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Irate India questions rule of law in China

I have to post this again, because the Indian fanboys here think they know more than the Indian Armed Forces themselves. :rofl:

'India cannot match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBN Live

Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta has set off a storm by saying India cannot match China military force. Is it a warning from India's military that the government needs to hear?

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.

For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.

And this was BEFORE the revelation that India has only 2 days worth of ammunition. So in fact the statement above is boasting. :lol:

In fact, India can't even match Pakistan. As we saw in 2008, when India threatened "surgical strikes" against Pakistan after the Mumbai attacks. Then lost their balls, when Mumbai was blasted several times after that, but Indians only cried. :P
I have to post this again, because the Indian fanboys here think they know more than the Indian Armed Forces themselves. :rofl:

'India cannot match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBN Live

And this was BEFORE the revelation that India has only 2 days worth of ammunition. So in fact the statement above is boasting. :lol:

In fact, India can't even match Pakistan. As we saw in 2008, when India threatened "surgical strikes" against Pakistan after the Mumbai attacks. Then lost their balls, when Mumbai was blasted several times after that, but Indians only cried. :P

If we are so weak then there is an open invitation come and get Arunachal back from country which can not handle Pakistan and have only 2 days of Ammo................................................................................................................................................ Oh wait you dont have balls :woot:
Yes, that was a shame that the bystanders walked by after such a bad accident. Very shameful.

However, do you know what Indians do to children, just for being born in the wrong caste? In the case of India, it is no accident... it is plain murder.

In India, the bystanders don't just walk by. They actively HELP to kill the Dalit children, by cutting out their eyes and then burning them alive.

2 Dalit kids killed, eyes gouged out - Times Of India

Two Dalit sisters burnt alive by mob - Times Of India

Physically-challenged Dalit girl burnt alive in Haryana - Times Of India

Dalit teenager burnt to death for resisting rape - Times Of India

16-yr-old Dalit girl raped, burnt alive - Times Of India

Two Dalits burnt alive after clash over dog - Times Of India

Though it says a lot that Indians are whining over an "accident" that took place in China, while they murder their own Dalit children for no crime other than being born into the wrong caste.

Yes - of course there is crime - hate-crime based on differences - this is true of all societies and India is no exception. Now please show me an article written by an Indian law professor which justifies vile acts. That is the difference. Indian society at large condemns such acts; in China such acts are justified.

Firstly, we never said that. There is no official statement about it in either the International or Chinese news, only the South Asian news. :azn:

Secondly, no one has attacked Pakistan. The USA is still officially their ally, and India has no balls, despite constantly crying about it after Mumbai. :rofl:

But the Pakistanis insist that Indians are engaging in nefarious activities in Pakistan. And if America is an ally of Pakistan; then you are the re-incarnation of General Mao. They bomb them day in and day out. Are you suggesting that your ally Pakistan is lying to you about Indian involvement? Or are the Chinese lying? Has to be one of them...

Is the embassy the one who are faint in china? He lack of nutrition like many indian, I think!!
I think the embassy't real meaning that he want to express is that "Motherfcuk, Chinese, I don't care about the two liars, just let they pay the another half of alledged bribary to me, I need it to buy nutrition, Or I will be faint again, you inhumane Chinese"!!!
He define the hysteria, hehe!

You think a lot. That is good. Have you ever "think" about learning a language before posting in it so that the rest of us understand what you are trying to say?

Taiwan is different, we consider them our blood brothers. So we are aiming for peaceful reunification.

Whereas in the Korean War, we were willing to fight the USA + 16 of her allies combined. :azn: And we ended up pushing them entirely out of North Korea.

India meanwhile, loses land to Pakistan (half of Kashmir) then goes and cries to the UN. Then India loses land to China (Aksai Chin) and then goes and cries to America.

India pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - Times Of India

Maybe you should ask them to donate some ammunition to you. :P

Hahahahahaha - peaceful reunification!

and what made the mighty chinese withdraw unilaterally in 1962, lack of testicular fortitude?

Not possible. Testicles would be a prerequisite for any such fortitude.
LOL, these Indian fanboys think they know more than the Indian Armed Forces. :rofl:

'India cannot match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBN Live

And this was BEFORE the revelation that India has only 2 days worth of ammunition. So in fact the statement above is boasting. :lol:

yeah yeah.. ever been able to do anything? or suck my di**..
You can't take it off in a few minutes, since I have already quoted it here. :lol: And what exactly is special about some people being beaten up during the course of a robbery anyway?

We have all seen the videos where Indians were beating their own Indian Dalits to death for having slightly darker skin than normal.

But don't worry, I won't post them. :azn:

Lol Lots of things burning. Specially A**.
Speaking of lawless, here's what this Chinese gentleman thinks of China.

Chinese Activist Decries “Lawless” Nature of China « VOA Breaking News

AFP: China's 'lawlessness' threatens stability: Chen

China's 'lawlessness' threatens stability: Blind Chinese activist

Its essentially a goon state run by communist mafia, so not surprised that this chini professor is encouraging such goon like behaviour.
Don't project your feelings of India onto China.
Don't project your feelings of India onto China.

what does it mean????any guess buddies????
China is country where rule is means Gun, if you have big gun , its you who will rule and apply law.
China is country where rule is means Gun, if you have big gun , its you who will rule and apply law.

then we need this to ensure to "rule and apply law".. :lol:

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