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IS destroys temple at Palmyra ruins in Syria


Apr 8, 2014
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Updated: August 24, 2015 16:38 IST

The temple dates to the first century and is dedicated to the Phoenician god of storms and fertilising rains.

The temple dates to the first century and is dedicated to the Phoenician god of storms and fertilising rains
Islamic State militants have destroyed a temple at Syria’s ancient ruins of Palmyra, activists have said, realising the worst fears archaeologists had for the 2,000-year-old Roman-era city after the extremists seized it and beheaded a local scholar.

Palmyra, one of the Middle East’s most spectacular archaeological sites and a UNESCO World Heritage site, sits near the modern Syrian city of the same name.

Activists said the militants used explosives to blow up the Baalshamin Temple on its grounds, the blast so powerful it also damaged some of the Roman columns around it.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Sunday night that the temple was blown up a month ago.

Turkey-based activist Osama al-Khatib, who is originally from Palmyra, said the temple was blown up on Sunday. Both said the extremists used a large amount of explosives to destroy it.

Both relied on information for those still in Palmyra and the discrepancy in their accounts could not be immediately reconciled, though such contradictory information is common in Syria’s long civil war.

The Sunni extremists, who have imposed a violent interpretation of Islamic law across their self-declared “caliphate” in territory they control in Syria and Iraq, claim ancient relics promote idolatry and say they are destroying them as part of their purge of paganism. However, they are also believed to sell off looted antiquities, bringing in significant sums of cash.

Al-Khatib said the Baalshamin Temple is about 500 metres (550 yards) from the Palmyra’s famous amphitheatre where the group killed more than 20 Syrian soldiers after they captured the historic town in May.

The temple dates to the first century and is dedicated to the Phoenician god of storms and fertilising rains.

The head of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, said Friday that Islamic State extremists in Syria and Iraq are engaged in the “most brutal, systematic” destruction of ancient sites since World War II” a stark warning that came hours after militants demolished the St. Elian Monastery, which housed a fifth-century tomb and served as a major pilgrimage site.

The monastery was in the town of Qaryatain in central Syria.
These ruins are very important and mean much to Iraq. It is unfortunate these ISIS pigs are destroying culture and ancestry. At the end of their idiotic work nothing remains. Militancy needs to be crushed with iron hands, not allowed to flourish while the world bickers what to do.
1 Samuel 7:4
Then the children of Israel did put away Baalim and Ashtaroth, and served the LORD only.

- King James Bible "Authorized Version", Cambridge Edition

1 Kings 18:25
And Elijah said unto the prophets of Baal, Choose you one bullock for yourselves, and dress it first; for ye are many; and call on the name of your god, but put no fire under.

Elijah answered, “I have not made trouble in Israel. You and your father’s family have made all this trouble by not obeying the Lord’s commands. You have gone after the Baals. 19 Now tell all Israel to meet me at Mount Carmel. Also bring the four hundred fifty prophets of Baal and the four hundred prophets of Asherah, who eat at Jezebel’s table.”

Romans 11:4
Verse Concepts
But what is the divine response to him? "I HAVE KEPT for Myself SEVEN THOUSAND MEN WHO HAVE NOT BOWED THE KNEE TO BAAL."

These ruins are very important and mean much to Iraq. It is unfortunate these ISIS pigs are destroying culture and ancestry. At the end of their idiotic work nothing remains. Militancy needs to be crushed with iron hands, not allowed to flourish while the world bickers what to do.

Iron fist !?
when Maliki was using regular police equipment against protesters , you Pakistani called him Dictator ...
now you are talking about Iron fist ...
I generally doesn't get surprised at all..

Islamist Sultans and their hordes did this sort of things over a thousand years..I wonder why so much protest is coming against IS??The reason probably is,They're terrorist groups,not Kings(or whatever)..

You want to learn real destruction by Islamists??Read India's history..
Nothing surprising at all for Indians. Our history is filled up with Muslims kings attacking and destroying hundreds of thousands of temples and such historic sites for centuries. They remain hero for same people who r now criticizing IS of carrying similar horrific acts in Syria & Iraq...someone define irony !!
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It boggles the mind as to why would any person or group would destroy historical buildings and sites. It seems to be the hallmark of all terrorist organizations. We had to witness the Taliban destroy the historical and ancient statues in Bamiyaan. Now we see DAESH blowing up historical ancient temples and shrines. Just two days ago, they blew up the ancient temple of Ball Shamin in the UNESCO-listed ancient Syrian city of Palmyra. It has become a pattern and this was the latest in the series of cultural relics destroyed by this terrorist group.

DAESH has been destroying an entire priceless heritage in a systematic manner in parts of Syria and Iraq. Society has created museums and put so much effort into protecting and preserving historic wonders for future generations, groups like DAESH are on a mission to destroy mankind’s history by destroying these evidences of human life. The saddest part is that these barbarians beheaded an Eighty-year-old scholar of antiquities in Palmyra and hung his body on a column in a historic site. Khalid Asaad who had worked for over 50 years as head of antiquities in Palmyra was murdered by DAESH last week.

It is very important for the world to recognize these barbarians who not only rape and kill little girls; they behead old people, and are out to erase any history that will tell our future generations as to who we were and where we have come to. We should all make efforts to show the true face of DAESH to everyone so they can no longer recruit impressionable people into their heinous ideology.

Abdul Quddus
DET - U.S. Central Command
Nothing surprising at all for Indians. Our history is filled up with Muslims kings attacking and destroying hundreds of thousands of temples and such historic sides for centuries. They remain hero for same people who r now criticizing IS of carrying similar horrific acts in Syria & Iraq...someone define irony !!

I second that.
FBI warns US art dealers about antiquities looted from Syria, Iraq | Zee News

Washington: The FBI on Wednesday urged art dealers in the United States to be careful when buying antiquities from the Middle East, saying there is evidence collectors have recently been offered artifacts plundered by Islamic State fighters in Syria and Iraq.

The looting of ancient artifacts across Iraq and Syria and their sale on the black market has become a source of funding for Islamic State militants, and there is growing concern those items are showing up in the Western marketplace, the FBI said in a press release.

"We now have credible reports that US persons have been offered cultural property that appears to have been removed from Syria and Iraq recently,” said Bonnie Magness-Gardiner, manager of the FBI’s Art Theft Program.

Magness-Gardiner urged collectors and buyers to be vigilant checking importation, provenance and other documents.

"What we’re trying to say is, don’t allow these pieces that could potentially support terrorism to be part of the trade," she said.

Islamic State, a hardline Sunni Islamist group, has ransacked some of the greatest archaeological sites in northern Iraq and Syria, posting photos and videos of fighters destroying pre-Islamic monuments and temples they consider idolatrous.

On Tuesday, the group published photos purporting to show the destruction of the Roman-era Baal Shamin temple in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra, an act the U.N. cultural agency UNESCO has called a war crime.

Before the city`s capture by Islamic State, Syrian officials said they moved hundreds of ancient statues to safe locations out of concern they would be destroyed by the militants.

Last month, the United States handed back to Iraq antiquities it said had been seized in a raid on Islamic State fighters in Syria, saying the retrieval was proof the group was attempting to sell the items to raise cash.

The relics included ancient cylindrical stamps, pottery, metallic bracelets and other jewelry.

Islamic State fighters have desecrated ancient Assyrian and Graeco-Roman palaces in northern Iraq including the 2,700-year-old Assyrian capital of Khorsabad.

Growing concern the trade in plundered artifacts can help finance militants earned them the nickname "blood antiquities" - adapted from the phrase "blood diamond," used to refer to gems that financed fighters in African wars from Angola to Sierra Leone.

retards of nth degree. animals at their best.

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