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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions


Ramadi after 'precise' coalition airstrikes. This is what happens when terrorists hide in every single hole inside cities, yet some idiots don't waste a minute to blame Russia in Syria. This was the case in Syria since day 1 in 2011.



good to see ISIS is gone frm Ramadi but there is nothing celebrate the whole country is destroyed
Daesh captured multiple armored vehicles from Iraqi soldiers after they ran away ....
What a wonderful and strong army!
They left all their equipments for Daesh!!






Stupidity of Iraqi and Irani armies is one reason of why Daesh has all kind of weapons they need.
what the fluck is going on, idiots, they left their war machines once again to the daeshis, Musol 2.0, just when we thought there is still hope :(
Daesh captured multiple armored vehicles from Iraqi soldiers after they ran away ....
What a wonderful and strong army!
They left all their equipments for Daesh!!






Stupidity of Iraqi and Irani armies is one reason of why Daesh has all kind of weapons they need.
Dont tell me this is true, :tsk: i thought Iraqi army was making progress and recapturing lands how on earth could this happen again?
IS attacked the 10th division with multiple VBIED's North of Ramadi and close to a hundred fights. They managed to stay there a few hours before being beaten back. Losses of equipment is present. They didn't have a chance to loot the vehicles so they burnt most of them. However IS propaganda of making any progress is all false. They are loosing more and more territory inside Ramadi with 80% under control of ISF or contested.

IS is trying to push the trapped families with them to the north towards sophiaa. Many families are attempting to find routes east and south to be evacuated by iraqi forces. However IS has executed four men for doing so. They also trapped the families who were fleeing towards the ISF and used them as sheilds to attack neighborhoods under ISF control. As a result 40 civilians were killed and injured as clashes raged.

Today IS burnt over 200 homes leaving hundreds of families under the threat of suffocation in an attempt to divert the Air cover.

For the people mocking, I'd love to see your armies do a better job fighting under the same circumstances.
The humvees used in the attack weren't taken, they just had them from many months ago from before the counter assault. Neede you can see picture labeled "before the assault". However, no one can deny the lack of proper defences and loss of equipment due to sabatoge.



They never show their losses or the aftermath anyway.
IS attacked the 10th division with multiple VBIED's North of Ramadi and close to a hundred fights. They managed to stay there a few hours before being beaten back. Losses of equipment is present. They didn't have a chance to loot the vehicles so they burnt most of them. However IS propaganda of making any progress is all false. They are loosing more and more territory inside Ramadi with 80% under control of ISF or contested.

IS is trying to push the trapped families with them to the north towards sophiaa. Many families are attempting to find routes east and south to be evacuated by iraqi forces. However IS has executed four men for doing so. They also trapped the families who were fleeing towards the ISF and used them as sheilds to attack neighborhoods under ISF control. As a result 40 civilians were killed and injured as clashes raged.

Today IS burnt over 200 homes leaving hundreds of families under the threat of suffocation in an attempt to divert the Air cover.

For the people mocking, I'd love to see your armies do a better job fighting under the same circumstances.

Your army has to fight an unnecessary war against Iran for 8 years for that idiot Saddam. Then again they had to go and die to fight Kuwait again for Saddam then they were forced to defend the land against USA attack. Then they fell into secterian trap and didn't know who was the ally and whinwas the enemy.

But now for the first time, after many decades, they are fighting for a cause they believe in and are fighting for their land, their people, and their children's future. It took time, but day by day they are getting better, and once the land of Iraq is cleared of terrorists, let's then see people laugh at Iraq then.

All that Iraq needs now is a charismatic and string prime minister. No leader has been able to motivate the people.
Dash has also launched a massive attack with multiple VBIED's and hundreds of fighters against tharthar dam and near samara dam. They are attempting to open new fronts to save what little they have inside Ramadi. However they won't be able to hold these areas for long.
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