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To this day I'm still confused by IRIAF's thinking why they are still using the Fakour-90 joke (looks like the AIM-54 but has a MIM-23 rocket engine and a range of 45 km).

What's with the IRIAF general's thinking? Are their eyes blind or...? Don't they see an opportunity for SAM missiles like the Zubin AD or the more powerful 9 Dey AD to be made into lightweight long-range Air-to-Air Missiles against the AIM-120.

Or did I miss something? Something has to change the old IRIAF generals' thinking, which is like stone.
To this day I'm still confused by IRIAF's thinking why they are still using the Fakour-90 joke (looks like the AIM-54 but has a MIM-23 rocket engine and a range of 45 km).

I haven’t seen any proof it has a MIM-23 engine, guidance system maybe.

Range is said to be at least 150KM not 45KM.
Range about a maximum of 45 km - 50 km.
Engine Aerojet general M112 (mim-23 hawk)

It seems 50KM is not physical limitation range... it’s due to F-14 secondary radar being used with the SARH and not F-14 main radar. Or else 150KM (which was original quotation of range) is easily possible with a missile that size. But it needs to be paired with the F-14 radar.
Seems more an issue where Iran is not fully unlocking the F-14A after all these years to work with Iranian based weaponry.
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To this day I'm still confused by IRIAF's thinking why they are still using the Fakour-90 joke (looks like the AIM-54 but has a MIM-23 rocket engine and a range of 45 km).

What's with the IRIAF general's thinking? Are their eyes blind or...? Don't they see an opportunity for SAM missiles like the Zubin AD or the more powerful 9 Dey AD to be made into lightweight long-range Air-to-Air Missiles against the AIM-120.

Or did I miss something? Something has to change the old IRIAF generals' thinking, which is like stone.
range is 90 km from where 45km came

I haven’t seen any proof it has a MIM-23 engine, guidance system maybe.

Range is said to be at least 150KM not 45KM.
from the first day the engine shown to be MIM-23 engine. the range was 90km not 150km

Range about a maximum of 45 km - 50 km.
Engine Aerojet general M112 (mim-23 hawk)

45km is when the missile fired from earth or more exactly i the range of Hawk airdefence , but if it get fired from an airplane the range will be a lot more
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range is 90 km from where 45km came

from the first day the engine shown to be MIM-23 engine. the range was 90km not 150km

45km is when the missile fired from earth or more exactly i the range of Hawk airdefence , but if it get fired from an airplane the range will be a lot more

Not to mention the stats are for “export” version which are usually lower stats than native
range is 90 km from where 45km came

from the first day the engine shown to be MIM-23 engine. the range was 90km not 150km

45km is when the missile fired from earth or more exactly i the range of Hawk airdefence , but if it get fired from an airplane the range will be a lot more
In today’s day and age a SARH missile is like bringing a knife to a machine gun fight
Not to mention the stats are for “export” version which are usually lower stats than native
I doubt anybody will buy it , its simply too big and heavy
In today’s day and age a SARH missile is like bringing a knife to a machine gun fight
they have their uses, its useful specially in long range system
I dont think most of them even Know what SARH is, ARH guided missiles have 3 at least modes of guidance, and most kills, a ove 90% is inot even in ARH fire and forget mode, since most kills actually happened at short and medijum ranges they were mostly achive in CW illumination.. SARH is bistatic radar arrangement where aircraft is transmiting signal but both aircraft and missile is reciving, those missile also have multi mode, aircraft can for example guide missile all the way, but missile also can do it itself as Long bounced signal is coming to the missile... That is why name.. Semi Active
Of course it did.

It did not use it till the end. It was guided by EO and passive long range Iranian radar combo, once it reached near the target it did its top attack kill using the SARH
but taer missiles also carry a mono-pulse radar for that top attack
A SARH missile is what killed The 200M USD Global Hawk without being detected by the Hawk’s EW/Jamming system
No, what killed the global hawk was its lumbering speed and inability to pull anything more than gentle evasion.
Good luck trying that SARH against an AMRAAM equipped fighter..

I doubt anybody will buy it , its simply too big and heavy

they have their uses, its useful specially in long range system
Active missiles allow the target aircraft to evade once it is in terminal mode. A Aim-120C-7 like the UAEAF has will fire around the same range or more, the aircraft will turn abeam and then once it goes active will flow cold and evade.
Meanwhile whatever IRIAF asset is out there the poor chap has to keep illuminating or his missile goes stupid so all he can do is notch and hope he survives.

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