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Is it a plan to destabilise Balochistan?



New Recruit

Sep 4, 2012
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AT a moment when election commission is all geared up to hold elections, former president Pervez Musharraf and Sardar Akhtar Mengal have arrived in Pakistan arguably under an insidious London plan to destabilize Balochistan. Already, a protest was staged in London demanding the arrest and trial of Pervez Musharraf.

To a question, Sardar Akhtar Mengal said that if Kashmiris could talk about right of self-determination then why people of Balochistan could not. Mengal conveniently forgot that Kashmir was an unfinished agenda of the partition, and United Nations Security Council in its resolution of 1949 gave the people of Kashmir the right to join India or Pakistan through a plebiscite to be held under the aegis of the UN. It appears that efforts are being made to fuel the insurgency and create conditions that could warrant taking the matter to the UN. In fact, after concluding the deal with Iran for IP gas pipeline, especially after the ground-breaking ceremony by President Asif Zardari and President Ahmadinejad, and handing over the operations of Gwadar to China, the US, the West and India have been unnerved, and are taking steps to sabotage both deals.

In February 2012, nearly a week after he chaired a Congressional hearing on Balochistan, US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher had introduced a resolution in the US House of Representatives calling upon Pakistan to recognise the Baloch right to self-determination. The motion was co-sponsored by House Representatives Louie Gohmert and Steve King. In a definitive spin to the current tension, the resolution asserted that the people of Balochistan that are “currently divided between Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan, have the right to self-determination and to their own sovereign country,” adding that they should be afforded the opportunity to choose their own status among the community of nations.

At the same time, Eileen Donahoe, US Representative to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, expressed serious concern over, what she called, Pakistan’s violent response to separatists in Balochistan province. She alleged: “Security squads in the province, under their kill-and-dispose of policy, have been targeting proponents of civic rights, local activists and their families, journalists, political workers and student leaders, as a result the Baloch society has been alienated and chances of peace there have been shrinking”.

There is a widespread perception that America’s CIA, Britain’s MI-6, India’s RAW, Israel’s Mossad and NDS of Afghanistan are active in Balochistan. Efforts are being made to denigrate Pak military with a view to paving the way for implementing their agenda for destabilizing and denuclearizing Pakistan. Six months ago when Akhtar Mengal had come to Pakistan, Brahamdagh Bugti, Harbyar Marri and Suleiman Daood in exile in Geneva and London respectively along with other hard-line Baloch nationalist leaders were quite vexed and viewed it as a sellout to the government, and a blow to their separatist agenda. Anyhow, Sardar Akhtar Mengal had appeared in the Supreme Court and let loose a barrage of accusations before a three-member-bench headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry.

His recommendations presented in the court were: “All covert and overt military operations against the Baloch should immediately be suspended; all missing persons should be produced before a court of law; all proxy death squads operating under the supervision of ISI and MI should be disbanded and persons responsible for inhuman torture, killing and dumping of dead bodies of Baloch political leaders and activists should be brought to justice”.Akhtar Mengal had decried killings of Baloch and Hazaras but did not make a mention of the target killings of Punjabis and Pakhtuns in Balochistan. Some political leaders and Pakistani media are mollycoddling the dissidents who openly talk about disintegration of Pakistan.

A blogger had made six recommendations to Akhtar Mengal and others: “to stop and cease all terrorist training camps being run in Afghanistan; stop asking support from foreign countries and secret agencies for independent Balochistan; stop the target killings of Punjabis, Pathans, and Mohajirs; all rich and influential Sardars should share their wealth with the common Baloch; stop sabotaging any development activity in Balochistan; and bring to justice all the terrorists who were involved in the target killing of settlers”. We hear a lot from human rights organizations about killings of Baloch insurgents. They all express sympathy with the insurgents, centrifugal forces and nationalists. But nobody mourns over the target killings of innocent citizens like teachers, professors, doctors and even skilled and semi-skilled workers coming from other provinces.

Is it a plan to destabilise Balochistan?
Problem is Baluchistan does not consist of just Baluchis only now, Pasthuns are more in numbers now compared to them and the insurgency is limited to a very limited area, mostly consisting of 3-4 tribes, among them also there are certain factions in the tribe which don't want trouble. Akhtar Mengal like dickheads are traitors and consist of the minority which want separation not for Baluch people rather for their own purpose of creating a slave nation working under these rich sardars. I doubt they can succeed even with outside help to a certain extend, provided direct support is not provided in the shape of men, as material is already being provided by the outside agencies which include certain muslim countries also. But even if they keep up the violence it will slow down things there and that may be the next best thing for the outsiders if they can't get a separate Baluchistan.
AT a moment when election commission is all geared up to hold elections, former president Pervez Musharraf and Sardar Akhtar Mengal have arrived in Pakistan arguably under an insidious London plan to destabilize Balochistan. Already, a protest was staged in London demanding the arrest and trial of Pervez Musharraf.

Supposedly, Akhtar Mengal's terrorist allies will intensify their murder campaign and kill all major anti terrorist political party heads and activists. Three of of them were killed during the last week. Akhtar mengal is supposed to win elections,become CM and then start his game to ask for independance. Once that happens, the international powers will support that and it may lead to a military conflict.

Likely?: No, because the plan has been exposed and it will never come to that now.

It appears that efforts are being made to fuel the insurgency and create conditions that could warrant taking the matter to the UN.

China will veto any such resolution, end of story.

In fact, after concluding the deal with Iran for IP gas pipeline, especially after the ground-breaking ceremony by President Asif Zardari and President Ahmadinejad, and handing over the operations of Gwadar to China, the US, the West and India have been unnerved, and are taking steps to sabotage both deals.

That is the chief reason for the international powers, especially India to destabalise Pakistan from within. Gwadar,IP,Iranian oil refinery, Chinese transit, Oil pipeline will transform the economic dynamics of this region, which are not in West or India's favor.

Solution?: Buy time, Buy time, wait, wait, talk, talk, watch , watch, isolate, fragment, and eradicate those terror outfit who refuse all of that. Moreover, get Russia onboard, allow them the transit they need, get C.Aisa onboard. Allow Arabs to invest in Gwadar and make money out of it. It will all cool down...it will just take a little bit of time.

In February 2012, nearly a week after he chaired a Congressional hearing on Balochistan, US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher had introduced a resolution in the US House of Representatives calling upon Pakistan to recognise the Baloch right to self-determination. The motion was co-sponsored by House Representatives Louie Gohmert and Steve King.

They hardly matter, we will talk the day White House speaks.

In a definitive spin to the current tension, the resolution asserted that the people of Balochistan that are “currently divided between Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan, have the right to self-determination and to their own sovereign country,” adding that they should be afforded the opportunity to choose their own status among the community of nations.

Only if they promise to become Middle easterners 2.0

At the same time, Eileen Donahoe, US Representative to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, expressed serious concern over, what she called, Pakistan’s violent response to separatists in Balochistan province. She alleged: “Security squads in the province, under their kill-and-dispose of policy, have been targeting proponents of civic rights, local activists and their families, journalists, political workers and student leaders, as a result the Baloch society has been alienated and chances of peace there have been shrinking”.

Its, her job she gets paid to do. Don't worry about her too much.

There is a widespread perception that America’s CIA, Britain’s MI-6, India’s RAW, Israel’s Mossad and NDS of Afghanistan are active in Balochistan.

Its now a Fact!

Efforts are being made to denigrate Pak military with a view to paving the way for implementing their agenda for destabilizing and denuclearizing Pakistan.

Just wait for another year,we will shut Afghan food supply for 24 months and give them a chance to change their minds. India, well "red button" is reserved for them.

Six months ago when Akhtar Mengal had come to Pakistan, Brahamdagh Bugti, Harbyar Marri and Suleiman Daood in exile in Geneva and London respectively along with other hard-line Baloch nationalist leaders were quite vexed and viewed it as a sellout to the government, and a blow to their separatist agenda.

While they are visiting strip clubs in europe?... 21st centuary Che's?? You bet!

Anyhow, Sardar Akhtar Mengal had appeared in the Supreme Court and let loose a barrage of accusations before a three-member-bench headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry.

Condition of his arrival?

His recommendations presented in the court were: “All covert and overt military operations against the Baloch should immediately be suspended; all missing persons should be produced before a court of law; all proxy death squads operating under the supervision of ISI and MI should be disbanded and persons responsible for inhuman torture, killing and dumping of dead bodies of Baloch political leaders and activists should be brought to justice”

He doesn't have any leverage over the terror outfits, how can be making such demands when he has zero leverage to offer?

Akhtar Mengal had decried killings of Baloch and Hazaras but did not make a mention of the target killings of Punjabis and Pakhtuns in Balochistan.

Because they are subhuman? and it exposes the marxist,racist ideology BLA has been raised with ?

Some political leaders and Pakistani media are mollycoddling the dissidents who openly talk about disintegration of Pakistan.

800 million dollars aid,speaking...anyone?

A blogger had made six recommendations to Akhtar Mengal and others: “to stop and cease all terrorist training camps being run in Afghanistan; stop asking support from foreign countries and secret agencies for independent Balochistan; stop the target killings of Punjabis, Pathans, and Mohajirs; all rich and influential Sardars should share their wealth with the common Baloch; stop sabotaging any development activity in Balochistan; and bring to justice all the terrorists who were involved in the target killing of settlers”. We hear a lot from human rights organizations about killings of Baloch insurgents. They all express sympathy with the insurgents, centrifugal forces and nationalists. But nobody mourns over the target killings of innocent citizens like teachers, professors, doctors and even skilled and semi-skilled workers coming from other provinces.

How dare you, BLA never kills anyone, you are such a pathetic baby hitter!

PS: Take it easy.....just 1 more year....:)

@Irfan Baloch @F.O.X @Armstrong @Hyperion @Icarus @Xeric @fatman17 @Luftwaffe @American Pakistani @Mirzay @Pfpilot @TaimiKhan @Oscar @adios_amigo @Arsalan @notorious_eagle
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A blogger had made six recommendations to Akhtar Mengal and others: “to stop and cease all terrorist training camps being run in Afghanistan; stop asking support from foreign countries and secret agencies for independent Balochistan; stop the target killings of Punjabis, Pathans, and Mohajirs; all rich and influential Sardars should share their wealth with the common Baloch; stop sabotaging any development activity in Balochistan; and bring to justice all the terrorists who were involved in the target killing of settlers”. We hear a lot from human rights organizations about killings of Baloch insurgents. They all express sympathy with the insurgents, centrifugal forces and nationalists. But nobody mourns over the target killings of innocent citizens like teachers, professors, doctors and even skilled and semi-skilled workers coming from other provinces...................]

Please consider the following:

1. to stop and cease all terrorist training camps being run in Afghanistan;
Last time I checked, Afghanistan was another country, not part of Baluchistan.

2. stop asking support from foreign countries and secret agencies for independent Balochistan;
It is others who will offer all kinds of support without being asked.

3. stop the target killings of Punjabis, Pathans, and Mohajirs;
If Baluchis see others as invaders, how can they stop the killings?

4. all rich and influential Sardars should share their wealth with the common Baloch;
Why would they do that voluntarily?

5. stop sabotaging any development activity in Balochistan;
Again, if the Baluchis see the development as a threat rather than an opportunity, they will try to sabotage it.

6. bring to justice all the terrorists who were involved in the target killing of settlers.
Providing justice is a duty of the State, not the sardars.
Solution?: Buy time, Buy time, wait, wait, talk, talk, watch , watch, isolate, fragment, and eradicate those terror outfit who refuse all of that. Moreover, get Russia onboard, allow them the transit they need, get C.Aisa onboard. Allow Arabs to invest in Gwadar and make money out of it. It will all cool down...it will just take a little bit of time.

Two questions Sir:

1. Why exactly do Russians (or other central Asian states) need transit through Gawadar? I don't think they export or import anything that would benefit from access to the Arabian Sea. Their trade routes are better served by other countries.

2. How can anyone, including Arabs make money from Gawadar? It is only a port, with no good rail or road connections to anywhere, situated in a lawless region with mounting security problems.
Two questions Sir:

1. Why exactly do Russians (or other central Asian states) need transit through Gawadar? I don't think they export or import anything that would benefit from access to the Arabian Sea. Their trade routes are better served by other countries.

CARS and Russia have always wanted a tranist from Pakistan. They had a deal with Pakistan in the 70s, which is why they also built the steel mills and did some other investments to build confidence.Moreover Russia and Cars have expressed their desire to reach out to India via land.

2. How can anyone, including Arabs make money from Gawadar? It is only a port, with no good rail or road connections to anywhere, situation in a lawless region with mounting security problems.

I am not talking about today, maybe in the next decade when we start building Gwadar into a city. Arab investment would be lucrative business in real estate development,industries etc. When China starts building the pipe, most of Arab oil will be offloaded at Gwadar, would they then support the idiots blowing it up as they are now? I don't think so.
CARS and Russia have always wanted a tranist from Pakistan. They had a deal with Pakistan in the 70s, which is why they also built the steel mills and did some other investments to build confidence.Moreover Russia and Cars have expressed their desire to reach out to India via land.

We have discussed it before and i have reiterated again and again to you.

You simply refuse to believe this mate.

There are minimal goods that can be transported from Russia to India via land. The price would be astronomical so as to make the good uneconomical. 99% of the goods that are traded between India and Russia will be transported through the sea as the cost will be but a fraction of the cost of transporting on land. Neither India, nor Russia are short on access to the sea.

The only goods that go is limited trade between India and Central Asia. And Central Asia is a very small market.

Russia can easily use Iran for purposes of access to Indian Ocean.
Russian need to access a transport corridor through Pakistan is a fallacy as the only major economy across Pakistan is India.
We have discussed it before and i have reiterated again and again to you.

You simply refuse to believe this mate.

There are minimal goods that can be transported from Russia to India via land. The price would be astronomical so as to make the good uneconomical. 99% of the goods that are traded between India and Russia will be transported through the sea as the cost will be but a fraction of the cost of transporting on land. Neither India, nor Russia are short on access to the sea.

The only goods that go is limited trade between India and Central Asia. And Central Asia is a very small market.

Russia can easily use Iran for purposes of access to Indian Ocean.
Russian need to access a transport corridor through Pakistan is a fallacy as the only major economy across Pakistan is India.

You are thinking today, i am talking about the next 20 years when India would be energy and C.asia would be "shopping" hungry.Geography would still remain the same.
CARS and Russia have always wanted a tranist from Pakistan. They had a deal with Pakistan in the 70s, which is why they also built the steel mills and did some other investments to build confidence.Moreover Russia and Cars have expressed their desire to reach out to India via land.

What does "always wanted" mean? Transit for what exactly? Trade goods? Oil? Textiles? Reaching out to India via land may have been important at one time, but not any longer, since most of India's trade is sea-borne. India's trade routes have bypassed Pakistan for the past 65 years without any problems. Besides, India has a policy of not allowing itself to be dependent on anything transiting through Pakistan.

I am not talking about today, maybe in the next decade when we start building Gwadar into a city. Arab investment would be lucrative business in real estate development,industries etc. When China starts building the pipe, most of Arab oil will be offloaded at Gwadar, would they then support the idiots blowing it up as they are now? I don't think so.

What pipeline are you alluding to? A pipeline across the Karakorams to transport oil is technologically daunting and financially not feasible, now and in the future. Gwadar has been dormant for a decade already, and likely will remain dormant for another few decades easily, given our rate of progress.


We seem to have an overly exaggerated sense of importance about Pakistan's geographic location and Gawadar's potential that is utterly unjustified. We are not the center piece in the "great game". That idea is no longer relevant in today's world. We would do well to adapt out strategies to this harsh new reality.
Supposedly, Akhtar Mengal's terrorist allies will intensify their murder campaign and kill all major anti terrorist political party heads and activists. Three of of them were killed during the last week. Akhtar mengal is supposed to win elections,become CM and then start his game to ask for independance. Once that happens, the international powers will support that and it may lead to a military conflict.

Likely?: No, because the plan has been exposed and it will never come to that now.

China will veto any such resolution, end of story.

That is the chief reason for the international powers, especially India to destabalise Pakistan from within. Gwadar,IP,Iranian oil refinery, Chinese transit, Oil pipeline will transform the economic dynamics of this region, which are not in West or India's favor.

Solution?: Buy time, Buy time, wait, wait, talk, talk, watch , watch, isolate, fragment, and eradicate those terror outfit who refuse all of that. Moreover, get Russia onboard, allow them the transit they need, get C.Aisa onboard. Allow Arabs to invest in Gwadar and make money out of it. It will all cool down...it will just take a little bit of time.

They hardly matter, we will talk the day White House speaks.

Only if they promise to become Middle easterners 2.0

Its, her job she gets paid to do. Don't worry about her too much.

Its now a Fact!

Just wait for another year,we will shut Afghan food supply for 24 months and give them a chance to change their minds. India, well "red button" is reserved for them.

While they are visiting strip clubs in europe?... 21st centuary Che's?? You bet!

Condition of his arrival?


He doesn't have any leverage over the terror outfits, how can be making such demands when he has zero leverage to offer?

Because they are subhuman? and it exposes the marxist,racist ideology BLA has been raised with ?

800 million dollars aid,speaking...anyone?

How dare you, BLA never kills anyone, you are such a pathetic baby hitter!

PS: Take it easy.....just 1 more year....:)

@Irfan Baloch @F.O.X @Armstrong @Hyperion @Icarus @Xeric @fatman17 @Luftwaffe @American Pakistani @Mirzay @Pfpilot @TaimiKhan @Oscar @adios_amigo @Arsalan @notorious_eagle

Nicely put Aeronaut, there is nothing much left to add to this.
However will like to share my views on the above red marked portion.

Foreign Policy, this is what will matter in this case. A strong Foreign Office, that, will only come with a strong and patriotic government leadership. I might be worng but on so many occasions, it seems that we have a very poor and weak foreign office, we are never able to put our point to the world the way it should be. there are so many tactics and strategies that are missed.
If Pakistan can play wise, try and get Russia and C-Asia on board for this Gawadar-Baluchistan issue and other regional issues, that will put end to lots of doubts ant treats. But for, we will need a dedicated and smart foreign office/foreign affairs team

Hope this dream on mine turn to reality with the upcoming government.
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Nicely put Aeronaut, there is nothing much left to add to this.
However will like to share my views on the above red marked portion.

Foreign Policy, this is what will matter in this case. A strong Foreign Office, that, will only come with a strong and patriotic government leadership. I might be worng but on so many occasions, it seems that we have a very poor and weak foreign office, we are never able to put our point to the world the way it should be. there are so many tactics and strategies that are missed.
If Pakistan can play wise, try and get Russia and C-Asia on board for this Gawadar-Baluchistan issue and other regional issues, that will put end to lots of doubts ant treats. But for, we will need a dedicated and smart foreign office/foreign affairs team

Hope this dream on mine turn to reality with the upcoming government.

Sir, is it not true that both Foreign and Security policies are both tightly controlled by the military?
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