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Is US perpared for the coronavirus breakout, Mandarin speaking guy investigate in New York


Nov 4, 2011
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Is US perpared for the coronavirus breakout, A Mandarin speaking American guy investigated in New York.

Unlike every Chinese hospital, US hospitals don't have a designated place for patients who are running a fever, masks were run out and some people steal them from the hospital. China has 4.3 hospital beds per 1000 patients, US only has 2.8 beds.

Most US hospitals are privately owned, if there is an outbreak in New York, US can't mobilise all doctors and nurses across the nation to go to help New York like China did for Wuhan.

If you want to tested for the coronavirus, you have to pay 3500$-4500$ for the test.

No one wears masks in New York and people are not very concerned.

I hope this brave citizen reporter does not disappear..;)
Can you verify his story?

Nope..none seem to care...the only carona people are concerned about in my city is

Can't stand this washed out lame ugly white guy. I saw a bunch of his videos before. He earns his living by exploiting white worshiping Chinese.

Western societies are not clownish to dramatize some infectious flu. Life goes on as usual. Eastern people are weak and dramatic.
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how about now? Costco empty yet?

Well now that the Chinese are back in their factories Costco should have no trouble restocking.
Thank you for risking your lives to make my AirPod :wub:
They are not giving much importance to corona virus, they will only do when it will bite hard in their ***.
No panic yet. Even Chinese people on the subway aren’t wearing masks. Although everybody is avoiding Chinatown.

Masks keep selling out, CDC keeps pleading with public not to buy them
by: By Scottie Andrew and Jessie Yeung, CNN, Jason Sloss

WASHINGTON -- Panic over the novel coronavirus is hitting a fever pitch in the US. And despite repeated pleas from health officials not to purchase them, Americans can't stop snatching up masks and respirators.

The mask boom has prompted sellers to jack up prices and exploit demand. This has meant a shortage for medics who need them. And Chinese Americans are buying in bulk to send to their families overseas.

"We need to make sure those N95 masks are available for the doctors and nurses that are going to be taking care of individuals that have this illness," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield said during a House Foreign Affairs hearing on Thursday. "And it really does displease me, to find people going out, there is no role for these masks in the community."

Overwhelming demand leads to price gouging

Demand for the masks is the highest its been in months. According to data provided to CNN by Helium 10, a software company that assists Amazon retailers, Amazon users have searched for the word "N95 mask" more than 862,000 times in the last 30 days. In December, users searched for the keyword a mere 4,500 times over 30 days.
And with overwhelming demand comes inevitable price gouging.
The top-selling mask product, a 100-pack of Universal 4533 sanitary dust masks, started selling at $8. The price eventually rose over $200, Helium 10 said.

Masks keep selling out, CDC keeps pleading with public not to buy them
by: By Scottie Andrew and Jessie Yeung, CNN, Jason Sloss

WASHINGTON -- Panic over the novel coronavirus is hitting a fever pitch in the US. And despite repeated pleas from health officials not to purchase them, Americans can't stop snatching up masks and respirators.

The mask boom has prompted sellers to jack up prices and exploit demand. This has meant a shortage for medics who need them. And Chinese Americans are buying in bulk to send to their families overseas.

"We need to make sure those N95 masks are available for the doctors and nurses that are going to be taking care of individuals that have this illness," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield said during a House Foreign Affairs hearing on Thursday. "And it really does displease me, to find people going out, there is no role for these masks in the community."

Overwhelming demand leads to price gouging

Demand for the masks is the highest its been in months. According to data provided to CNN by Helium 10, a software company that assists Amazon retailers, Amazon users have searched for the word "N95 mask" more than 862,000 times in the last 30 days. In December, users searched for the keyword a mere 4,500 times over 30 days.
And with overwhelming demand comes inevitable price gouging.
The top-selling mask product, a 100-pack of Universal 4533 sanitary dust masks, started selling at $8. The price eventually rose over $200, Helium 10 said.

Notice the guy in the video is not wearing a mask.
I live in Germany and in some small town there has been few cases and still no one is wearing masks. So I can understand nobody gives a shit about this in the US either.
To China. He should have brought some back.
Now in China masks are back on shelves again, we produce 110 million of them every single day now, before this virus China produced over half of the world masks, I don't know about the percentage now. I m pretty sure that US will buy from China.
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