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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

Crying when TTP kills people in Pakistan, criticizing IS in Syria but rooting for them in Iraq. This is the logic of United, as of many others.

show me where i rooted for them......dont go full retard

it is ppl like u who support and root for murderous thugs like assad and his dogs.

remember Iraq does not belong to shias only............if u r a true iraqi u would have known this
show me where i rooted for them......dont go full retard

it is ppl like u who support and root for murderous thugs like assad and his dogs.

remember Iraq does not belong to shias only............if u r a true iraqi u would have known this

Didn't root for assad
Iraq kills 60 ISIL militants in restive west

PressTV-60 ISIL militants killed in western Iraq

At least 60 ISIL Takfiri terrorists, including top commanders of the group, have been killed by Iraqi forces in the restive province of Anbar in western Iraq.

Iraq’s Ministry of Interior released a statement on Sunday, saying the terrorists were killed in the district of al-Qa’im, located in west of Anbar, IraqiNews reported.

“Security forces, with support from the Army’s Air Force, have managed to conduct a painful strike on ISIL sites in the area of al-Qa’im,” the ministry spokesman General Officer Saad Mo’en said in the statement.

“The operation resulted in killing 60 terrorists, including a number of top leaders within the ISIL group,” the spokesman added.

Mo’en further noted that “Abu Sumayyah, the ISIL military leader for the district,” was among the terrorists killed in the strike.

Iraqi army and volunteer forces fully liberated the village of Albu Ajil, located east of the militant-held strategic city of Tikrit,in the northern province of Salahuddin.

Iraqi forces also liberated the town of Qaryat al-Rashad, located roughly 70 kilometers (43 miles) west of Baghdad, following intense exchanges of fire with ISIL Takfiris.

The Iraqi army has inflicted heavy losses on the Takfiri group since March 2 when Iraq launched its operation to free the strategic city of Tikrit, located 140 km (86 miles) northwest of Baghdad.

Iraqi soldiers, backed by volunteer fighters, retook an airport in the town of al-Dour, located more than 160 kilometers (100 miles) north of Baghdad, on Friday.

ISIL started its campaign of terror in Iraq in early June 2014. The heavily armed terrorists took control of Mosul before sweeping through parts of the country’s Sunni Arab heartland.

Iraqi soldiers, police units, Kurdish forces, Shia volunteers and Sunni tribesmen are engaged in battles with the terrorists to drive them back from the areas they have under control.

Battle is not yet finished, you Persian.

looool did you really just say that? :rofl:
So I guess the Iraqi Turkmen that is also taking part in the battle against ISIS are "Persians".
Your beloved ISIS are being slaughtered en masse as we speak.

Btw what is wrong with being a Persian?
Meaow meaow
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Latest news. There's been an unexpected move by the PMF.

large forces have been redirected from Alem taking the road towards Hawijah to capture the Baiji-Hawija road.

PMF have also taken the main Tikrit Bridge from the east this securing 95% of Tikrits belt.

Reports from the last hours indicated that PMF forces have taken all the villages of Alem and entered the Alem town centre and controlling over 50% of the town. Fighting ongoing in some parts, with all the areas fully surrounded.

Meanwhile Ablu Ajeel and Dour have been secured 100%. Currently soecilized forces working on removing IED's.

Peshmerga backed by coalition airstrikes have launched a large scale attack on Hawija from the east as the PMF push from the west.

The complete control of Alem will mean the siege on Tikrit has been completed on all fronts.
Reports from an hour ago state the full liberation of Alem. House to house searchs and IED defusion will probably start next morning.

The entire area around Tikrit is now secure and the city fully besieged. PMF going to secure the highways to Hawija and other strategic areas to avoid getting interrupted during the attack on Tikrit.

In Anbar massive battles going on with hundreds of dead amongst IS rats as artillery rains on them.
Tens of PMF and ISF martyrs as well including some high ranking military officers.

Hundreds of families from Garma are escaping towards Falujah.

The PMF is pushing towards Al Garma, a large town connected to Falujah geographically and has managed to clear many areas there. PMF forces have taken over one of the main entrances of Garma.

IS suicide bombers killed a few PMF fighters in Sallahiddin province. A group of suicidal IS fighters were found trapped in a house in Dour and were dealt with.
Reports from an hour ago state the full liberation of Alem. House to house searchs and IED defusion will probably start next morning.

The entire area around Tikrit is now secure and the city fully besieged. PMF going to secure the highways to Hawija and other strategic areas to avoid getting interrupted during the attack on Tikrit.

In Anbar massive battles going on with hundreds of dead amongst IS rats as artillery rains on them.
Tens of PMF and ISF martyrs as well including some high ranking military officers.

Hundreds of families from Garma are escaping towards Falujah.

The PMF is pushing towards Al Garma, a large town connected to Falujah geographically and has managed to clear many areas there. PMF forces have taken over one of the main entrances of Garma.

IS suicide bombers killed a few PMF fighters in Sallahiddin province. A group of suicidal IS fighters were found trapped in a house in Dour and were dealt with.

This is the true approach in liberating Tikrit, PMF could act more quickly and reach Tikrit, by that strategy, there'd be house to house battles inside Tirkrit by now which would also have high casualties. But attacking from all sides has had a huge psychological burden on IS scums, they are now more easy to defeat. PMF shouldn't enter Tikrit now, they should just launch air strikes, use drones, artillery etc to bleed Daesh slowly. They'll get desperate and launch suicide bombs which are easy to handle since it's predictable which way they are coming from. Casualties of this operation has been pretty low compared to its scale and also previous operations.

God bless PMF and Iraqi armed forces for battling the filth called Daesh and its filthy 'Khilafah'.
^ no one was expecting the PMF and they had no clue about its capabilities. Now even the US fears the rate of advance of the PMF.

According to a reliable anti-"militia" Facebook page; PMF and ISF are making steady and significant gains in Garma.
^ no one was expecting the PMF and they had no clue about its capabilities. Now even the US fears the rate of advance of the PMF.

According to a reliable anti-"militia" Facebook page; PMF and ISF are making steady and significant gains in Garma.
They are really impressing and advences are fenaminal.

I hope they just become the new republican guards with better training and armament.

@Alshawi1234 is it really they wont participate in liberating mosul?.
The PMF will join on the battle of tel afar but I don't know about Mosul yet. Apparently the Nujaifi and the Muslim brotherhood are training their little army to take back Mosul, but I'm not very optimistic about them. However the PMF will most likely be part of it. Neither the US nor the Muslim brotherhood lot want them to join though.

The PMF will be intergrated into the security forces but I don't have much detail on that.
They want to have their own federal state just like kurds while the fund comes from Basrah!!! Do you think that will happen and Iraq get seperated?.

Possibly, but not to the extent of Kurdish like autonomy.

About the battles of Albu Ajeel. The tribe responsible for killing the Tikrit air Academy cadets.

The battle lasted no more than a few hours before they all ran away towards Tikrit.

Hundreds of Sunni fighters have entered the area to identify the property of the pro-IS population.

All the homes were burnt while everything was confiscated by the anti-IS Sunni fighters to make up for their losses after many of them had their homes stolen and bombed by IS.

The property of Albu Ajeel will be granted to the thousands of Sunni homes who have had their homes destroyed by the so called Islamic state.

But the revenge has not been fulfilled yet, we took their properties but haven't taken their lives yet. Still the blood of 1700 of our men has not been fulfilled.
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