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I was disappointed when they mentioned shafaq and qaher and that qaher is still somehow ongoing. These resources poured into shafaq would have yielded better results than qaher in its current configuration. Mr. Azarmehr who occasionally speaks on Omid Dana's pod cast even stated that the qaher was originally an experimental air frame and certain people jumped the gun and stated it to be a major project when the mockup was unveiled in 2013 or 2014. The frame was a stepping stone, no more.
In fact, a non stealthy but powerful and fast air craft with strong radars and bvr weapons that can rapidly scramble to hot spots and provide relief on the national air defense grid is preferable to something stealthy with low maneuverability and weak radar and weak payload capacity and no bvr to speak of.
Even as a drone, the shahed series are better so I really don't where qaher could fit into Iran's needs, unless a more powerful engine is now available that might make the plane more capable. But if that's the case, then why not expand on shafaq with more powerful engines or even work on what we used to call the "single engine F-14" that we occasionally a model of in various shows over the years. That plane model looks to have a massive radome in comparison to qaher or shafaq.
On another note regarding the video, I noticed the chronology is a little jumbled together, as it implies that azarakhsh was attempted before shafaq whereas I believe azarakhsh and attempts at rebuilding F-5s go back to the 90s, whereas shafaq in definitely circa 2000-2002 ish.
it seems Iran has reversed engineered J79 engine and plans to unveil it as Owj - 2 engine they showed it side by side of Owj - 1 engine

Iran has secretly unveiled Fakour - 2 medium range semi active air to air missile
Thank you very, very much for this news.
Most of you don't realize, but it is more than a revolution, not only for Iran, but for the African continent, South, and central's America, besides too many Asian countries, including too many European countries that are fed up with US, Western orders. It is the revolution. Because nothing can stop Iran now to build or reverse engineered F-110, AL-41. In order to run 1.000 meters, U must start running 10 meters. But it is always the first 10 meters that are the most difficult task.

Around 1 year ago. I heard from a person that knows North Korea -best Iranian's ally-very well that NK built more than 100 Mig-29 on its own, including the reverse-engineered of the RD-33. North Koreans adapt it to their own needs. It could be different from the Russian RD-93. At this time I understood it is a matter of time for Iran to reach the same level as NK.
In a couple of years, surely Iran will develop a powerful, indigenous heavy fighter. It is a logical step because Iranians are people used to work hard. If you take a look at these figures
U can see Iran is on the 10th of this ranking, in spite of a ruthless blockage, embargo applied by the West and by Russia. What would be the result if Iran was free to buy and develop what it wants.
Iran is on a good path to develop a powerful indigenous version of AL-41F to reach the same status as the great powers, like UK, France, Russia, US etc...
It is noteworthy to add that US still rely on F-100 -F-15 series-, the F-135 is not enough mature. Neither the F-22 nor the F-35 are available in enough numbers to be engaged in a significant number. Finally, Iran now is not so far from US.
"Qaher-313 first official flight is in the next couple of months."

soooo excited

The video above was previously posted, the comment in the video of "it will have its flight next year" is probably old and from the Hassan Dehghan's comment during the taxi tests we saw previously. Has there been something new and officially from Iran regarding test in the next few months?
"Qaher-313 first official flight is in the next couple of months."

soooo excited

View attachment 689779
You should have kept this info until it is revealed publicly. Its just agonizing to watch the development of this long awaited project. I like when things are done and then showed for us to see. It is just keeping us in a state of suspension.
The video above was previously posted, the comment in the video of "it will have its flight next year" is probably old and from the Hassan Dehghan's comment during the taxi tests we saw previously. Has there been something new and officially from Iran regarding test in the next few months?
it was from recent IRGC missile documentary "pin point strike" which is from last week , in Farsi it say it will make its first official flight in new year 1400, thats Persian year which is in 3 months ( March 20th -2021 ) therefor its from last week and not old
You should have kept this info until it is revealed publicly. Its just agonizing to watch the development of this long awaited project. I like when things are done and then showed for us to see. It is just keeping us in a state of suspension.
i was suspicious too but now that i heard that im sure it was not canceled
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It's part of the same video that discussed the shafaq project. I will be surprised if the final Qaher looks like it predecessors.
"Qaher-313 first official flight is in the next couple of months."

soooo excited

View attachment 689779

very interesting. I long assumed the project got shelved because no official dared talk about it.

I need to see the changes to the new airframe. The last prototype was about 3 sizes too small. The airframe needs to be the same size as F-35/J-31 or maybe slightly smaller. Last prototype could barely carry any thing in its internal bay.

The fact that this project “suddenly” came back to life after arms embargo fell makes me wonder if it will fly with Russian engines like RD-33 or AL-31.

I won’t get my hopes up just yet. Kowsar, Karrar, and Iran attack helicopter project have shown weapons can stay in prototype stage for a long time in the Iranian military industrial complex.
very interesting. I long assumed the project got shelved because no official dared talk about it.

I need to see the changes to the new airframe. The last prototype was about 3 sizes too small. The airframe needs to be the same size as F-35/J-31 or maybe slightly smaller. Last prototype could barely carry any thing in its internal bay.

The fact that this project “suddenly” came back to life after arms embargo fell makes me wonder if it will fly with Russian engines like RD-33 or AL-31.

I won’t get my hopes up just yet. Kowsar, Karrar, and Iran attack helicopter project have shown weapons can stay in prototype stage for a long time in the Iranian military industrial complex.
agreed, yes i think Russian engine are highly likely now.
very interesting. I long assumed the project got shelved because no official dared talk about it.

I need to see the changes to the new airframe. The last prototype was about 3 sizes too small. The airframe needs to be the same size as F-35/J-31 or maybe slightly smaller. Last prototype could barely carry any thing in its internal bay.

The fact that this project “suddenly” came back to life after arms embargo fell makes me wonder if it will fly with Russian engines like RD-33 or AL-31.

I won’t get my hopes up just yet. Kowsar, Karrar, and Iran attack helicopter project have shown weapons can stay in prototype stage for a long time in the Iranian military industrial complex.
That current prototype, its not going to fly at all, no matter what others say. Unless they make a new clean slate or major modifications, its not going to fly.

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