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my guess is miniaturization , is the problem here and the fact we are behind many other countries in lithography to produce the modules needed for it

Well i wonder what is your idea to complement that christmass tree with air-crafts like EA-18G Growler or so0mething else that play the same role ?
Why the priority would be to make an electronic warfare jet? Iran is not planning to invade any country

But i've said this a while ago because Iran has Supercobras and Aim-9 in stock, they could work on an Aim-9 air to ground EW anti radiation version to be mounted on helicopter

US did this and called it AGM-122 Sidearm, they mounted them on Cobra helicopter so that the helicopter can defend itself in CAS situations against SHORAD, this is very creative. An aim-9 made into A2G anti radiation missiles, it had 16km of range. The best use would be in a situation where tbe helicopter has to face SPAAG or finds SHORAD hidden in bushes

AGL Sidearm on the same helicopter Iran possess
No, the very modernized F-4 is not a brick! Once again, things are going very wrong in this IRIAF section. I've been interested in the Iranian military for years and I have literally thousands of photos, videos and lots of articles in the bank. I am very meticulous about the statements and clues that Iran gives us on their army and development.

There are things that we don't talk about much on this forum but which are important to remember. A general had mentioned regarding the Kowsar that its RCS was very low now but why did he say that? You remembered that Iran for some years has been trying to create a special paint to absorb radar radiation.

Isn't it more winning and striking to present a hypersonic missile publicly than a painted container of absorbent? I had noticed not long ago an F-4 with a glossier paint than the others, a little something different. Hint or not? But I'm sure that now IRIAF uses a special paint to decrease their RCS

I have asked the question here often but without an answer, why did you make new F-4 cells? What purpose ? I've already speculated here. Even with a higher RCS, it doesn't stress me out. In integrated defense and the multitude of ground radar and decoys of all kinds, these planes will be very useful over Iran.

On the other hand, outside the country, a higher RCS becomes more problematic, I agree. I think that the elements of artificial intelligence as in the kowsar to be in connection with drones in the sky is also to make suicide drones which will take the impact of enemy missiles. The drone sacrifices itself for the fighter plane.

It is clear that Iran has been working on AESA radars for a long time. It would not be surprising at all if they were already active in planes. As Iran is often ahead of the process of public disclosure so imagined the things that hidden especially with IRIAF.

And dogfights in modern warfare will be much less and almost non-existent. The highly modernized brick ton in the sky can really surprise the enemy
No one said Su-57.

And your hundreds of Zionist spamming against Russia can't change anything about cooperations between Iran and Russia in real world

Enjoy spamming and get paid

Calm down, not everyone only contradicting and sticking to reality must be a spy, a Zionist or troll … maybe he is just a realist or in worst case someone with a different opinion

Calm down, not everyone only contradicting and sticking to reality must be a spy, a Zionist or troll … maybe he is just a realist or in worst case someone with a different opinion

If (and a big IF) if they are intended for Iran then they will need to undergo significant modifications for an IR variant compared to Egypt specs. Staying at the plant supports the notion of that.

However, this makes @Hack-Hook theory invalid that Russia is so desperate for aircraft it needs these for Ukraine war. A puzzling theory given that it has hundreds of aircraft that haven’t taken any part in the war as it’s mostly a land and missile/drone war plus the aircraft still in Syria.

If these jets don’t land in Iran by March of 2024 then I will agree that it was another break down of Iranian-Russian relations. Which has happened numerous times since 1990.
Issue with Bavar is not its capability, on paper it’s quite capable lethal system. But its production rate; which is quite unknown at this point is the problem.

I have read multiple things from multiple sources on the internet. Maybe all of them are true or none are.

Bavar designers were brilliant most engineers in Iran, they were the cream that got picked out for the project when SL gave the nationwide call for local S-400. But then some of these key people were hired for MASSIVE salaries by Western firms probably MBDA, and Thales??? Hence, the post test or pre-mass production calibration tests got delayed. Still, the new team got the system tested massively during live exercises and in almost a real battlefield. BT says in 2020 the detection and tracking AESA system of Bavar-373 was used on front line against Turkish and Azerbaycan bordering patrols where the system was in live Double Duplex Tactical Datalinking with S-300, 3rd Khordads, Deep OTHs and with Kowsar-I, F-14AM in the sky who were operating out of TAB-2. MIG-29 operated too in a mixed battle squadron of Kowsar-1, F-14AM, but MIG has no TDL. This energized the production plans but even those people left in 2022. If someone reads LinkdIn profiles of some of the top electronics/electrical engineering academics of Iran, they write some huge papers and suddenly they change their institutions to companies/unis in Germany, France, UK etc.

There is also another news (credible or not) that Syria ordered the system as soon as it was tested. When this decision was taken and Israelis learned about it, IAF started attacking any shipment from Iran to Damascus fearing that IRGC will form an Iran-like layered IADS in Syria too. Bavar-373 is an S-400 equivalent killer, few batteries of it can form a localized IADS in Syria means F-15, F-16I can become ducks in a barrel.

My own Opinion: Absolute monster Air defense system but with slow production due to mismanagement surrounding the re-hiring of the tech team.

Calm down, not everyone only contradicting and sticking to reality must be a spy, a Zionist or troll … maybe he is just a realist or in worst case someone with a different opinion

Them coming or not is a win-win for Iran. They come, we get a modern frontline 4+ machine in our hands. They do not come ... we take the local production route, a blueprint for a 4.0 generation fighter is right there.

Leadership has not taken IRIAF seriously yet, the day they do, making fighter jets will become for Iran what making UCAVS, ships/subs, Ballistic/Cruise missiles, and Air defense batteries has become. It is a matter of preference not capability.
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But then some of these key people were hired for MASSIVE salaries by Western firms probably MBDA, and Thales
I highly doubt this...If you are working on a top security military project in ANY country you will not be able to move around jobs as usual....the case with Iran is even probably more stringent...unless Iranian projects are run by a bunch of traitors!..
I highly doubt this...If you are working on a top security military project in ANY country you will not be able to move around jobs as usual....the case with Iran is even probably more stringent...unless Iranian projects are run by a bunch of traitors!..

I also doubt this. National security risk, ever since that one Iranian nuclear scientist fled to US while on Haj.

If you are tied to any national security project in Iran, I’m sure your not allowed to leave the country without permission.

Nonetheless, the brain drain is real and has costs Iran trillions of dollars since the revolution.
I highly doubt this...If you are working on a top security military project in ANY country you will not be able to move around jobs as usual....the case with Iran is even probably more stringent...unless Iranian projects are run by a bunch of traitors!..

As I said, these are not my words. I read it on the internet so maybe all of it is wrong.

But regarding the Iranian military engineers moving out, you will be massively surprised. This happens when instead of dedicated companies, the projects are awarded to university teams. It has been happening for some time now, as an example from the past, none of the people who once worked on Shafagh AT as research students are in Iran anymore.

Key to detecting such movements is always LinkedIn and RG profiles which confirms the phenomenon.

Just yesterday Caltech Professor's team demonstrated harnessing solar power from Space, the Professor himself is a Sharif Alumni.
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interesting fact to know


Iran uses domestic nanotechnology to paint coating of airplanes

Iran among world leaders in nanotechnology​

The Islamic Republic has prioritized making products via nanotechnology, which refers to the production of materials and objects from molecules or atoms.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022/03/iran-among-world-leaders-nanotechnology


Iran among five pioneers of nanotechnology

When a general said that the RCS of the Kowsar was made lower, it goes in the direction of a new anti-radar nano-paint. My deduction is quite good. This remains to be officially confirmed.

sorry for the big print​

I also doubt this. National security risk, ever since that one Iranian nuclear scientist fled to US while on Haj.

If you are tied to any national security project in Iran, I’m sure your not allowed to leave the country without permission.

Nonetheless, the brain drain is real and has costs Iran trillions of dollars since the revolution.

Kowsar-I (just one prototype) involved 4000 engineers. One can imagine how many thousands would have worked on Bavar-373 which needed more electronics, electrical, chemical/propulsion, and computational expertise. Authorities can not track thousands for their entire lives. Like I said, the chief marker is the online profiles of Iranian diaspora academic professionals. Sensitive subject.
In the clip above he says Iran is working on a 5th generation fighter. We have heard talks of low RCS designs in the past. The question is if this fighter that he is referring to is an evolution of the F-5 platform or a completely new design. I hope we see some pictures of what design they're working on.

I hope its an F-5 driven platform and I will tell you why.

We know though even staunch critics of Iran (BT) that some of the Kowsar-I are 100 % locally built from scratch airframes (e.g. Serial Number 3-7400) with no IRIAF repository parts used and that the plane has a total different local inner architecture and weight distribution than a conventional F-5 because of heavy avionics stuffed inside (reason for customized FBW installation).

100 % locally built Kowsar-I 3-7400

This means that HESA has full command over the aerodynamics and flight controls of the slightly enlarged heavier airframe. Kowsar-I is F-20 minus the F-404 Turbofan. All they need is to reduce atleast the RCS of airframe, give it AL-31F which will enable the plane to supercruise, conventional F-5E airframe on 2 x OWJ/J-85II can reach 0.9 Mach without afterburners anyways so an efficient turbofan will push it well beyond the 1+ Mach. Kowsar-I is underpowered, a fully armed one (2 x BVR, 2 x All aspect WVR+HMD, 1 X Shahin X band e-warfare) can defend Iranian space while datalinking with IADS but within the Iranian airspace only. It will be overpowered and shot down by 4+ generation enemy fighters outside the guarded realm of Iranian IADS. So it needs a strong turbofan for starters.

F-5 family of airframes are low RCS inherently. F-5E/F has never been shot at BVR by SARH BVR missiles despite it being shot at multiple times by MIG-25PD and MIG-23ML using R-40, R-23 BVR missiles. The same missiles that took out many F-4E/D failed to shoot F-5 because of low RCS. Also the F-5-driven airframe design called N-156 and its succesors YF-17, F/A-18, F-18EF have been recorded to have low RCS. F-18EF has a US Navy recorded frontal RCS of 1 m2. So if HESA works on its radome, air-intakes the plane can certainly reduce its RCS <1 m2. Iran Iraq air war was such a turning point in aviation history, majority of nations never went for larger powerful air trucks after that instead we saw a generation of light mean fighters with a focus on RCS, Avionics, Navigation-Communication etc.

The rest of the ingredients such as e-warfare suite, modern radar, FBW, light BVR missile are well within local Iranian capabilities and have been demonstrated before. They have solved the problem of Ti in the airframes too.
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I hope its an F-5 driven platform and I will tell you why.

We know though even staunch critics of Iran (BT) that some of the Kowsar-I are 100 % locally built from scratch airframes (e.g. Serial Number 3-7400) with no IRIAF repository parts used and that the plane has a total different local inner architecture and weight distribution than a conventional F-5 because of heavy avionics stuffed inside (reason for customized FBW installation).

100 % locally built Kowsar-I 3-7400

This means that HESA has full command over the aerodynamics and flight controls of the slightly enlarged heavier airframe. Kowsar-I is F-20 minus the F-404 Turbofan. All they need is to reduce atleast the RCS of airframe, give it AL-31F which will enable the plane to supercruise, conventional F-5E airframe on 2 x OWJ/J-85II can reach 0.9 Mach without afterburners anyways so an efficient turbofan will push it well beyond the 1+ Mach. Kowsar-I is underpowered, a fully armed one (2 x BVR, 2 x All aspect WVR+HMD, 1 X Shahin X band e-warfare) can defend Iranian space while datalinking with IADS but within the Iranian airspace only. It will be overpowered and shot down by 4+ generation enemy fighters outside the guarded realm of Iranian IADS. So it needs a strong turbofan for starters.

F-5 family of airframes are low RCS inherently. F-5E/F has never been shot at BVR by SARH BVR missiles despite it being shot at multiple times by MIG-25PD and MIG-23ML using R-40, R-23 BVR missiles. The same missiles that took out many F-4E/D failed to shoot F-5 because of low RCS. Also the F-5-driven airframe design called N-156 and its succesors YF-17, F/A-18, F-18EF have been recorded to have low RCS. F-18EF has a US Navy recorded frontal RCS of 1 m2. So if HESA works on its radome, air-intakes the plane can certainly reduce its RCS <1 m2. Iran Iraq air war was such a turning point in aviation history, majority of nations never went for larger powerful air trucks after that instead we saw a generation of light mean fighters with a focus on RCS, Avionics, Navigation-Communication etc.

The rest of the ingredients such as e-warfare suite, modern radar, FBW, light BVR missile are well within local Iranian capabilities and have been demonstrated before. They have solved the problem of Ti in the airframes too.

What you wrote is very close to what have written on quite extensively.

If not, then pse let me know so that I can send the URL to you.

I hope its an F-5 driven platform and I will tell you why.

We know though even staunch critics of Iran (BT) that some of the Kowsar-I are 100 % locally built from scratch airframes (e.g. Serial Number 3-7400) with no IRIAF repository parts used and that the plane has a total different local inner architecture and weight distribution than a conventional F-5 because of heavy avionics stuffed inside (reason for customized FBW installation).

100 % locally built Kowsar-I 3-7400

This means that HESA has full command over the aerodynamics and flight controls of the slightly enlarged heavier airframe. Kowsar-I is F-20 minus the F-404 Turbofan. All they need is to reduce atleast the RCS of airframe, give it AL-31F which will enable the plane to supercruise, conventional F-5E airframe on 2 x OWJ/J-85II can reach 0.9 Mach without afterburners anyways so an efficient turbofan will push it well beyond the 1+ Mach. Kowsar-I is underpowered, a fully armed one (2 x BVR, 2 x All aspect WVR+HMD, 1 X Shahin X band e-warfare) can defend Iranian space while datalinking with IADS but within the Iranian airspace only. It will be overpowered and shot down by 4+ generation enemy fighters outside the guarded realm of Iranian IADS. So it needs a strong turbofan for starters.

F-5 family of airframes are low RCS inherently. F-5E/F has never been shot at BVR by SARH BVR missiles despite it being shot at multiple times by MIG-25PD and MIG-23ML using R-40, R-23 BVR missiles. The same missiles that took out many F-4E/D failed to shoot F-5 because of low RCS. Also the F-5-driven airframe design called N-156 and its succesors YF-17, F/A-18, F-18EF have been recorded to have low RCS. F-18EF has a US Navy recorded frontal RCS of 1 m2. So if HESA works on its radome, air-intakes the plane can certainly reduce its RCS <1 m2. Iran Iraq air war was such a turning point in aviation history, majority of nations never went for larger powerful air trucks after that instead we saw a generation of light mean fighters with a focus on RCS, Avionics, Navigation-Communication etc.

The rest of the ingredients such as e-warfare suite, modern radar, FBW, light BVR missile are well within local Iranian capabilities and have been demonstrated before. They have solved the problem of Ti in the airframes too.
You should make a website and put all your analysis there, like Patamares, and it would be easier for you to add images and videos, categories

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