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Air Force Examines F-4 Development Plan

For his part, the Air Force Commander of the Iranian Army has reviewed the development plan for the F-4 aircraft.

Brigadier General Aziz Nassirzadeh visited, Thursday, December 19, the different parts of an air base, in Tchabahar, in the south of Iran, to check the operational availability, the availability of air combat and the development plan of the F-4 aircraft.

Brigadier General Aziz Nassirzadeh, accompanied by a group of Army Air Force commanders, also visited flight brigades and the aircraft maintenance sector.

Tabriz airbase EOD team disarming an Iraq war era OFAB bomb found in Piranshahr, western azarbaijan province.
در تمام پایگاه‌های هوایی ارتش، تابلویی وجود داره که روی آن تعداد روزهایی که از آخرین سانحه گذشته هر روز درج میشه. تابلو آخرین سانحه پایگاه شهید فکوری تبریز امروز بعد از ۶۳۷۸ روز (۱۷ سال) صفر شد!'

They created a completely new plane based on F-5. This one has blue wheels instead of black like on the Kowsar

It isn't F-5 and you know it. The avionics, radars, digital display, engines, the missiles it cast carry, plus additional features that we don't know of are all different and much more advanced.

Can you share the plane that you referred to here?
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