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Is Pakistan ready for a male contraceptive pill?

Friends halt the posts till our pakistani friends decide whether it is Islamic or Unislamic.

Tab tak aap You tube par Pakistani Mujra pesh farmayen.
What does Islam says about Family planning and Marrying more than one woman? 01 - YouTube

Sir contraceptive is only allowed in one case if pregnancy would endanger a women't live than only these methods can be used
Pregnancy does indeed dangers women's life thats why is called her 2 birth as woman goes through same cycle again.But only a woman can tell her experience not the man coz its woman specific exp.Now as i'm concerned right should be given to woman that she decide her husband use contraceptive or not unless she wants to get pregnant.

Friends halt the posts till our pakistani friends decide whether it is Islamic or Unislamic.

Tab tak aap You tube par Pakistani Mujra pesh farmayen.
There are two pakistan.one you see in internet world like that of PDF and other is Physically exsisting one.If you see the real one you dont find it more religiously strict even beyond some abberations.Otherwise Movie like Bol base on population explosion problem would not have gone hugely popular.Nah! i'm not speaking of big cities Lhr,Isb,Khi. but the small centers like in sialkot multan Faisalabad.
Pregnancy does indeed dangers women's life thats why is called her 2 birth as woman goes through same cycle again.But only a woman can tell her experience not the man coz its woman specific exp.Now as i'm concerned right should be given to woman that she decide her husband use contraceptive or not unless she wants to get pregnant.

There are two pakistan.one you see in internet world like that of PDF and other is Physically exsisting one.If you see the real one you dont find it more religiously strict even beyond some abberations.Otherwise Movie like Bol base on population explosion problem would not have gone hugely popular.Nah! i'm not speaking of big cities Lhr,Isb,Khi. but the small centers like in sialkot multan Faisalabad.
Sir I am talking about clear cut danger not which you are talking about when giving birth that kind of danger also remains when a person is driving you can have accident at any moment but if a doctor says even sitting in a car can kill you that is what I am talking about it should be both but most men get married to start a complete family
Pregnancy does indeed dangers women's life thats why is called her 2 birth as woman goes through same cycle again.But only a woman can tell her experience not the man coz its woman specific exp.Now as i'm concerned right should be given to woman that she decide her husband use contraceptive or not unless she wants to get pregnant.

I admire your thinking but GOD has made every one perfect for their role in this world, except of ABNORMALS and you should be thankful to you GOD that your Father or Mother didn't take any kind pregnancy preventing pill after or before having sex for your birth, so one day you could teach other people that you should dispose off the stuff that cause a pregnancy i.e. a process of life cycle. :tdown:
Not true
While Islam encourages people to have kids, contraception is not against Islam. The Prophet never prohibited it.
Abortion on the other hand is anti Islamic if it's not done for a medical reason.

Is it in the Quran?
Have you read a Hadiath specifically mentioning Condoms?

I wasn't expecting that from you bro, Its a bit stupid !
Was there any thing like condom in past, specially in that era ? Were Romans and Persians and greater empires produced any thing like that ? Was there any thing like pregnancy preventing medicines ? In past time, like the true nature of life cycle, a sex would lead to a pregnancy.
Muhammad SAW straight away said that he liked greater Muslim Families or good Number of Children. What do you think about that?
Deciding about some one's life or the natural life cycle or controlling birth is not a Human's job. Supporters should just once think that they are alive today because at that time their sperms were not just got trapped in a condom.
I admire your thinking but GOD has made every one perfect for their role in this world, except of ABNORMALS and you should be thankful to you GOD that your Father or Mother didn't take any kind pregnancy preventing pill after or before having sex for your birth, so one day you could teach other people that you should dispose off the stuff that cause a pregnancy i.e. a process of life cycle. :tdown:
Though its one hidden cheesy comment but it deserve the answer otherwise it wont put the stop.God has given the human brain to think about so that they dont behave as animals.And with brain God has given the gift of knowledge to man so that he put that to use for his well being instead of calling and complaining to god in his Dua everytime he sits f0r prayer. And if god as given the knowledge of contraceptives for human that mean he wants us to use that to our well being.
And as for my mom and dad they were quite clear not confused as professionals they always wanted only single child if its not for me there would have been other child but only single child.:tup:

Sir I am talking about clear cut danger not which you are talking about when giving birth that kind of danger also remains when a person is driving you can have accident at any moment but if a doctor says even sitting in a car can kill you that is what I am talking about it should be both but most men get married to start a complete family

Population and Birth Control in Islam


I remember our Islamic Studies teacher at LUMS believed that one should have as many children as one can since the Quran says that God will take care of them all1. With the world population exploding, naked and hungry children crowding the streets of many muslim countries and the limited resources on earth the argument seems to be weaker in my eyes than ever before. I'm interested in the actual ayat in the Quran and their context which guide the Muslims on this issue of birth control.

Does the Quran really tell us to multiply by as much as we want. Does it tell us that using contraception is forbidden. Could you quote the verses in your detailed reply.


I am not aware of the specific line of argument put forth by the Islamic Studies instructor, therefore I will try to explain different points of views regarding the issues that have been raised in the question to give as full a treatment as I can.

The first argument against family planning is derived from the following verse:

... وَلاَ تَقْتُلُواْ أَوْلاَدَكُم مِّنْ إمْلاَقٍ نَّحْنُ نَرْزُقُكُمْ وَإِيَّاهُمْ ...
... Kill not your children because of poverty - We provide sustenance for you and for them ... (Quran 6:151)
From this verse, two things can be clearly derived:

Provisions are bestowed by God; we just earn.
We must not kill our children when we are short on provisions.
In effect what this line of reasoning suggests is that we must not consider ourselves as providers and sustainers and even if we think we cannot provide for our children, we must believe that God can and will, and therefore we must not plan our families.

This argument seems weak because not having children in the first place is not equivalent to killing children primarily because children possess both life as well as soul whereas a child that has not even been conceived in mother's womb does neither. However, it must still be borne in mind that the ultimate provider is God alone and as a result . even though this argument does not hold directly against family planning . it outlines an important principle that must be kept in mind while taking a decision on the issue.

The second argument against family planning is based on the following verse:

نِسَآؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَّكُمْ فَأْتُواْ حَرْثَكُمْ أَنَّى شِئْتُمْ وَقَدِّمُواْ لأَنفُسِكُمْ وَاتَّقُواْ اللّهَ وَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّكُم مُّلاَقُوهُ وَبَشِّرِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
Your wives are a tilth for you, so go into your tilth when you like, and do good beforehand for yourselves, and be careful (of your duty) to God, and know that you will meet Him, and give good news to the believers. (Quran 2:223)
Our relationship with our wives has been called out as that of a cultivator and the cultivated land, and in such a relationship, one never sows a seed and then not expect any produce. The same analogy is used to derive that when a male and a female copulate, they must also leave it for nature to act and cause something to be produced or not in the same fashion.

Scholars who have disagreed with this point of view have further elaborated that in the same way as a farmer who waits for the best season for cultivation and does his best for the produced yield to be high and the quality to be the best possible, we, as humans, should act similarly when bearing children. Since we are responsible for the well-being of our children, we should also be prepared and bear them at a good time when we can fulfill our duties as responsible parents.

Keeping the above discussion in perspective, I am of the opinion that family planning which determines the total number of children beforehand, while not knowing the future, is not really accepting God as our ultimate provider. With respect to the spacing between the children, I am of the opinion that the couple making such a decision must understand that bringing up children well and providing them with education, moral values and so forth is responsibility of the parents. It is important in this context to note that, like any other decision in our life, our decision here must also be based on the value we will get in the Hereafter and not in this world. Consequently, a couple should not avoid a child in order to afford a better than the life-style permitted by Islam or to fulfill their other desires that are solely associated with this world. However, when the same choice is made taking into account factors like health, upbringing and education of the children, and making them into people who will be successful in the Hereafter, the couple may practically be taking the same decision but the thought process makes it quite different.

In my opinion, the naked and hungry children appearing on the streets of Muslim countries are failures of the governments to provide enough for their citizens. In general, a careful government should not only strive to arrange provisions for its existing citizens but also plan for the future. I am not convinced that a government should force family planning on citizens of a country for its own inability to create a system that can earn for all. Prophet Joseph (pbuh)'s example illustrates this well: When he was asked by the chief of Egypt to save the nation from upcoming drought, he not only managed to plan for Egypt, but he also arranged for food for the neighboring lands.

1 The view of Dr. Khalid Zaheer on family planning seems to have been misunderstood by the questioner. For his understanding on the subject, see a related response on his website.
ajtr is gem...good poster ....i totally agree,pakistan pace is much higher than indian one..
Contraception / Birth Control is Not Forbidden

Clergy have innovated the prohibition of contraception for believing couples. There is no evidence for this in the Qur'an. Their only argument that a believer should produce as many children as possible is in direct opposition to the Qur'an.

See Is Having More Children Islamic?

"Do not say falsely, 'this is lawful and that is prohibited', inventing a lie about Allah..." (Qur'an 16:116)

The ideas some people hold on the "intervention" of contraception with the destiny of Allah, is incorrect. The 'destiny of Allah' is a predetermination of every event and every human being to appear on earth from the beginning of time till the end of time - since Allah knows and controls all events. The use of contraception is also part of Allah's pre-determined sequence of events. Therefore, family planning as a result of the use of contraception is part of Allah's destiny and does not change what was destined by Allah. Contraception should be perceived as yet another blessing of Allah to human beings, and something to thank Allah by.

To conclude, there is no prohibition in the use of contraception, nor are there any limits, restrictions or conditions on how much it may be used.

Is Having More Children Islamic?

An un-Quranic idea spread by the traditional circle is that it is virtuous in the sight of Allah to have as many children as possible. This teaching is in direct opposition to Quranic values on how a believer should perceive children.

They teach that having as many children as possible will make them better worthy of Paradise. Allah teaches against this mentality:

"And they said: 'We have more wealth and more children, and we will not be punished'." (Qur'an 34:35)

This infers that more children is not what draws one near to Allah. Allah teaches the believers:

"Neither wealth nor children will bring you nearer to Us, but those who believe and do good deeds will have multiple rewards for what they have done, and will live safely in the lofty dwellings of Paradise." (Qur'an 34:37)

The Qur'an frequently mentions children along with wealth. The mentality indicated here is indeed observable among people in the way they take pride in their children, in a similar manner they do with their wealth. For example, they compete with one another in whose child attends the best university, or has the best career, or generally like to have an affluent perception of their family in the community.

"Wealth and children are the attractions of the life of this world. But the good deeds which endure are better in your Lord's sight and better in respect of hope." (Qur'an 18:46)

The religious view used to approve having more children (increasing size of the "ummah") is an attempt at rationalising a highly irreligious concept with religion (that is not based on the Qur'an anyway) - so that a person enjoys something not approved by Allah believing it is.

"Know that the life of this world is merely a game and a diversion and allurement and a cause of boasting among yourselves and trying to outdo one another in wealth and children: like the plant-growth after rain which delights the cultivators, but then it withers and you see it turning yellow, and then it becomes broken stubble. In the hereafter there is terrible punishment but also forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure. The life of this world is nothing but the enjoyment of delusion." (Qur'an 57:20)
Though its one hidden cheesy comment but it deserve the answer otherwise it wont put the stop.God has given the human brain to think about so that they dont behave as animals.And with brain God has given the gift of knowledge to man so that he put that to use for his well being instead of calling and complaining to god in his Dua everytime he sits f0r prayer. And if god as given the knowledge of contraceptives for human that mean he wants us to use that to our well being.
And as for my mom and dad they were quite clear not confused as professionals they always wanted only single child if its not for me there would have been other child but only single child.:tup:

Population and Birth Control in Islam


I remember our Islamic Studies teacher at LUMS believed that one should have as many children as one can since the Quran says that God will take care of them all1. With the world population exploding, naked and hungry children crowding the streets of many muslim countries and the limited resources on earth the argument seems to be weaker in my eyes than ever before. I'm interested in the actual ayat in the Quran and their context which guide the Muslims on this issue of birth control.

Does the Quran really tell us to multiply by as much as we want. Does it tell us that using contraception is forbidden. Could you quote the verses in your detailed reply.


I am not aware of the specific line of argument put forth by the Islamic Studies instructor, therefore I will try to explain different points of views regarding the issues that have been raised in the question to give as full a treatment as I can.

The first argument against family planning is derived from the following verse:

... وَلاَ تَقْتُلُواْ أَوْلاَدَكُم مِّنْ إمْلاَقٍ نَّحْنُ نَرْزُقُكُمْ وَإِيَّاهُمْ ...
... Kill not your children because of poverty - We provide sustenance for you and for them ... (Quran 6:151)
From this verse, two things can be clearly derived:

Provisions are bestowed by God; we just earn.
We must not kill our children when we are short on provisions.
In effect what this line of reasoning suggests is that we must not consider ourselves as providers and sustainers and even if we think we cannot provide for our children, we must believe that God can and will, and therefore we must not plan our families.

This argument seems weak because not having children in the first place is not equivalent to killing children primarily because children possess both life as well as soul whereas a child that has not even been conceived in mother's womb does neither. However, it must still be borne in mind that the ultimate provider is God alone and as a result . even though this argument does not hold directly against family planning . it outlines an important principle that must be kept in mind while taking a decision on the issue.

The second argument against family planning is based on the following verse:

نِسَآؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَّكُمْ فَأْتُواْ حَرْثَكُمْ أَنَّى شِئْتُمْ وَقَدِّمُواْ لأَنفُسِكُمْ وَاتَّقُواْ اللّهَ وَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّكُم مُّلاَقُوهُ وَبَشِّرِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
Your wives are a tilth for you, so go into your tilth when you like, and do good beforehand for yourselves, and be careful (of your duty) to God, and know that you will meet Him, and give good news to the believers. (Quran 2:223)
Our relationship with our wives has been called out as that of a cultivator and the cultivated land, and in such a relationship, one never sows a seed and then not expect any produce. The same analogy is used to derive that when a male and a female copulate, they must also leave it for nature to act and cause something to be produced or not in the same fashion.

Scholars who have disagreed with this point of view have further elaborated that in the same way as a farmer who waits for the best season for cultivation and does his best for the produced yield to be high and the quality to be the best possible, we, as humans, should act similarly when bearing children. Since we are responsible for the well-being of our children, we should also be prepared and bear them at a good time when we can fulfill our duties as responsible parents.

Keeping the above discussion in perspective, I am of the opinion that family planning which determines the total number of children beforehand, while not knowing the future, is not really accepting God as our ultimate provider. With respect to the spacing between the children, I am of the opinion that the couple making such a decision must understand that bringing up children well and providing them with education, moral values and so forth is responsibility of the parents. It is important in this context to note that, like any other decision in our life, our decision here must also be based on the value we will get in the Hereafter and not in this world. Consequently, a couple should not avoid a child in order to afford a better than the life-style permitted by Islam or to fulfill their other desires that are solely associated with this world. However, when the same choice is made taking into account factors like health, upbringing and education of the children, and making them into people who will be successful in the Hereafter, the couple may practically be taking the same decision but the thought process makes it quite different.

In my opinion, the naked and hungry children appearing on the streets of Muslim countries are failures of the governments to provide enough for their citizens. In general, a careful government should not only strive to arrange provisions for its existing citizens but also plan for the future. I am not convinced that a government should force family planning on citizens of a country for its own inability to create a system that can earn for all. Prophet Joseph (pbuh)'s example illustrates this well: When he was asked by the chief of Egypt to save the nation from upcoming drought, he not only managed to plan for Egypt, but he also arranged for food for the neighboring lands.

1 The view of Dr. Khalid Zaheer on family planning seems to have been misunderstood by the questioner. For his understanding on the subject, see a related response on his website.

You are bringing Family planning here ! every sensible person care about that. But i am taking about having sex and preventing pregnancy which is wrong and not allowed in Islam. Sex is the key of Life not only of joy. It is in nature of every living being for a purpose. If you wana have sex then you must know that it have consequences which is a birth of a child if you prevent it, you probably have killed it.
For the sake of Family planning it better you should not have sex but must not drop a possible child after that.
Is it clear sir.

And plz don't bring Different Mullah's Fatohat they often sell it for their large tummies.
yeah education is required for majority of Pakistanis before introducing the pills there otherwise half of them would be shoving it up their ****.:cheesy:

Talking about education Pakistani population 180 million give or take a few Indian population over a Billion and growing.I wonder who should be getting educated

As far as your sexual fantasies are concerned keep it to your self we get it you are Gay or Homo sexual what ever the term you prefer.
You are bringing Family planning here ! every sensible person care about that. But i am taking about having sex and preventing pregnancy which is wrong and not allowed in Islam. Sex is the key of Life not only of joy. It is in nature of every living being for a purpose. If you wana have sex then you must know that it have consequences which is a birth of a child if you prevent it, you probably have killed it.
For the sake of Family planning it better you should not have sex but must not drop a possible child after that.
Is it clear sir.

And plz don't bring Different Mullah's Fatohat they often sell it for their large tummies.
And contraceptive are one way to achieve family planning.Is it so hard to decipher?

oh...sorry lady..i misunderstood.....am very sorry...
congrats :)
koi Baat nai confusion is trait of human being.Btw thanks.
And contraceptive are one way to achieve family planning.Is it so hard to decipher?

koi Baat nai confusion is trait of human being.Btw thanks.

Ohhh .. just learnt that you are a Lady.

Contraceptive isn't the way to achieve family planning but to have joy without facing the consequences. It is like looting bank, for money the JOY and also do not wana get caught any day by police.

well It is quite hard to explain such things to enlightened atheists or non religious people but best wishes for you and your baby.
And may God give you sense of understanding the thing (if you really believe in him) that if you drops a possible birth against God's will then God do posses the power to get his given child back against your will.

Nothing more to say and no Offence.

Best regards.
Ohhh .. just learnt that you are a Lady.

Contraceptive isn't the way to achieve family planning but to have joy without facing the consequences. It is like looting bank, for money the JOY and also do not wana get caught any day by police.

well It is quite hard to explain such things to enlightened atheists or non religious people but best wishes for you and your baby.
And may God give you sense of understanding the thing (if you really believe in him) that if you drops a possible birth against God's will then God do posses the power to get his given child back against your will.

Nothing more to say and no Offence.

Best regards.

I am sorry..
But that is the most baseless crap ever heard here.
Joy without what??
Was it not the prophet who said "I eat flesh and enter flesh'?
Please.. one would expect some educated sense.
The price you pay for this joy is marriage, you agree to commit yourself to one person, to take their responsibility.. that is the biggest price to pay..Not a kid.
"pulling out" has been practices as contraception from the early days of Islam..
all rubber and pills do is provide an extra layer of guarantee.

What absolute misguided hogwash is being fed in the name of Islam to you people..
and on top of it.. you go around being all pious and on the right path.
Instead of parroting every other tom dick and harry Mufti..
Pick up the Book, Read about the prophets life.. and then comment on such matters sir.

Instead of using unrelated matters to come up with "fatwas"..
An elephants trunk and a lions mane do not make up anything.
As they say.. "Neem Hakeem and Neem Mullah"...parho tu bhai.

Unbelievable... absolutely un frikkin believable.
To think people with education could come up with such drivel..
There is no difference if one imitates some two bit Mufti .. then there is between this parrot
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I am sorry..
But that is the most baseless crap ever heard here.
Joy without what??
Was it not the prophet who said "I eat flesh and enter flesh'?
Please.. one would expect some educated sense.
The price you pay for this joy is marriage, you agree to commit yourself to one person, to take their responsibility.. that is the biggest price to pay..Not a kid.
"pulling out" has been practices as contraception from the early days of Islam..
all rubber and pills do is provide an extra layer of guarantee.

What absolute misguided hogwash is being fed in the name of Islam to you people..
and on top of it.. you go around being all pious and on the right path.
Instead of parroting every other tom dick and harry Mufti..
Pick up the Book, Read about the prophets life.. and then comment on such matters sir.

Instead of using unrelated matters to come up with "fatwas"..
An elephants trunk and a lions mane do not make up anything.
As they say.. "Neem Hakeem and Neem Mullah"...parho tu bhai.

Unbelievable... absolutely un frikkin believable.
To think people with education could come up with such drivel..
There is no difference if one imitates some two bit Mufti .. then there is between this parrot

I do not believe or go for any Mufti or Fatwa blindly, i go for the Quran / Hadith reference. I've read Bukahri & Muslim to some extant, on this topic a couple years back. Would like to see here, if i missed any thing that time. Plz post any Sahih hadith or Riwayat related to BOLD point of yours. Will appreciate if you come up with any Riwaya that backs PULL OUT.

P.S unable to see Utube Vid b/c its blocked in my Office.
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