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Is PAF ranked top among all Muslim Countries Airforces Now?

Pakistan Air-force is certainly the best equipped and trained
and it maintains its unique Nuclear deterrent, that is not tied in to any "clauses from third party"

JF17 thunder / F16 platform is ideal for our air-force , the planes are competitive

With AWAC and technical support can take out any foe

The smaller plans that we have and skilled pilots that fly them also give us an edge in dog fights vs bulkier bigger planes

On Missile vs Missle basis we also are armed to Teeth !!!

Most other nations don't have enough missiles or they have restriction codes on them

Lets not forget we have been in few WARs and know how to use the assets we have
Why are we comparing PAF with other Muslim country forces?

Are we going to use our forces to fight against other Muslim countries?

I mean what's the point?
The point of the thead Fauj my old mate is simle...

We need to remind our selves & anybody who cares to listen how MIGHTY the PAF really is....

But you are correct we need a THREAD on PAF v the indian air force because that war scenario is far more likely than Pakistan v nigeria or Pakistan v indonesia or Turkey...

so i get your point...

If we are simply , looking at the countries that claim to be Muslim countries etc
Under that comparison by all means Pakistan is Top with out shadow of doubt

Pakistan is as Muslim country as Denmark if you know what I mean but just for sake of argument

Here is why

a) Having the Equipment (Planes) , yes we have these in numbers 300-400
b) Having ability to make new planes , yes we can manufacture in number and capacity
c) We have the man power to maintain planes , and rebuild and create new ones
d) Engineering base , universities , students, engineers , PHDs etc

The biggest plus we have is that our Airforce has taken part in 2-3 Major escalations , and also have fought routine missions against rouge elements so we are an "Active Force"

Biggest factor , what differentiates our forces vs lets say Egypt or Turkey is we have multiple options on Air - Air Missiles , I am not even sure Egypt's F16 would even work when they are needed.

1 - Pakistan (JF17 gives us edge not restricted on numbers), Top Notch pilots Turkey (F16 Block C/D etc) formidable force, they have their own Software/hardware , Top Notch force.

2- Saudi Arabia has plenty of fighter jets however they lack personnel and really their Territory is
large and difficult to protect

3- Iran , they may not have sufficient planes , however they have will to defend

4 - Egypt, has fighter jets but the Military is some what corrupt and gotten lazy in years not even
sure they can fight ,other then their own civilians

5- UAE , has some planes but just small country would be occupied in weeks

The 300-400 planes Pakistani forces have are sufficient , and together with Nuclear weapons to put a dent in any conventional forces

If you bought a fast car does not means you would become a F1 winner or would finish the race, and that is same story with fighter planes just buying few expensive toys does not mean you are now best airforce.

Experience is what really sets Pakistan/Turkish or even Iranian forces miles apart
Yes this is all very good ..let me ask the question. This top Muslim airforce where does it rank in its region. Surely that's the key
The point of the thead Fauj my old mate is simle...

We need to remind our selves & anybody who cares to listen how MIGHTY the PAF really is....

But you are correct we need a THREAD on PAF v the indian air force because that war scenario is far more likely than Pakistan v nigeria or Pakistan v indonesia or Turkey...

so i get your point...

The poin of the thread is to pick n choose the weaklings of world forces, which in this case are muslims, to make oneself feel strong:victory:
Best Catholic AF - French
Best Orthodox AF - Russian
Best Protestant AF - US
Best Hindu AF - Indian
Best Sunni AF - Turkey/KSA
Best Shia AF - Iran
Best Jewish AF - Israel
Best Atheist AF - China
Best Buddhist AF - Japan
Best Catholic AF - French
Best Orthodox AF - Russian
Best Protestant AF - US
Best Hindu AF - Indian
Best Sunni AF - Turkey/KSA
Best Shia AF - Iran
Best Jewish AF - Israel
Best Atheist AF - China
Best Buddhist AF - Japan

now that made me crack up
Best Catholic AF - French
Best Orthodox AF - Russian
Best Protestant AF - US
Best Hindu AF - Indian
Best Sunni AF - Turkey/KSA
Best Shia AF - Iran
Best Jewish AF - Israel
Best Atheist AF - China
Best Buddhist AF - Japan

So by your logic

Best Ahmediya AF = Pakistan ?? :D
Best Catholic AF - French
Best Orthodox AF - Russian
Best Protestant AF - US
Best Hindu AF - Indian
Best Sunni AF - Turkey/KSA
Best Shia AF - Iran
Best Jewish AF - Israel
Best Atheist AF - China
Best Buddhist AF - Japan

you have summed it exceedingly well :yahoo:
Best Catholic AF - French
Best Orthodox AF - Russian
Best Protestant AF - US
Best Hindu AF - Indian
Best Sunni AF - Turkey/KSA
Best Shia AF - Iran
Best Jewish AF - Israel
Best Atheist AF - China
Best Buddhist AF - Japan

Aren't there different sects of Jewish, like Hasidic and all that? o_O

Japan is mainly Shinto, not Buddist.

The biggest religion in the US is Catholic due to Hispanic, Irish, German. Some 25% of Americans are atheist.

I don't think Turkish air force is better than Pakistani air force. Turkish F-16 are pretty old models and not as advanced as JF-17. Turkish Boeing 737 AEW&C Peace Eagle is about as good as ZDK-03 Karakorum Eagle.
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I don't think Turkish air force is better than Pakistani air force. Turkish F-16 are pretty old models and not as advanced as JF-17.

HVKK has at least 288+ F-16 which 144 of them are block 50 or higher. The rest is block 40. Are those old? Block 40 is enough to handle Thunders. Not to mention 116 F-35As and 12 F-35B to be recieve in 2015.

Turkish Boeing 737 AEW&C Peace Eagle is about as good as ZDK-03 Karakorum Eagle.

Are you kidding? Peace Eagle far better than ZDK-3 or whatever. It's second Sentrys.

210 F-16C/D Block 30/40/50
52 F-4E 2020 Terminator
104 F-4E Phantom II
39 RF-4E Phantom II
43 F-5 2000
24 F-5A/B Freedom Fighter

04 B-737-700 AEW&C MESA (Early warning aircraft)


42 F-16A/B BLOCK 15
01 F-16C/D BLOCK 52+
55 F-7P
77 F-7PG


138 F-16C/D block 40
40 F-16C/D block 32
42 F-16A/B block 15
19 Mirage2000
32 F-4 Phantoms
60 Mirage 5

08 E-2C Hawkeye AWACS
So all your F-16 are 43 and only 1 latest model that's soooooo small air power because you can't depend on the rest except of caurse your JFT which is still in its first phase that's so sad for Pakistan.
So all your F-16 are 43 and only 1 latest model that's soooooo small air power because you can't depend on the rest except of caurse your JFT which is still in its first phase that's so sad for Pakistan.
No PAF has 18 Blk 52+.
around 50 JFT blk1 now.
But still Equipment wise TuAF is far better equiped than PAF so i would say TuAF is at the top of the list because don't underestimate their training or preparedness. KSA is up their at 2nd but cann't say much about their pilots and training. Even EAF is better equiped than PAF with almost 250 4th gen jet. So to all fan boys Pilots skill do matter but that does not mean PAF is No1. Although Now with 6 to 7 Awacs and MRTT and even new induction of UCAV's PAF is catching up fast.
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