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Iraq deployment linked to oil: Nelson


Aug 23, 2006
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Defence Minister Brendan Nelson says securing the world's oil supply is one of the Federal Government's considerations as it decides how long to keep troops in Iraq.

The statement has prompted Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd to accuse Prime Minister John Howard of "making it up as he goes along" on Iraq.

The Government released its update on national defence policy this morning, warning of the ongoing threat from terrorism and continuing problems with fragile states in our region.

Speaking ahead of the release, Dr Nelson confirmed the Government viewed Australia's involvement in Iraq as partially driven by the need to secure oil supplies, although he said the main reason was to ensure that the humanitarian crisis did not worsen.

"The defence update we're releasing today sets out many priorities for Australia's defence and security - and resource security is one of them," he said.

"Obviously the Middle East itself, not only Iraq, but the entire region is an important supplier of energy, oil in particular, to the rest of the world."

Mr Rudd says the statement is a clear backflip on what the Howard Government said when the Iraq war started.

"Mr Howard makes it up as he goes along on Iraq," he said.

"Mr Howard was asked back in 2003 whether this war had anything to do with oil. Mr Howard said in no way did this have anything to do with oil. This government simply makes it up as it goes along."

Labor defence spokesman Joel Fitzgibbon joined the attack.

"The Government has now introduced security of oil supply as the fourth justification for our involvement in Iraq," he said.

"What it demonstrates is that the Prime Minister has been fundamentally dishonest with the Australian people from the beginning."

Extremist threat

The update warns that violent extremism will remain a threat around the world for at least a generation.

It says while Australia doesn't face any direct conventional threat, the military should be prepared for a range of problems from operations in fragile neighbouring countries to humanitarian relief.

The review says the stakes are high in Iraq and Afghanistan and Australia needs to fight terrorism at its source, rather than waiting for it to reach Australian shores.

Dr Nelson says that when it comes to Iraq, Australia needs to support its allies, stop Al Qaeda securing a foothold, and secure oil supplies.

"There are many countries, including developing countries which rely substantially on energy supplies from the Middle East," he said.

Dr Nelson says it is Australia's interest to leave Iraq in a sustainable security position when troops are eventually withdrawn.

"It's the conditions on the ground that will determine how long we stay in Iraq, not the political conditions in Australia."

Dr Nelson leaves today for an official visit to Indonesia, China and India.

What we need to remember is that these people are liars, and always have been, and they've always been greedy. Now that the lies are so ridiculous, they're resorting to the truth about the occupation and desecration of iraq because their society has reached such a level that war for money is acceptable.
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