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Is Pakistan today worse then It ever was

syeda bukhary


New Recruit

Jul 1, 2008
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The situation in Pakistan 2day is worse then it ever was??? becaues of North Koria Uranium Case?? as Dr Abul Qadeer Khan, blamed Pakistan Army,I.S.I, and Gen P Musharaf. supose aq khan has personal grudges for musharaf,but what happe his love for his HOME LAND, love for hisNation, love for his ArmdForces.?? Does he know his few words about north koria uranium could Harm Pakistan a LOT.. 2day Pakistan is a Attomic Country,and Dr Abdul Qadeer did it,then why he is saying this? what is the reason behind it? is it a turnning point for hole nation???:pakistan:
He is just on rampage. He does realize that it will cause negatives about Pakistan in the International media. But he doesn't care.
well you are right that Pakistan today worse then It ever was but Dr AQ Khan is not the center of problems the real problem is our pro-US policies. out leader are American "pithu". the country is in state of war from 8 years! food, oil, power crises and joblessness already vanishing middle to lower class. and our Mr 10% is doing nothing except for using delaying tactics.
Dr. Qadeer has not blamed the Army. The Army is an institution compromised of thousands of individuals. He blamed its head General Musharraf. And he has the right to. Everyone knew what was going on, from the Generals to the politicians, and he took the blame for it all. This is one policy of President Musharraf I didn't support, because hey lets be realistic, military planes are used to transport nuclear material and the Chief of Army Staff has no knowledge of it, and it wasn't used once, but many times. All are to blame from top to bottom.
when you blame the people that run the institution then all of the blame automatically comes on the entire institution. i had great respect and admiration for the AQ khan but the i find that i have less and less respect for that man as days go by and as he makes these claims that hurt the nation.
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