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Iran's Navy trained in india?


Mar 18, 2006
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New Delhi, April 4: India and the United States are busily denying the fact that 200 Iranian naval cadets had received military training in Kochi to ride over the immediate crisis in Washington where American legislators seem to be uniting to reject the Indo-US civilian nuclear energy agreement. Foreign secretary Shyam Saran went so far as to assure an angry Democrat, Mr Tom Lantos, that the two Iranian warships which had docked in Kochi for five days were just paying a normal "courtesy call", although there is sufficient information here that the visit was more in the nature of "training" than a courtesy mission.
The Democratic Congressman appears to have singlehandedly put the Manmohan Singh government into denial mode over its entire relationship with Iran. In fact, as recently as October last year, Iran had commemorated 3,500 Indian soliders who had died fighting for the British in Iran in the first and second world wars. Buglers were flown in from India to play the Last Post for the soldiers in a grand ceremony organised by the Iranian government. Under the NDA government, New Delhi and Tehran had sought to give some shape to their strategic relations in an agreement reached during then President Syed Mohammad Khatami’s visit here as the Republic Day chief guest in 2003.
Mr Saran told reporters in Washington after his meeting with Mr Lantos that he had succeeded in persuading the Democratic legislator that no such military training had been imparted to the Iranians, and that "this was one of the several courtesy visits which take place from countries all over the globe." He said that "this was an Iranian naval training ship which made a port call, which is normal activity." Mr Saran sounded almost apologetic in clarifying: "Somehow, somebody had given the impression that India is engaged in training the Iranian Navy or there were some exercises that took place, which is completely misleading." The MEA spokesperson, in response to a question on this issue on Tuesday, said he had nothing to add to Mr Saran’s comments.
US state department spokesperson Adam Ereli, briefing reporters in Washington, insisted that the ships’ visit was a "limited type of event and does not suggest Indian training or Indian contribution to Iranian military capabilities." He said: "Our understanding is that there were ship visits by two ships with naval cadets from Iran into an Indian port. They were not training programmes, they were ship visits with naval cadets."
Sources said that the two Iranian warships, IRIS Bandar Abbas, a modified training ship, and IRIS Lavan, an amphibious assault vessel, docked in Kochi port on March 3 with 174 cadets, 13 midshipmen and 18 trainee sub-lieutenants. The defence spokesperson, Captain M. Nambiar, was quoted in the media at the time as saying: "This is the first time in several years that two naval ships from Iran are here. They are really excited about their experience here and have returned with good memories."
The "courtesy call", the sources said, saw intense five-day interaction between the two militaries. The Iranian cadets were taken to different professional training schools of the Southern Naval Command. They also received some firsthand training in watermanship and on the ship handling simulator. Naval teams of both sides played volleyball and football matches. The ships were received on arrival by Commodore G.V. Babu, chief staff officer (operations), and an Indian naval band. The officers on board the ships called on the Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Southern Naval Command, Vice-Admiral S.C.S. Bangara. In defence parlance, the five-day event would come under the "training" category, with Mr Lantos’ anger about continuing India-Iran cooperation not "misplaced."
The Atal Behari Vajpayee government, despite its proximity to the US, had made no bones about the need to strategise relations with Iran. It had been agreed at that time that India would maintain Iran’s mostly Russian-supplied hardware and also train Iranian Navy personnel. In fact, naval exercises had been held by the two navies in the Arabian Sea under the NDA government. India had also agreed to service Iran’s four Russian Kilo-class submarines. In another major development, both New Delhi and Tehran had decided to develop a series of ports and roads linking Iran to Afghanistan and the Central Asian republics.
There is no sign of these agreements now, with India distancing itself from Iran in a bid to win support from the US Congress for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President George W. Bush’s civilian nuclear energy agreement. The Washington Post has said as much in a news report, pointing out: "The United States on Monday confirmed that two Iranian Navy ships had visited Indian ports last month, but played down the contact as the Bush administration struggles to win congressional approval for a landmark US-India civilian nuclear energy deal." It has gone on to state in the same report: "India, once leader of the nonaligned movement, has insisted on maintaining good ties with Iran, which Bush has called a member of the ‘axis of evil’, with prewar Iraq and North Korea. But it voted with the United States and most other countries to report Iran’s non-compliance with nuclear safeguards to the UN Security Council after US members of Congress warned (that) a failure to do so would jeopardise the nuclear deal."

"Iranian naval personnel in Kochi only for routine visit"
Staff Reporter
The two ships were not frontline warships

KOCHI: Concern in the United States about Indian Navy personnel having trained their counterparts in the Iranian Navy in Kochi is unwarranted, sources in the Indian Navy said.
A U.S. Senator reportedly expressed concern at India training Iranian naval personnel at the Southern Naval Command (SNC) in Kochi. The Iranians arrived here in two ships in early March.
No special training

"The personnel aboard two ships - IRIN Bandar Abbas (a training ship) and IRIN Lavan (an amphibious ship) arrived in Kochi on March 3 and left on March 8. They called on Kochi for a routine visit, which is a normal practice for ships from friendly navies. The Indian Navy did not arrange any special training for Iranian personnel," the source said.
"Moreover, four days is too short a period to give training, especially when the Iranians knew little English. In between, the guests played football and basketball matches with personnel of the Indian Navy. Indian naval ships too frequently visit ports of friendly countries."
As the SNC is the training command unit of the Indian Navy, the visitors were exposed to yachting and boat pulling, done by navies across the world. They also visited the Navigation and Direction School of the command and tried their hand at a ship-handling simulator on board the bridge of ships. A visit to naval establishments is a normal practice when ships of friendly navies come to anchor. Also, the two ships were merely logistics ships and not frontline warships. They were berthed in the Boat-Terminal Passenger (BTP) berth of the Cochin Port Trust, Naval sources said.

As a true friend of Iran.......india should give its Russian made Bramouse missiles to Iran so it can defend its self against an American attack. It would reinforce indias position as a regional superpower that helps its friends in need. :angel:
Iranian navy has mostly been trained by pakistan, india, china and russian navy's. Also if India ever sells Iran the Brah-mouse then you can say good-bye to your relations with the US
Kaiser said:
Iranian navy has mostly been trained by pakistan, india, china and russian navy's. Also if India ever sells Iran the Brah-mouse then you can say good-bye to your relations with the US
That is rubbish. The Iranians get their training from their own naval academy and from China and Russia from where they buy their boats/ ships. On the other hand the said ships were slotted to conduct training exercises with the Pakistani Navy last year. The Indian Navy is not dumb to train a foreign unit that conducts exercises with an adversary.
Pakistan And Iranian Navy To Conduct War Games

March 06, 2005: Two Iranian Naval Ships will carry out joint exercises with Pakistan navy ships in the open sea which involves joint maneuvers and advance tactical exercises, a Pakistani navy statement said here on Saturday. "This, apart from a good opportunity for personnel of two navies to benefit from each others experiences, also provides an arena to improve upon naval procedures and doctrines," the statement said.

The Iranian Naval Ships IRIS BANDAR ABBAS and IRIS LARAK left Karachi port Saturday morning on completion of five-day goodwill visit of Pakistan but they will hold joint exercises with Pakistan navy while returning, it said. "During their stay in Pakistan, the Iranian Navy officers held meetings with high ranking naval authorities and discussed matters of common interest," it said.​

"They paid visit to various training and operational units of Pakistan Navy and participated in different sports activities," the statement said. "Pakistan and Iran enjoy long standing brotherly relations. Exchange of such goodwill cruises is a regular feature which plays significant role in further strengthening ties between the navies of two countries and promote military cooperation," the statement said.​

Kaiser said:
Iranian navy has mostly been trained by pakistan, india, china and russian navy's. Also if India ever sells Iran the Brah-mouse then you can say good-bye to your relations with the US

Very true Kaiser. india also services Iranian Naval personel, its Kilo Submarines and well as Iranian Mig-29s. I do suspect that in some underhanded deal, india is giving Iran Nuclear tech and some Bra Mouse missiles that are made in Russia. I wonder when the CIA will blow the lid over this clandestine indian operation.
RAPTOR said:
Very true Kaiser. india also services Iranian Naval personel, its Kilo Submarines and well as Iranian Mig-29s. I do suspect that in some underhanded deal, india is giving Iran Nuclear tech and some Bra Mouse missiles that are made in Russia. I wonder when the CIA will blow the lid over this clandestine indian operation.

u already blew the lid, bravo raptor.
Kaiser said:
Iranian navy has mostly been trained by pakistan, india, china and russian navy's. Also if India ever sells Iran the Brah-mouse then you can say good-bye to your relations with the US

Which is why we want the Iranian government to buy the Bramouse missile from its great and trustworthy ally.....Hindustan!!! Also iran needs these fearsome and supersonic missiles for self defense in case the US attacks.
RAPTOR said:
I wonder when the CIA will blow the lid over this clandestine indian operation.

ahhhhh dont be optomistic dear US or CIA is not gonna do that as they already had overlooked the Indian firms and indian government for helping Iranian nuclear programme cuz US needs it at the moment
It's not India who wants US.

It's US who wants India.

India and Russia has a joint agreement to sell BrahMos. So unless Russia is agreed India can't sell the missile. Also What if Russians allow the sell of BrahMos.

What US is gonna do?

Attack Russia as well?


LONDON [MENL] -- India has begun training personnel from Iran's navy.
Indian officials said the training marked the first military cooperation between Teheran and New Dehli in a decade. They said the two countries were implementing a military agreement that included an exchange of visits by commanders, training, joint exercises and technical cooperation.

On March 8, the Iranian Navy completed a five-day training program at the Indian naval base in Kochi. Two Iranian Navy ships stayed in the southern Indian city for nearly a week and nearly 200 cadets underwent training.

The Indo-Asian News Service reported that the IRIS Bandar Abbas and IRIS Lavan anchored in Kochi on March 3. Bandar Abbas was termed a modified training ship; Lavan was described as an amphibious assault vessel.

miroslav said:
It's not India who wants US.

It's US who wants India.

India and Russia has a joint agreement to sell BrahMos. So unless Russia is agreed India can't sell the missile. Also What if Russians allow the sell of BrahMos.

What US is gonna do?

Attack Russia as well?


LONDON [MENL] -- India has begun training personnel from Iran's navy.
Indian officials said the training marked the first military cooperation between Teheran and New Dehli in a decade. They said the two countries were implementing a military agreement that included an exchange of visits by commanders, training, joint exercises and technical cooperation.

On March 8, the Iranian Navy completed a five-day training program at the Indian naval base in Kochi. Two Iranian Navy ships stayed in the southern Indian city for nearly a week and nearly 200 cadets underwent training.

The Indo-Asian News Service reported that the IRIS Bandar Abbas and IRIS Lavan anchored in Kochi on March 3. Bandar Abbas was termed a modified training ship; Lavan was described as an amphibious assault vessel.


Why is india training Iran's navy when it wants the nuclear deal to pass? Iran is considered an enemy country by the US, so if india is such a huge "Natural ally " of the US, why is it training an enemy country ?
RAPTOR said:
Why is india training Iran's navy when it wants the nuclear deal to pass? Iran is considered an enemy country by the US, so if india is such a huge "Natural ally " of the US, why is it training an enemy country ?

These reports from the media was clarified later by the MOD, and said the visit was only a courtesy call and niot for training.
Jana said:
ahhhhh dont be optomistic dear US or CIA is not gonna do that as they already had overlooked the Indian firms and indian government for helping Iranian nuclear programme cuz US needs it at the moment

I heard some indian nuclear entities were Sanctioned by the US for helping Irans nuclear ambitions. I wonder how much help has india given Iran ever since it signed the dangerous and problematic Nuclear deal with the US................:shocked:
Bull said:
These reports from the media was clarified later by the MOD, and said the visit was only a courtesy call and niot for training.

I dont know about your origin but let me introduce you with some facts.

Goodwill visits are made to Mumbai where the IN's Western Naval HQ is located and the mightiest part of the IN is based.

Kochi has IN's some of the Important Training Establishments so it is funny that Iranians made a goodwill visit over there.

Or lets try to make some sense out of it. Mumbai is more closer than Kochi isn't it?

As far as MoD is concerned for ages they are denying the ATV project, base in Tajikistan and acquisition of Tu-22.

Why is india training Iran's navy when it wants the nuclear deal to pass?

Why we train the Bangla military troops when they are involved in all the anti-Indian jobs?

Why we are doing all the needful in Afganistan when they never helped us diplomatically or they are no use for us in future?

Why we buy Scorpene's from the French when they supplied Augosta's to Pakistan?

Morale of the Story: - You never know what diplomacy is going behind the scenes.

I believe there's more to this affair than a coutesy call. Iran is keen to expand and train the navy, Indian expertise would come handy.
I don't trust them anyway, when the pressure gets high or the secrets leak to the media, they'll just admit getting trainging or expertise from IN.

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