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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions




Smoke rises from clashes at Bartila in the east of Mosul during clashes with Islamic State militants, Iraq, October 18, 2016. REUTERS/Thaier Al-Sudani


A member of Iraqi security forces stands with his weapon in Qayara, south of Mosul, during an operation to attack Islamic State militants in Mosul, Iraq, October 18, 2016. REUTERS/Stringer


Peshmerga forces advance in the east of Mosul to attack Islamic State militants in Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Thaier Al-Sudani

Reuters / Monday, October 17, 2016
Tanks move past soldiers in military fatigues as the sun begins to set east of Mosul, where the Iraqi government launched a U.S.-backed offensive to drive Islamic State from the northern city. RUDAW via REUTERS VIDEO NEWS
credits go to Mosul Eye Facebook page.

Summary of the first 24 hours of operation for the liberation of Mosul. - October 17, 2016.

First movement was towards Bashiqa, the town was liberated via a quick airdrop operation. This cut the link between Turkish forces and Mosul.

Mobile communication towers were set up to give access to Mosul residents. Anti-IS cells are currently active, snapping photos and sending live feeds of IS Movements in the city. The patriot cells are also preparing to attack IS positions as iraqi forces aproach.

1. To 2:30, time of Baghdad, the prime minister abadi announces the beginning of the operation of liberation.
2. Less than half an hour later, a huge display of the Iraqi forces take control of bashiqa [14 km north of Mosul], where we no longer had the presence of the daesh.
3. The Special Operations Force (ISF) and the forces of the coalition declare that use the tactic of "shock and awe" (shock and awe) in Mosul.
4. The highest concentration of combatants of the daesh is located in the village of ablij, close to the military camp of alghizlani in Mosul.
5. The Daesh Evacuates the university of Mosul completely. There is a very weak presence of daesh on the eastern bank of the Tigris River, and a very strong presence in the western shore of Mosul.
6. at the moment, are not recorded movements of the neighbors of Mosul. People keep the orders not to go out of the house. Also close their channels of communication as the bombing of the city is intensifying.
7. in less than an hour, the isf announces the total liberation of bashiqa.
8. The Isf and the coalition forces continue their strong bombing of Mosul and the surrounding areas.
9. Six hours after the start of the operations, the isf approaches hamdaniya, 35 km southeast of Mosul.
10. the isf enters bartella and its surrounding villages.
11. A long caravan of combatants of the daesh out of Mosul through wadi eqab towards ba ' AJ.
12. The Daesh evacuates their barracks in gogjali and karam, and leave behind their car bomb.
13. The neighbors of Mosul are voluntarily under curfew. Significantly reduces the presence of the daesh in the city.
14. Battalions doctors in Canada and the Czech Republic are moving with the military and prepare field hospitals and urgent attention.
15. The French Artillery Battalion and the special task force conducted tactical operations against daesh in Mosul. There's inforamaciones about the kidnapping of meanings heads of daesh in Mosul.
16. The Daesh holds hostage the doctors from the hospital aljamhouri, and threatens to execute them if they leave the hospital.
17. at this point, the villages and liberated areas are: Shaquli, basakhra, bas kirdan tarjala, Sheikh, Amir, badanah and hide to-Ulya, karbali, and kharaba sultan
18. The Daesh Rearranges all its security apparatus and sent to its members to the military apparatus. The majority of its fighters are teenagers.
19. The Daesh sends more than 20 suicide bombistas to fronts.
20. at the moment, there is tranquility in Mosul. In some areas of the eastern shore the daesh has completely disappeared. It is reported a number of traffic accidents of vehicles of the daesh. People are very quiet, and the city is located in total silence.
21. The Isf releases Nimrod and continues its advance towards Mosul.
22. Turkey declares that will not be involved in the operations for the liberation of Mosul, and sent a delegation to Baghdad.
23. Mosul eye will shortly be posting a list with the names of the leaders of daesh who still remain in Mosul.
24., the Iraqi air force launched more than 17 million printed sheets on 16 districts in the province of Nineveh, hawija in the province of kirkuk, ALQA ' im, rawa and ana in the province of anbar, the biggest launch In the military history of Iraq, to prepare for the release of these areas from the hands of the daesh.


Some other info

Turkmen forces are mostly in the 92 brigade of the iraqi army. They will enter Mosul as part of the iraqi army and not the PMF. (PMF was assigned around mosul and not inside the city)

These forces are compromised of a thousands of shia Turkmen who were forced to leave their homes by IS in Nineveh. Majority of the Turmen youth signed up to join the PMF and ISF as soon as they arrived to central and south Iraq. They have took part in most operations in Anbar, sallihiddin, Diyala, jurf al Nasr, and are now taking part in the Nineveh ops as part of the army.

The 92 brigade, AKA the Tel Afar or Turkmen brigade.

A song dedicated to the 92 brigade.
credits go to Mosul Eye Facebook page.

Summary of the first 24 hours of operation for the liberation of Mosul. - October 17, 2016.

First movement was towards Bashiqa, the town was liberated via a quick airdrop operation. This cut the link between Turkish forces and Mosul.

Mobile communication towers were set up to give access to Mosul residents. Anti-IS cells are currently active, snapping photos and sending live feeds of IS Movements in the city. The patriot cells are also preparing to attack IS positions as iraqi forces aproach.

1. To 2:30, time of Baghdad, the prime minister abadi announces the beginning of the operation of liberation.
2. Less than half an hour later, a huge display of the Iraqi forces take control of bashiqa [14 km north of Mosul], where we no longer had the presence of the daesh.
3. The Special Operations Force (ISF) and the forces of the coalition declare that use the tactic of "shock and awe" (shock and awe) in Mosul.
4. The highest concentration of combatants of the daesh is located in the village of ablij, close to the military camp of alghizlani in Mosul.
5. The Daesh Evacuates the university of Mosul completely. There is a very weak presence of daesh on the eastern bank of the Tigris River, and a very strong presence in the western shore of Mosul.
6. at the moment, are not recorded movements of the neighbors of Mosul. People keep the orders not to go out of the house. Also close their channels of communication as the bombing of the city is intensifying.
7. in less than an hour, the isf announces the total liberation of bashiqa.
8. The Isf and the coalition forces continue their strong bombing of Mosul and the surrounding areas.
9. Six hours after the start of the operations, the isf approaches hamdaniya, 35 km southeast of Mosul.
10. the isf enters bartella and its surrounding villages.
11. A long caravan of combatants of the daesh out of Mosul through wadi eqab towards ba ' AJ.
12. The Daesh evacuates their barracks in gogjali and karam, and leave behind their car bomb.
13. The neighbors of Mosul are voluntarily under curfew. Significantly reduces the presence of the daesh in the city.
14. Battalions doctors in Canada and the Czech Republic are moving with the military and prepare field hospitals and urgent attention.
15. The French Artillery Battalion and the special task force conducted tactical operations against daesh in Mosul. There's inforamaciones about the kidnapping of meanings heads of daesh in Mosul.
16. The Daesh holds hostage the doctors from the hospital aljamhouri, and threatens to execute them if they leave the hospital.
17. at this point, the villages and liberated areas are: Shaquli, basakhra, bas kirdan tarjala, Sheikh, Amir, badanah and hide to-Ulya, karbali, and kharaba sultan
18. The Daesh Rearranges all its security apparatus and sent to its members to the military apparatus. The majority of its fighters are teenagers.
19. The Daesh sends more than 20 suicide bombistas to fronts.
20. at the moment, there is tranquility in Mosul. In some areas of the eastern shore the daesh has completely disappeared. It is reported a number of traffic accidents of vehicles of the daesh. People are very quiet, and the city is located in total silence.
21. The Isf releases Nimrod and continues its advance towards Mosul.
22. Turkey declares that will not be involved in the operations for the liberation of Mosul, and sent a delegation to Baghdad.
23. Mosul eye will shortly be posting a list with the names of the leaders of daesh who still remain in Mosul.
24., the Iraqi air force launched more than 17 million printed sheets on 16 districts in the province of Nineveh, hawija in the province of kirkuk, ALQA ' im, rawa and ana in the province of anbar, the biggest launch In the military history of Iraq, to prepare for the release of these areas from the hands of the daesh.


Some other info

Turkmen forces are mostly in the 92 brigade of the iraqi army. They will enter Mosul as part of the iraqi army and not the PMF. (PMF was assigned around mosul and not inside the city)

These forces are compromised of a thousands of shia Turkmen who were forced to leave their homes by IS in Nineveh. Majority of the Turmen youth signed up to join the PMF and ISF as soon as they arrived to central and south Iraq. They have took part in most operations in Anbar, sallihiddin, Diyala, jurf al Nasr, and are now taking part in the Nineveh ops as part of the army.

The 92 brigade, AKA the Tel Afar or Turkmen brigade.

A song dedicated to the 92 brigade.

Excellent news from first day.
Turkmen fighters from be 16th army division head to Mosul northern front.

The Shabak people are another ethnic minority living in Niniveh. They reside in about 60 towns on the Nineveh plains, they were forced to leave their homes by IS. now they are preparing to take their land back in participation with the iraqi army and other forces from Nineveh plains. Including Turkmen and Christian fighters.

Southern front of Mosul across the Tigris river having most towns (habited) areas is the toughest front currently being treated which is treated by the ISF. Yet Kurds who are again doing barely anything but build trenches and pose with cameras are receiving all the coverage in western news, the west is obsessed with them.
Southern front of Mosul across the Tigris river having most towns (habited) areas is the toughest front currently being treated which is treated by the ISF. Yet Kurds who are again doing barely anything but build trenches and pose with cameras are receiving all the coverage in western news, the west is obsessed with them.

Barzani's Peshmerga are one of the most incompetent forces in Iraq, but thanks to being a western favorite, they are covered extensively. Iraqi forces have advanced in too many areas without even one single US strike, yet Peshmerga can't advance an inch without heavy US air support.
Reuters / Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Peshmerga forces stand around a tunnel used by Islamic State militants on the outskirts of Bartila, east of Mosul during an operation to attack Islamic State militants in Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Azad Lashkari


Reuters / Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Iraqi security forces advance in Qayara, south of Mosul, to attack Islamic State militants in Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Stringer
Barzani's Peshmerga are one of the most incompetent forces in Iraq, but thanks to being a western favorite, they are covered extensively. Iraqi forces have advanced in too many areas without even one single US strike, yet Peshmerga can't advance an inch without heavy US air support.

He's doing everything he can to undermine the country, it's not new however. Before he invited the Iraqi army to fight his fellow PUK Kurds, his term already ended but the KRG is not a democracy either way. It's a tribal form of governance, he brought in his brothers and cousins to take top positions within the government. Within time he'll get in problems, like in the past.
Precise intelligence reports coming in from Mosul. Reports about every Convoy or VBIED which enters or leaves as well as IS hideouts.

People are snapping images of IS locations. Sending names of all IS members and where they live.

After continuous setbacks IS has ordered all residents to give up their SIM cards to the nearest hisbah stations within 24 hours otherwise their houses will be raided and belonging confiscated.

Iraqi Air Force targets IS meetings, killing and iniuring dozens of them.
M825A1 white phosphorus smoke rounds used in Mosul offensive:


Nothing wrong with that, just note next time someone screams about these rounds in Gaza.

Very obviously photoshopped, try again.
Last Updated: Wednesday, October 19, 2016 - 23:04

Washington: Islamic State leaders have fled the Iraqi city of Mosul which is under a massive siege by Iraqi forces, aided by the US-led coalition forces, a US general has said.

Operation Inherent Resolve commander US Gen. Gary Volesky said at a briefing on Wednesday that most of the foreign fighters recruited by the terror group have remained to defend Mosul, the outfit's stronghold.

"We have got indications that [Islamic State] leaders have left, a lot of foreign fighters we expect will stay," Volesky told reporters at the Pentagon.

The US Army general and coalition spokesman explained that it is harder for foreign fighters to flee the area than for local jihadists.

"They will be the ones [who] really want to stay and fight…because they really do not have any other place to go," Volesky said.

On Monday, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi announced the start of military operations to retake Mosul from Islamic State militants. The US-led coalition is providing Iraqi Security Forces with air power, artillery, intelligence, advisers and other support, the US military's Central Command has said.

The Islamic State, which is outlawed in Russia and other countries, seized Mosul in 2014 along with a number of other Iraqi cities and towns.

Thu Oct 20, 2016 | 1:45pm EDT
A U.S. service member died on Thursday from wounds sustained in an improvised explosive device blast in northern Iraq, the U.S.-led military coalition said in a statement.

The statement did not identify the service member or the exact location of the incident.

(Reporting by Idrees Ali and Yeganeh Torbati, editing by G Crosse)
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