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Is It Time To Leave Pakistan? Ft. Syed Muzamil Hasan

Here's your sign, and a tinfoil hat to go with it, Herbie the Pervie. :D

What I said above is correct. Stop scaring people needlessly, okay?
That's what people, including me, were saying before Trump won the election. I cant remember, did he put Pakistan on that travel ban list?

BTW, anti-immigration fervor is on the rise not just here, but in Europe, Australia, New Zealand too.

I'm not scaring people. Reality hits a bit different when you've been near a few shootings. Do you remember the New Zealand mosque shootings? How the grass was greener on the other side until they saw an assault rifle pointing at their heads.

Meanwhile, you can go back to putting your head in the sand, Mr. Ostrich.

Remember, Imran and PTI also have some unexpected help. IMF & Saudi are no longer lending any money without strings attached. That means that inflation will skyrocket once IMF agreement is made, adding more pressure on population to protest. The military also faces pressure if funding cannot be secured. Overseas Pakistanis are also trying to help by reaching out to representatives. Don't give up just yet.
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That's what people, including me, were saying before Trump won the election. I cant remember, did he put Pakistan on that travel ban list?

BTW, anti-immigration fervor is on the rise not just here, but in Europe, Australia, New Zealand too.

I'm not scaring people. Reality hits a bit different when you've been near a few shootings. Do you remember the New Zealand mosque shootings? How life was wonderful until they saw an assault rifle pointing at their heads.

Meanwhile, you can go back to putting your head in the sand, Mr. Ostrich.

ROFL. Your paranoia and fearmongering does nothing. :D

The vast majority of society here is welcoming and fair, the oddball lunatics that you sympathize with notwithstanding. I know. I bet you already have an LEA file.
Chalo Chalo Kanoodia Chalo! :D

OTTAWA: Canada saw record-high population growth last year due to a surge in immigrants and temporary residents, the government statistical agency said Wednesday, adding that if the trend continues the nation will double its population in 26 years.

As of January 1, the country’s population hit 39,566,248 after adding 1,050,110 people over the previous 12 months -- a sizeable gain the likes of which has not been seen since the post-war baby boom of the 1950s.
Toronto is full of officers and professionals driving Ubers and making kebabs. It depends on the degree of desperation. Only the first generation has the major difficulties.

Yes, the first generation gets taken to the laundromat unless they know what they're doing, invest, and hit it big.
But overall, I've seen the first generation building more robust businesses and quicker in my time, though I've seen the next generation squander it. Among Pakistani, it's a give and takes, does it or die exchange between the two generations.
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Yes, the first generation gets taken to the laundromat unless they know what they're doing, invest, and hit it big.
But overall, I've seen the first generation building more robust businesses and quicker in my time, though I've seen the next generation squander it. Among Pakistani's it's a give and takes; do it or die exchange between the two generations.

After the initial financial struggles come the real issues with integration, where the differences between generations often become unmanageable in many ways.
After the initial financial struggles come the real issues with integration, where the differences between generations often become unmanageable in many ways.

I know the feeling, and I had to fight the urge. The excellent balance is somewhere in between, and then you also have the living with the Jones dilemma.

I consider the integration a pitfall, completely avoidable, but we all hit the puddle and get soaked.

I know 1st generation Pakistani with over 80+ Dunkin Donut locations throughout the Midwest and other businesses living in Wisconsin. The time came for his son to handle the company not more than three years after everything flopped; father was forced to sell it to save what he could; however, after seeing my Mercedes AMG, the son wanted the latest AMG Benz while the family business is crashing and burning.

I guess that mentality of Abu ji ka karobar will sustain me kicks in genetically.
I know the feeling, and I had to fight the urge. The good balance is somewhere in between, and then you also have the living with the Jones dilemma.

I know 1st generation Pakistani with over 80+ Dunkin Donut locations throughout the Midwest and other businesses living in Wisconsin. The time came for his son to handle the company not more than three years after everything flopped; father was forced to sell it to save what he could; however, after seeing my Mercedes AMG, the son wanted the latest AMG Benz while the family business is crashing and burning.

Mohammad PBUH used to advise miana rawi for good reasons. :D

(Having raised two children to successful maturity here, I can tell you it is never easy for either generation, with many ups and downs.)
Mohammad PBUH used to advise miana rawi for good reasons. :D

(Having raised two children to successful maturity here, I can tell you it is never easy for either generation, with many ups and downs.)

Very true. Moderation is key in anything.

I did laugh since you mentioned raising kids, I remember my desi neighbor several houses down, and his grandchild was upset with him, and I heard the voice out of the 2nd-floor window saying, "I'm going to call child services." The grandfather looked at me and said the moment they started going to school, "you have lost not all but some control."
Very true. Moderation is key in anything.

I did laugh since you mentioned raising kids, I remember my desi neighbor several houses down, and his grandchild was upset with him, and I heard the voice out of the 2nd-floor window saying, "I'm going to call child services." The grandfather looked at me and said the moment they started going to school, "you have lost not all but some control."

Raising kids is not an easy task. Raising kids well is very difficult. Raising kids to be successful and happy adults is almost impossible. Repeating it across generations is truly a blessing from Allah. I know.

But the results are totally worth it, despite causing insane jealously in the many who fail in the same endeavor (some even follow one into PDF). Jalney walun kaa munh kala, of course. :D
These podcasts are getting repetitive. Everyone saying same thing basically. All billionaire and millionaire folks suddenly developed love for downtrodden.

Most amusing is the former Finance Minister ( an industrialist himself) going on and on about 86% stunted children and one school producing half of cabinet and Judges..
These podcasts are getting repetitive. Everyone saying same thing basically. All billionaire and millionaire folks suddenly developed love for downtrodden.

Most amusing is the former Finance Minister ( an industrialist himself) going on and on about 86% stunted children and one school producing half of cabinet and Judges..

It makes them feel better. But that is about all.
And this folks demonstrates why Pakistan is such a failure. When shyte hits the fan, people flee rather than fight to help resolve the issues of the nation. It shows the mentality of Pakistani's of thinking about what the state can do for them rather than what they can do for the state. As a individual born and raised in the UK, I'm actually thinking of moving to Pakistan because as the saying goes, Chaos is a ladder and I'm looking to put my skills to use for the betterment of the motherland. It's the corrupt self-centred politicians that leave when the going gets tough. Don't follow them and abandon YOUR country. Be an Imran Khan in a country Full of Zardaris/Sharifs. Pakistan Zindabad.
Yesss bossman

Same here actually.

I'm actually planning a couple of long term investments for AJK soon.
I'd recommend investing in the area that you live in, to start developing it and getting it ready for potentially moving your family over there, if you plan on that
There is always someone who can live a rich life and immigrate to any country. He did choose to use his body as a torch to bring light to people in darkness and illuminate the way forward.

Don't speak of how women can't become heroes:
alone, I rode the winds eastward, for ten thousand leagues.
My poetic ponderings expanded, a sail between sky and sea,
dreaming of Japan's three islands, delicate jade under moonlight.
Grieving the fall of bronze camels, guardians of China's palace gates,
a warhorse is disgraced, not one battle yet won.
As my heart shatters with rage over my homeland's troubles,
how can I linger, a guest abroad, savoring spring winds?

In 1907, Xu Xilin, Qiu’s friend and the Datong school’s co-founder was executed for attempting to assassinate his Manchu superior.[3] In the same year, the authorities arrested Qiu at the school for girls where she was the principal. She was tortured as well but refused to admit her involvement in the plot. Instead the authorities used her own writings as incrimination against her and, a few days later, she was publicly beheaded in her home village, Shanyin, at the age of 31.[2] Her last written words, her death poem, uses the literal meaning of her name, Autumn Gem, to lament of the failed revolution that she would never see take place:

(Autumn wind, autumn rain — they make one die of sorrow)[20]
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And this folks demonstrates why Pakistan is such a failure. When shyte hits the fan, people flee rather than fight to help resolve the issues of the nation. It shows the mentality of Pakistani's of thinking about what the state can do for them rather than what they can do for the state. As a individual born and raised in the UK, I'm actually thinking of moving to Pakistan because as the saying goes, Chaos is a ladder and I'm looking to put my skills to use for the betterment of the motherland. It's the corrupt self-centred politicians that leave when the going gets tough. Don't follow them and abandon YOUR country. Be an Imran Khan in a country Full of Zardaris/Sharifs. Pakistan Zindabad.
Exactly, the only thing people here know how to do well is run or not do anything at all.

Other countries with similar problems managed to solve their issues. India & Bangladesh have similar cultural problems, corruption, nepotism, poor governance, lack of opportunities, etc. Yet these countries have solved or are in the process of solving these issues.

There was a time when Pakistan was building for China and now the roles have reversed. China was poorer than Pakistan in the 1960's. Now that's a distant memory.

If you take a look at these case studies, you'll find that the common denominator for breaking the cycle was the individual. It's the people that matter, not so much the government. Are the people willing to work hard and be productive? I've seen hard-working individuals from China, India, Bangladesh, but rarely any in Pakistan. Even in the US working in IT, I rarely see Pakistani's in challenging roles, but see mostly Indians and some Bengalis.

Look at infrastructure in Pakistan compared to Bangladesh. Pakistan has superior land, connectivity, larger population, yet Bangladesh produces far more exports. Even a few million OSP working abroad, send more remittances than the entire country produces $ through exports.

As you can see, the government can give people infrastructure, internet, resources, but what good is it if people are unproductive? Productivity is very low in Pakistan.

Fun story. When I went to Pakistan, all I saw was people staying up late nights talking, sleeping through the day. If anyone went to work, it was probably around 11 AM. They would come back early afternoon. Who knows how many tea or prayer breaks they had in that time? Who knows if they were even working? Far too lazy is an understatement. When one of these individuals came to the US, they boldly stated "I have never worked this hard in my life".
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People who should leave Pakistan:
1. Patriots
2. Honest people
3. Educated people
4. Law abiding people
5. Muslims
6. People with life ambitions
7. People who care about their children's future
8. Hard working people
9. People who want a livelihood
10. Successful people

People who should stay in Pakistan:
1. Traitors
2. Corrupt people
3. Criminals, terrorists, and murders
4. JAHIL Uneducated
5. Lazy losers
6. Patwaris
7. Military Faujeets
8. Slaves
9. Corrupt elites who like to rape Pakistan
10. Munafiqs
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