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Is it possible for a german to safely travel pakistan?


Nov 23, 2013
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All you hear in our news is terrorism, uprising and chaos and i wonder how it really is? I checked our foreign ministry and they issue a warning for Pakistan. They say as german you should avoid to travel there and only go when there is no other option. They also state, that if you go, you should avoid public places and trust no one.

Thats a pretty negative image drwan there and i would like to know what pakistani people think about that. I don´t plan to visit Pakistan, but out of interest. I visited other muslim countries for holiday (turkey and egypt) and did feel safe there.
All you hear in our news is terrorism, uprising and chaos and i wonder how it really is? I checked our foreign ministry and they issue a warning for Pakistan. They say as german you should avoid to travel there and only go when there is no other option. They also state, that if you go, you should avoid public places and trust no one.

Thats a pretty negative image drwan there and i would like to know what pakistani people think about that. I don´t plan to visit Pakistan, but out of interest. I visited other muslim countries for holiday (turkey and egypt) and did feel safe there.

There was a time when we had many visitors from Germany and Italy. Everyone who has visit Pakistan know our hospitality. There are some of people within us who are misguided. It doesn't mean that all the Pakistanis are same.

They say so because of terrorism in Pakistan. All the countries have some negative elements in them. You can purchase every type of weapon in US without license. All other countries have same problem. But we got highlighted by international media and hence all this.
It is not safe to travel pakistan.

google the recent happening their and you will get it
Well...i´m aware that situation is not so easy, but wanted to know what locals think about that.
I've worked with Bonn University faculty here, it's safe if you know your way around. If you want to visit, ask us and we'll happily guide you.

As for trust, come and see, Pakistanis are one of the most welcoming people you'll ever come across.
All you hear in our news is terrorism, uprising and chaos and i wonder how it really is? I checked our foreign ministry and they issue a warning for Pakistan. They say as german you should avoid to travel there and only go when there is no other option. They also state, that if you go, you should avoid public places and trust no one.

Thats a pretty negative image drwan there and i would like to know what pakistani people think about that. I don´t plan to visit Pakistan, but out of interest. I visited other muslim countries for holiday (turkey and egypt) and did feel safe there.
It's fine. Media sensationalizes things too much. Just depends on which areas you want to go to. The Afghan-Pakistan border is not safe as that area is very unstable due to the ongoing war on terror.

But it's much safer than Egypt currently.
Thanks for telling your opinion. As i said, its hard to understand whats really going on from here. There was even an article here that states that if you are invited from a pakistani family as a european, there is a great chance that this "news" makes it to some Taliban and you end up without head. Thats why i ask here and see what people think there about all that issue. I´m sure most people there are nice and nature is cool too.

Whats funny is, when you look at the horror stories about Pakistan in germany it appears almost all are written from the same journalist, he is pakistani himself and seems to live in Pakistan, but only writes horror stories for german newspapers. o_O
Thanks for telling your opinion. As i said, its hard to understand whats really going on from here. There was even an article here that states that if you are invited from a pakistani family as a european, there is a great chance that this "news" makes it to some Taliban and you end up without head. Thats why i ask here and see what people think there about all that issue. I´m sure most people there are nice and nature is cool too.

Whats funny is, when you look at the horror stories about Pakistan in germany it appears almost all are written from the same journalist, he is pakistani himself and seems to live in Pakistan, but only writes horror stories for german newspapers. o_O

well he is earning his bread and he knows whats on demand in your media

he realises what he sells will be bought and he will earn a lot
Pakistan might not be the safest place on planet earth, but Pakistani people's hospitality will make up for it. :cheers:

Let us know if you wish to travel, so we can hook you up with some of our members to show you around.
You will be safe as long as you are Punjab or Islamabad. Balochistan and kpk are not safe.dunno much about sindh except karachi.
what is the general opinion about germans in Pakistan? And how react people when i would do something that is considered rude there, but i simply don't know because i'm from different culture and don't know better. do they get angry?
what is the general opinion about germans in Pakistan? And how react people when i would do something that is considered rude there, but i simply don't know because i'm from different culture and don't know better. do they get angry?

The only countries that Pakistan have a beef with are India, Israel & the US because of her 'To hell with them' foreign policy - Germany is well thought off in Pakistan but most don't have an opinion because Germany & Pakistan don't have significant interaction for the common man to form an opinion about !

If you do something rude, unless it involves some extreme obscenity such as dancing butt-naked in the square or harassing random women on the street & she complains or makes a public fuss about it - you should be alright....Pakistanis are fairly tolerant !
ha ha no, i wouldn't do that. I mean normal things, that i would not know are seen as rude there.

I would like to visit there, since im interested in other countries. I also would like to see Iran.
find ur country and know their opinion about you :lol:


on topic
considering the journalist is a pakistani and the germans arent anti pak.........something could be really wrong there
do visit pakistan and share ur experience with us :enjoy:
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