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Is Trump aware of Israel stealing US weapons/secrets to sell to China?

Trump is well aware , all those talks of cutting ties to japan , nato , south korea are just political bantering , what he means is Israel .
Trump is well aware , all those talks of cutting ties to japan , nato , south korea are just political bantering , what he means is Israel .

Hope so.

Lets hope he finds out 9/11 was done by Israel/Saudi Arabia etc.
Hope so.

Lets hope he finds out 9/11 was done by Israel/Saudi Arabia etc.

9/11 was my fault , i talked too much about it as a kid in school , and then it happened ..

my point is just because ivanka trump is married to a zionist doesn't make trump pro-zionist , we have to wait and see
9/11 was my fault , i talked too much about it as a kid in school , and then it happened ..

my point is just because ivanka trump is married to a zionist doesn't make trump pro-zionist , we have to wait and see

We will have to wait and see.

The fact that the whole establishment was on the side of Hilderbeast says it all really.
We will have to wait and see.

The fact that the whole establishment was on the side of Hilderbeast says it all really.

even if trump is pro-israel , the world has too many things to think about other than the welfare of juice , the 21st century is not a century of israel
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