retaliate..Not much will change for Pakistan if they retaliate.
Good luck my brothers.....

May I recommend not attacking us, plz make wise choices
I am agreeing with you all NATO should withdraw from Afghanstan, blame it on Pakistan for sideing with Taliban. Since it is then evident that the Taliban are calling the shots in Pakistan and Afghanstan, treat those countries as enemys that are supporting terrorist. I am sure most american agree with me.

Not much doubt that Pakistan is supporting terrorism now.

Pakistan holds government worker in NYC plot
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But why would the FC folks fire on an ally's helicopter if it strayed 200 meters inside Pakistan? Even in case of air crafts, there is first a radio warning followed by firing. So why blame the NATO? They just returned fire..
But why would the FC folks fire on an ally's helicopter if it strayed 200 meters inside Pakistan? Even in case of air crafts, there is first a radio warning followed by firing. So why blame the NATO? They just returned fire..
I expect they are the same folks that allowed the taliban to go into Afghanstan to attack NATO in the first place.
I am agreeing with you all NATO should withdraw from Afghanstan, blame it on Pakistan for sideing with Taliban. Since it is then evident that the Taliban are calling the shots in Pakistan and Afghanstan, treat those countries as enemys that are supporting terrorist. I am sure most american agree with me.

Not much doubt that Pakistan is supporting terrorism now.

Pakistan holds government worker in NYC plot
Pakistan holds government worker in NYC plot - Yahoo! News


Pakistan must change there ways fast.
Nato says aircraft did cross border into Pakistan
Nato soldier in Afghanistan Nato is launching more raids into Pakistan in pursuit of militants

Nato in Afghanistan says its aircraft crossed into Pakistan and fired at suspected militants, in an attack Pakistan says killed three soldiers.

Nato said its aircraft killed "several armed individuals" as the crew believed they were being fired on.

Pakistan says the helicopter attacked a military checkpoint, and that it "strongly disapproves" of violation of its sovereignty.

It has blocked supply routes for US and Nato troops in Afghanistan.

It is not clear whether the closure is in retaliation for the attack.

However, if it becomes permanent, the blockade of one of two important routes could lead to a major escalation in tensions between Pakistan and the United States.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik said after the border attack on Thursday that "we will have to see whether we are allies or enemies".

In a statement, Nato said that after striking what was believed to be an insurgent group, "the aircraft received what the crews assessed as effective small-arms fire from individuals just across the border in Pakistan".

"Operating in self-defence, the... aircraft entered into Pakistani airspace killing several armed individuals," it said.
Map of northern Pakistan

A Pakistani military spokesman told the Agence France-Presse news agency that troops fired at the helicopter "to indicate that the helicopters were crossing into our territory". Three soldiers were killed and three were injured.

President Ali Asif Zardari said "any violation of internationally agreed principles is counter-productive and unacceptable".

A queue of about 100 Nato vehicles was waiting to cross the border into Afghanistan earlier on Thursday.

However, local officials said the closure was carried out as a security measure to ensure Nato vehicles were not attacked by the Taliban in retaliation for the helicopter attack.

The route through the Khyber area supplies Kabul and is one of two key supply lines linking Pakistan to Afghanistan.

Another route - going though Quetta and Chaman to southern Afghanistan - remains open.
New pattern

Meanwhile at least five suspected militants have been killed in a suspected drone strike some 30km (18 miles) west of Miramshah, officials say.

There has been a major escalation in such strikes this year - with 64 in North Waziristan and six in South Waziristan.
Pakistani soldier handing out flood supplies Pakistan says that its forces have been stretched because of recent floods

The latest strikes have set a new pattern in the US-led "war on terror" in Pakistani tribal areas

Previously, drones have been carrying out strikes against al-Qaeda and Taliban targets in the area, but it seems that coalition forces have now decided to start using the "hot-pursuit" option as well, says the BBC's M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad.

Thursday's strikes come after months of pressure from the Western coalition urging Pakistan to launch a clean-up operation against militant groups in its North Waziristan tribal area.

Pakistan has argued that this would be difficult because troops are already spread too thinly to open a new front against the militants, especially when many soldiers have been helping out with recent flood relief operations.

BBC News - Nato says aircraft did cross border into Pakistan

Pakistan must change there ways fast.


and what about america's ways??

we are the ones that prevented russia from nukeing america's tushi to stone age and destroyed its biggest enemy, and instead of thanking us what did america do??

put sanctions on us and leave us with millions of refugees on one side and stupid trigger happy neighbour on the other.

Do you know how much it costs to feed 2 million ppl for 15 years?

and now america is doing it again.. seeing itself failing in afghanistan it is trying to put the blame on us.
I expect they are the same folks that allowed the taliban to go into Afghanstan to attack NATO in the first place.

who told you that? Glenn Beck? or was it Joe the plumber this time?

please dont make such insulting remarks. Taliban see Pakistan Army and NATO forces as their arch enemies and have never spared any chance to harm both of them.

I urge anyone who doubt Pakistan Amry's commitment in war on terror to get off their chair and go and say that to the soldiers fighting the taliban. I am sure they will kick the person so hard that the new resting place of their backside will be between their sholder blades. remarks like these is like blaming a holocaust victim for colluding with the Nazis.

my request to all "real" and "fake" "American flag bearing members is not to turn this thread into a flame war.

the only party laughing here is the Taliban & their sympathisers
save the sarcasm & point scoring for another time
Logic is if 3 Pakistan soldiers are killed, they feel bad about it. But when their trained terrorists kill hundreds, they sit back and enjoy the fun. There were 164 people killed in Mumbai attacks. And there is a clear involvement of ISI the Pakistani Secret Service agency. And after 2 years of the Mumbai attacks, not one person is punished in Pakistan. So the moral of the story is that these people and this nation understands only one language - force.
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