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@skyshadow do you know if the iranian reverse engineered 1:1 version of rq-170 is operational? Or they only developed one prototype?
Another thing, how many shahed-129 produced approximately?
yes operational , i don't know but 100 for IRGC is exacted

yes operational , i don't know but 100 for IRGC is exacted

View attachment 684948

Navadonoh darsade payāmāye in bābā chizi nis joz porsesh darbāreye joziāte fani yā amaliāti shodane tajhizāte defāi va yā tedāde mojude anhā. Moshakhase vaseye jamāvarie dāde injās.

Yebār aksi az gushish masalan endākhte bud, tā neshun bede alāgheie kolli dāre be niruhāye nezāmie jahān. Dar in surat, cherā hargez soāli rājebe niruhāye digar nemiporse?

Zemnan tuie aks mishod did ke vaseye rejime nāmashrue eshghālgar, hamun nāmiro ke khode unā estefāde mikonan bekār borde bud (ke bā "ie"-e lātin āghāz mishe)... kasi ke havādāre un jonbeshe motahede Irān dar keshvare kuchulue sāheli hast, kamtar az in nām estefade mikone, bejāsh mige 'rejime eshghālgare...' yā 'rejime...'. Tāze harfe avale nāme tamāmie keshvarāro kuchik neveshte bud, joz esme hamun hokumate eshghālgar, ke harfe avalesho bā horufe bozorg neveshte bud.

In chizā shegeftangizan. Bāiad in emkāno darnazar gereft ke shāiad dāre bezararetun kār mikone. Nemidunim intore yā na, vali belakhare gheiremomkenam nis. Be nazaram shāiad behtar bāshe agar har soāliro ke miporse pāsokh nadahid. Shomā chi fek mikoni?
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Navadonoh darsade payāmāye in bābā chizi nis joz porsesh darbāreye joziāte fani yā amaliāti shodane tajhizāte defāi va yā tedāde mojude anhā. Moshakhase vaseye jamāvarie dāde injās.

Yebār aksi az gushish masalan endākhte bud, tā neshun bede alāgheie kolli dāre be niruhāye nezāmie jahān. Dar in surat, cherā hargez soāli rājebe niruhāye digar nemiporse?

Zemnan tuie aks mishod did ke vaseye rejime nāmashrue eshghālgar, hamun nāmiro ke khode unā estefāde mikonan bekār borde bud (ke bā "ie"-e lātin āghāz mishe)... kasi ke havādāre un jonbeshe motahede Irān dar keshvare kuchulue sāheli hast, kamtar az in nām estefade mikone, bejāsh mige 'rejime eshghālgare...' yā 'rejime...'. Tāze harfe avale nāme tamāmie keshvarāro kuchik neveshte bud, joz esme hamun hokumate eshghālgar, ke harfe avalesho bā horufe bozorg neveshte bud.

In chizā shegeftangizan. Bāiad in emkāno darnazar gereft ke shāiad dāre bezararetun kār mikone. Nemidunim intore yā na, vali belakhare gheiremomkenam nis. Be nazaram shāiad behtar bāshe agar har soāliro ke miporse pāsokh nadahid. Shomā chi fek mikoni?

Momkene--vali aya een forum vaghean be een meghdar etebar dareh?...barayeh man vazeh neest. Behar hal eenha farsee baladan...farsee neveshtan taaseereh oon chandan nadareh (be nazaram).😊
Momkene--vali aya een forum vaghean be een meghdar etebar dareh?...barayeh man vazeh neest. Behar hal eenha farsee baladan...farsee neveshtan taaseereh oon chandan nadareh (be nazaram).😊

Ghabul, vali age intor bāshe, bāzam behtar nis komakeshun nakonin va bezārin vaseye hamun etebāre kamiam ke dāre kāreshun sangintar she, avaze inke āsuntaresh konin? Lābod dorost mifarmāin dar morede zabāne Pārsi, vali farz konid taraf majbur beshe ye kārshenāse digei ro vaseye tarjome sedā bezane - bāzam kareshuno sangin tar kardin, ie chand deighe az vaghteshuno khordin. Bāzam benafetun mishe.
Navadonoh darsade payāmāye in bābā chizi nis joz porsesh darbāreye joziāte fani yā amaliāti shodane tajhizāte defāi va yā tedāde mojude anhā. Moshakhase vaseye jamāvarie dāde injās.

Yebār aksi az gushish masalan endākhte bud, tā neshun bede alāgheie kolli dāre be niruhāye nezāmie jahān. Dar in surat, cherā hargez soāli rājebe niruhāye digar nemiporse?

Zemnan tuie aks mishod did ke vaseye rejime nāmashrue eshghālgar, hamun nāmiro ke khode unā estefāde mikonan bekār borde bud (ke bā "ie"-e lātin āghāz mishe)... kasi ke havādāre un jonbeshe motahede Irān dar keshvare kuchulue sāheli hast, kamtar az in nām estefade mikone, bejāsh mige 'rejime eshghālgare...' yā 'rejime...'. Tāze harfe avale nāme tamāmie keshvarāro kuchik neveshte bud, joz esme hamun hokumate eshghālgar, ke harfe avalesho bā horufe bozorg neveshte bud.

In chizā shegeftangizan. Bāiad in emkāno darnazar gereft ke shāiad dāre bezararetun kār mikone. Nemidunim intore yā na, vali belakhare gheiremomkenam nis. Be nazaram shāiad behtar bāshe agar har soāliro ke miporse pāsokh nadahid. Shomā chi fek mikoni?
manm ghabol daram khodamam etelate ziyady nemidam harchy migam behesh az manabe azad hast ya hads va ghoman , say mikonam kamtar javab bedam ya mobhamtar.
View attachment 685224
interesting, kaman-12 uses rotax-912 engine. I can see 4 hardpoints for munitions, not sure though.
It looks like they`ve just taken the engine and 3 bladed prop from the mohajer 6.Its certainly not the previous power plant and propeller combination which looked to be a twin chamber rotary engine driving a 2 bladed prop.
Its pretty crazy how far the design has come tho.The very first "target drone" incarnation used a single cylinder engine,then the later mohajem 92 used a twin cylinder engine,then the early version of the kaman 12 used a rotary engine and finally the "production version" now uses a 4 cylinder rotax......
Well at least with the rotax and 3 bladed prop it might have enough power to carry 4 of those akhgar mini cruise missiles.......tho one does naturally wonder why the iriaf simply didnt just acquire the mohajer 6 in the first place,along with the ababil 3 and the karrar and mqm jet powered drones,rather than going to all the not inconsiderable trouble to eventually create the kaman-12.
This really is a beautiful example of an utterly pointless,not to mention wasteful and expensive,duplication of effort.
It looks like they`ve just taken the engine and 3 bladed prop from the mohajer 6.Its certainly not the previous power plant and propeller combination which looked to be a twin chamber rotary engine driving a 2 bladed prop.
Its pretty crazy how far the design has come tho.The very first "target drone" incarnation used a single cylinder engine,then the later mohajem 92 used a twin cylinder engine,then the early version of the kaman 12 used a rotary engine and finally the "production version" now uses a 4 cylinder rotax......
Well at least with the rotax and 3 bladed prop it might have enough power to carry 4 of those akhgar mini cruise missiles.......tho one does naturally wonder why the iriaf simply didnt just acquire the mohajer 6 in the first place,along with the ababil 3 and the karrar and mqm jet powered drones,rather than going to all the not inconsiderable trouble to eventually create the kaman-12.
This really is a beautiful example of an utterly pointless,not to mention wasteful and expensive,duplication of effort.

They define a project , get budget , and share the main bulk of R&D budget between themselves ... and make resume for themselves to has chance for ranking up ... the end result or using budget correctly is not the main goal ...

this is a norm in I.R institute and organizations .... a corrupted system ...
At least they could have built it with retractable landing gears. @PeeD did warn us that anything IRIAF shows will be behind MOD and very very far behind IRIGC. What I don't understand is why they didn't just place orders for s129 like the regular navy did and this way there can be interoperability between the branches leading to a more efficient and modern force. Or mohajers or ababils mentioned earlier or even Fotros for that matter, or better yet, even a combination allowing for greater flexibility of missions.
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