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Is India missing out?


May 9, 2019
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United States
Ever since China's economic boom, it is abandoning low level manufacturing which is being absorbed by countries like Vietnam, Philippines, Bangladesh and other East Asian countries.

Are India's industrial policies not pro enough for us to absorb such opportunities or is it because of too much red-tape and bureaucracy that we are not able to project ourselves to grab these?

@MilSpec @Nilgiri @Viny @XiNiX @randomradio
@Black_cats @Quibbler @925boy @Al-Ansar @koolzberg @ColonelSanders @Turingsage @prashantazazel @Peaceful Civilian @RayOfLight @Atlas @Chhatrapati @shourov323 @HRK @Axomiya_lora @swnjo @SrNair @Nancy @Meengla @AsianUnion @Peshwa @mike2000 is back @Śakra @rockstarIN @Aryan0395 @shambhu @lightoftruth @313ghazi @proud_indian @proudindian20 @INDIAISM @India
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Ever since China's economic boom, it is abandoning low level manufacturing which is being absorbed by countries like Vietnam, Philippines, Bangladesh and other East Asian countries.

Are India's industrial policies not pro enough for us to absorb such opportunities or is it because of too much red-tape and bureaucracy that we are not able to project ourselves to grab these?

@MilSpec @Nilgiri @Viny @XiNiX @randomradio

Does any "media" telling you this even look at the MVA + investment + market cap + credit flow numbers these days?

Answer: no. Because they are snake oil merchants themselves...and they just took a major slap to their face.
Ever since China's economic boom, it is abandoning low level manufacturing which is being absorbed by countries like Vietnam, Philippines, Bangladesh and other East Asian countries.

Are India's industrial policies not pro enough for us to absorb such opportunities or is it because of too much red-tape and bureaucracy that we are not able to project ourselves to grab these?

@MilSpec @Nilgiri @Viny @XiNiX @randomradio

Such as?
For instance, we are the 2nd largest producer of cotton in the world second to China but India doesn't have a substantial textile industry given it's size which has been largely captured by B'desh & Vietnam recently and China has been moving away from manufacturing into higher level service based economy like the US. Automobile manufacturing in the US in increasingly being moved to Mexico instead of China in recent years

India has an extremely cheap and abundant workforce which we can take advantage of when integrated with the right govt policies and making it easier for companies to set up shop in here. Even though the situation has improved during the NDA regime, what could be done to come up on top in attracting such opportunities by thwarting competition from the likes of East Asian countries, particularly Chinese companies have also been moving to other regions in view of US trade war & tariffs?


but India doesn't have a substantial textile industry given it's size


What is the investment needed (per worker) relative to MVA you get now to capture RMG 30 years late? If it wasn't done in the 90s to retain the capital inertia now (or if you are not an LDC with 0 tariff accesS)....no point going there now to make up forex earnings when far better MVA/investment ROI available in actual scale-able industries of note today.

Its best to base on industries that actually give the volume growth for MVA....be it transportation, electronics, telecoms or energy.

what could be done to come up on top in attracting such opportunities by thwarting competition from the likes of East Asian countries?

Doing exactly what was done the last 5 years....more of it. Keep improving logistics, keep improving ease of doing business, keep improving fundamentals that determine credit cycle recovery (after 10 years of utter mismanagement on it by so called economist sardar)....and keep govt fiscal discipline (while going for capex as much as possible, and ensuring subsidies are targetted well through such things like DBT over supply side). GST simplification (with a nod toward bulk employers + exporters) is already on the plate after this fresh mandate.
Ever since China's economic boom, it is abandoning low level manufacturing which is being absorbed by countries like Vietnam, Philippines, Bangladesh and other East Asian countries.

Are India's industrial policies not pro enough for us to absorb such opportunities or is it because of too much red-tape and bureaucracy that we are not able to project ourselves to grab these?

@MilSpec @Nilgiri @Viny @XiNiX @randomradio
@Black_cats @Quibbler @925boy @Al-Ansar @koolzberg @ColonelSanders @Turingsage @prashantazazel @Peaceful Civilian @RayOfLight @Atlas @Chhatrapati @shourov323 @HRK @Axomiya_lora @swnjo @SrNair @Nancy @Meengla @AsianUnion @Peshwa @mike2000 is back @Śakra @rockstarIN @Aryan0395 @shambhu @lightoftruth @313ghazi @proud_indian @proudindian20 @INDIAISM @India
Manufacturing jobs are too low for Indians. India is a knowledge based society beacon of science and discovery. They just sell patents and make money.
Manufacturing jobs are too low for Indians. India is a knowledge based society beacon of science and discovery. They just sell patents and make money.
Apart from your sarcasm, unless a country's economy is on the size of China or US...no job is too small for economies like India with such huge population
For instance, we are the 2nd largest producer of cotton in the world second to China but India doesn't have a substantial textile industry given it's size which has been largely captured by B'desh & Vietnam recently and China has been moving away from manufacturing into higher level service based economy like the US. Automobile manufacturing in the US in increasingly being moved to Mexico instead of China in recent years

India has an extremely cheap and abundant workforce which we can take advantage of when integrated with the right govt policies and making it easier for companies to set up shop in here. Even though the situation has improved during the NDA regime, what could be done to come up on top in attracting such opportunities by thwarting competition from the likes of East Asian countries, particularly Chinese companies have also been moving to other regions in view of US trade war & tariffs?


Our labour laws are tough and salaries not cheap
Manufacturing jobs are too low for Indians. India is a knowledge based society beacon of science and discovery. They just sell patents and make money.

No one really gives a crap about your low base effect (given per capita wise you are 12 years behind us):


Its all from LDC handout to begin with. Anything level playing field or needs actual investment and competition, BD scores a big fat zero in.

Not our fault you have no brains to do anything else of note. It shows when you come to US and earn in bottom 10% as a group.

Then the miracle is apparently to come from investing 2 dollars per person outside. 360 million FDI stock of BD....your total is about what India invests every week or two outside in FDI.

Yes thats all part of reason your patent filing took yet another tumble to 0 in USPTO....and makes all the "we will compete with India on pharma/IT exports" really funny as hell to read.

What's next you gonna tell me you are direct descendant of Genghis Khan? Oh wait you already told me that :lol:
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