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Is Pervaiz Rasheed a man of peace & reconciliation?


Aug 12, 2014
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Is Pervaiz Rasheed a man of peace & reconciliation? - I wrote that because I know him very well. I first met him in London when he lived in exile and what can be described as poverty. I used to invite him in my shows in Prime TV London where I first started to be a TV Anchor leaving behind aspirations of being an international civil servant in WTO. We became very good friends, and remained till he became a minister. I have never asked him for a favor but I suspected and blamed him for the closure of my program at Express this year. I called him to tell him that he has done it. He denied, but I believe that he was responsible. I even texted him that we will discuss this when you will not be a minister any more and you will not always be a minister. He did not reply.

But lets go back to the story: When Nawaz Sharif moved to London from Saudi Arabia then Pervaiz Rashid worked in his newly created secretariat at Duke Street. He is a soft spoken well meaning man who is a great listener. He was one of those rare PMLN persons who was close to both Nawaz and Shahbaz. Both brothers did not always enjoy the best of relations. Nawaz always suspected that Musharraf and establishment liked Shahbaz and so many close to Nawaz kept on filling his ears against Shahbaz. But the interesting thing was that both brothers can pour their heart against each other with Pervaiz Rashid. Many other PMLN leaders also worked there off and on. Most tried to destroy each other. But Pervaiz Rashid maintained his peace with every one. He was always the balancing factor for all of them. That is why I wrote he is basically a man of peace and reconciliation.

Now coming to your impressions. I don't deny that. He is coming across very badly. His press conferences, his diatribes against Imran Khan often looked ridiculous and very unimpressive for government's main spokesman and he is often out of breath as if not even convinced himself. And frankly he just made a fool of himself while making that bizarre press conference on Faisalabad today. And I understand when many of you express such strong sentiments against him. But he is not a bad man. I will say he is basically a good man. Sometimes jobs do bring the worst out of you - like marriages. Many of you who might have been very gregarious or happy go marry might become jittery or frustrated or hated types after marriage. Jobs are also like marriages. But many don't understand that. I personally consider job far more important than marriage. Jobs define you.

And that is why I have changed so many careers. I was very good as a medical student and got a paid house job but my love of history and political science took me to CSS. I stood 17th position in Civil Services Exam and wanted to be in Foreign Service or DMG but due to AJK quota they offered me Police or Customs. Police was non-starter so I took Customs. Every one thought I was very lucky and will make lots of money. I soon hated it, was totally unable to handle its culture and the interaction and it brought the worst out of me: depression, over-weight and extremely low self-image of someone who saw himself as a great failure. I was always trying to impress upon everyone with my title and if someone - educated from abroad - was insufficiently impressed then I had bouts of depression.

In all those years I spent in civil services more than half were on leave of one or the other kind: study leave, marriage leave (though did not marry; told my boss after rejoining office that my cousin - that did not exist - has refused marrying me) sick leave, rest leave, extra-ordinary leave and so on. Most of the time I was sick with backache or stomach upset, tonsillitis or gastric ulcers anyway. And I tried impressing every woman with my titles and none was impressed. And then I finally escaped to New York in search of nirvana. I thought I will become an American - total divorce from past, Islam and Pakistan. Then 9/11 happened and I realized that "identity" is not determined by where you are, but by your inner psyche and I found the Muslim Pakistani inside me. That was the beginning of a sense of purpose and my happiness. Happiness walks on busy feet. And in absolute poverty I found love too. Knowing thyself and bringing out what is inside you gives immense happiness. I do that and I am one of the most happy persons on the planet. I seldom fall sick except occasional flu.

TV gives me an ability to express myself. But more than TV it is the writing and ability to communicate that defines me and gives me the kick. I will be far more happier if I can make a living out of writing and lecturing. So far I have not been; but may be I will.

So what you do is important and if that clicks with your true inner identity then you create the impact and the world resonates around you. This is how I see Imran Khan and that is why I am impressed. When he was a cricket star I hated him because all my school or college girls loved him. I saw his metal as a politician - a self achieved man who is not after money or physical possessions but a mission to change a nation for better. It is not about the size of riches, model of your car and brand of your watch; its about connecting the inside with outside. This is what Imran Khan has achieved. And that is why I had said that Pervaiz Rashid the soft spoken listener and a genuine peace maker is being used in the wrong role of an Attacker. I hope this explanation helps!

Brilliant from Moeed Pirzada
Here is a link to his FB page where he posted this
Moeed Pirzada | Facebook
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