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An Iraqi Army tank during clashes with Islamic State militants, south of Mosul, Iraq on Saturday. (Reuters file photo)

An Iraqi commander says reinforcements have been sent to eastern Mosul after a major Islamic State counterattack drove troops back last week, further slowing a nearly two-month-old offensive to retake the city.

Major general Najim al-Jabouri said on Saturday that federal police and Iraqi army units have moved from the southern front to the city’s east, where most of the fighting has been concentrated in recent weeks.

Iraqi commanders had hoped to push up from the south to take Mosul’s international airport, but those plans appear to be on hold.

Iraqi troops were driven back last week within hours of seizing the al-Salam hospital in eastern Mosul, which IS had been using as a base. More than 20 soldiers were killed before special forces opened a corridor for them to retreat.
Iraqi army taking too much damage to avoid collateral in Mosul....otherwise level it.




Iraqi army and JAHSH Militia are having a bad nightmare in Mosul.
Reuters / Sunday, December 11, 2016
Iraqi fighters from Hashid Shaabi take part in a training at Makhmur camp in Iraq. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem

Reuters / Saturday, December 10, 2016
Members of the Iraqi Army fire towards Islamic State militant positions at the south of Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Alaa Al-Marjani
MI-35 NWEST of Tal Afar airport at 2AM midnight attacking IS.

@2:05 IS units try to hide by lying down, MI-35 gun engages them.
Irbil, Dec 14, 2016, (AP)

The Islamic State group was manufacturing weapons in and around Mosul on an industrial scale with products largely purchased in bulk from Turkey, according to a report published by an arms research group today.

The findings show that IS maintained a "robust and reliable" supply chain between Turkey and Iraq that allowed the fighters to produce tens of thousands of weapons, the London-based Conflict Armaments Research said.

The group's researchers studied IS weapons found at manufacturing facilities and on the battlefield during the Iraqi operation to retake Mosul that is underway.

As Iraqi forces advance, the extremists are losing the physical capacity to manufacture weapons on an industrial scale, but the research group's executive director James Bevan warned that highly trained fighters will take their expertise with them as they retreat.

"Given that this group is so organized, they clearly see the writing on the wall in Mosul," Bevan told The Associated Press, saying he believes IS has already moved its highest trained bomb-makers out of Mosul and into Syria and southern Turkey.

"They place a very high value on technical capacity and they will do everything they can to preserve it," he said. Bevan added that IS fighters likely looked to Turkey to purchase weapons ingredients, knowing that their demand would outstrip what is available in Iraq.

Iraqi forces have been met with stiff resistance in Mosul, including waves of suicide car bombs, since launching an offensive to retake the city in October. They have retaken less than a quarter of the city since the operation began.

@Penguin how did this Iraqi M1 Abrams survive a RPG-7 hit to the side?? if it had been a T-XX series tank no doubt it would have been a catastrophic explosion.

and why doesn't Iraqi M1 have TUSK? :hitwall:
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@Penguin how did this Iraqi M1 Abrams survive a RPG-7 hit to the side?? if it had been a T-XX series tank no doubt it would have been a catastrophic explosion.

and why doesn't Iraqi M1 have TUSK? :hitwall:

T-72 can easily defeat an RPG-7 to the side. There are dozens of accounts and videos dating back from the Afghan war to Syria and Iraq that prove this.

A shot to the side hull without ERA can likely penetrate but even then it would have to be a clean shot between the turret and wheels.

By Ali Jawad and Ibrahim Saleh

A prominent Hashd al-Shaabi commander on Sunday acknowledged the difficulties associated with recapturing Mosul from Daesh, saying the operation would take "a long time" given fierce resistance by the terrorist group.

In mid-October, the Iraqi military -- backed by a U.S.-led anti-Daesh air coalition and local allies on the ground -- launched a wide-ranging operation aimed at recapturing Mosul, which was overrun by the terrorist group in mid-2014.

More than two months later, however, the Iraqi army, federal police and anti-terrorism forces remain locked in "fierce fighting" to capture the city, Hadi al-Ameri, leader of the Badr faction (the largest faction of the Hashd al-Shaabi), was quoted as saying Monday by the Hashd al-Shaabi’s official website.

"Many Iraqis are talking as if the battle [for Mosul] will end within days," al-Ameri was quoted as saying.

"But this is wishful thinking," he added. "Judging by the resistance we’ve seen, the battle will likely take a long time."

On Sunday, Daesh militants reportedly carried out several attacks on parts of western Mosul held by the Hashd al-Shaabi, an umbrella of pro-government Shia armed groups.

Captain Jabbar Hasan, a Hashd al-Shaabi officer, told Anadolu Agency that Daesh militants had staged a deadly attack on Hashd al-Shaabi forces stationed in western Mosul’s village of Hammoud Abdul Aziz.

Iraqi officials have vowed to recapture Mosul -- Daesh’s last stronghold in northern Iraq -- by year’s end.
Mosul fight is getting very tough . Iraqi army facing to many casualties. ISIS using families as shield in residential areas.
Mosul fight is getting very tough . Iraqi army facing to many casualties. ISIS using families as shield in residential areas.

From one of the suicide bombings video made by isis guys which showed many of the VBIEDs targeting Iraqi forces, it seems Iraqis weren't either prepared for what they were gonna face or they have no idea how to handle urban warfare or poor leadership. I was simply amazed that with how ease the VBIEDs reached their targets and blown up the iraqis. The iraqis seem to be their elite COIN forces and just look how they are positioned and leaving multiple pathways unguarded from where isis hit them.

Here is the video, just see how with ease and pinpoint accuracy the isis search out iraqi forces and blows them up.

From one of the suicide bombings video made by isis guys which showed many of the VBIEDs targeting Iraqi forces, it seems Iraqis weren't either prepared for what they were gonna face or they have no idea how to handle urban warfare or poor leadership. I was simply amazed that with how ease the VBIEDs reached their targets and blown up the iraqis. The iraqis seem to be their elite COIN forces and just look how they are positioned and leaving multiple pathways unguarded from where isis hit them.

Here is the video, just see how with ease and pinpoint accuracy the isis search out iraqi forces and blows them up.

They all using Iraqi army marked trucks. One of reason seems they unable to identify. Wonder why Iraqi govt request US govt for training of these soldiers.
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