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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

8 kilometers is anemic and way they implemented it on Karrar is downright incompetence because they use surface to air missile in air to air role that is in tubular container.
Hence considerably more dead weight for both carrying and design of missile since it has folding fins, along reported warhead weight of 14 kilograms which neuters range.
Iran should have either mount two R-60 AAM's that have same range or single AIM-9 clone to double the range or more if possible.
Yes,a longer ranged variant,such as a 2 stage version with a booster,would probably be better,tho most of the likely targets that this would be engaging in the a2a role,ie prop powered uav/ucavs,would be sitting ducks for the AD-08 missile anyway.
The problem with the AA-8/R-60 is simply its age and the performance of its non imaging ir seeker,plus offering no better range.
The AIM-9 inspired Azarakhsh missile is a lot more modern,but only has a slightly better range of 10km.
R-60 is nearly half the weight of AD-08 SAM based AAM.
At least with it two can be carried and two attempts vs one.

Really good anti-personnel weapon.

If FPV drones (quad copters) in Ukraine are anything to go by. Then these little guys can do a lot of damage to soft bodied targets.

These little switchblade like drones and quad copters of all shapes and sizes should be stockpiled in the high thousands.
These little switchblade like drones and quad copters of all shapes and sizes should be stockpiled in the high thousands.

In the millions. Russia announced some weeks ago that they will train over 1 million drone-operators within the next years. So you know how much drones Russia needs to hold them busy...
@SalarHaqq are you autistic or something?
This really grinds my proverbial gears, as the Western layman would articulate.

Here is this Pakistani teenager claiming to be me, to such a degree that I cannot utilize my true identity of Haqq and instead must make a statement by calling myself SalarHack, for I won't deign the indignity of selecting a username like "SalarHaqq1" or "RealSalarHaqq", but must express my anger at aforementioned impostor via a hostile username.

And the point that really irritates me is that he may indeed have autism, and I am now having my reputation sullied with autism. I, for one, have not said condition, though I hold no ill will or judgment against those who do. I just merely wish this impostor's antics do not sully me any further.
This really grinds my proverbial gears, as the Western layman would articulate.

Here is this Pakistani teenager claiming to be me, to such a degree that I cannot utilize my true identity of Haqq and instead must make a statement by calling myself SalarHack, for I won't deign the indignity of selecting a username like "SalarHaqq1" or "RealSalarHaqq", but must express my anger at aforementioned impostor via a hostile username.

And the point that really irritates me is that he may indeed have autism, and I am now having my reputation sullied with autism. I, for one, have not said condition, though I hold no ill will or judgment against those who do. I just merely wish this impostor's antics do not sully me any further.
I don't know what you're talking about.

I really don't
What do you think about S-136 in Ukraine and its coverage as a "terror drone" in western medias and think tanks?

I think like anything the West is angry about, it's called terror. But objectively speaking, said drones are indeed terrifying. Besides being excellent, cheap and efficient loitering munitions, they have a devastating psychological impact that resembles that of the German V-1 flying bombs of the Second World War. Never underestimate the power of psychological war; an army armed with the Shahed-136 drone in large numbers can easily rout enemy forces.

They've proven effective in Ukraine in making quick work of the Nazi regime's air defenses and exacting a high monetary cost to its backers. This will eventually result in Russian air supremacy and then it's a matter of time before the Nazis are humiliated again by Russia. It's also proven effective at hitting installations and Nazi soldiers. We essentially took a German design and Nazi concept, made it far more deadly and cheaper, and used it on the neo-Nazi LARP brigades of Ukraine. This is much to the West's chagrin, and as such, I can understand why they are impotently fuming and calling it a "terror drone".

Think tanks exist to legitimize an agenda, they speak for those who pay them. If a bunch of zionist worms are paying them to demonize Iran, I wouldn't be surprised if they called the great military obstacle Dasht-e-Kavir, the Dasht-e-Terror. These insults and nicknames should roll off of a proud Iranian's shoulders, and he should wind back and throw an insult back in their direction. I heard calling them racist enablers of genocide really gets under their skin, what with their desperate efforts at superficial wokeness. Iran's military industry is strong, and every Iranian no matter if their political leanings are wise (pro-government) or delusional (Pahlavi or whatever new arse-licking scum), should be proud of this.
Regarding to the Shahed 136...
Do you realize that Russia is not using Shaheds during lasts months?.
It is supposed that they built a new facility for mass producing them backwards the Urals mountains. That facility must be producing right now hundreds of them.

IMO they are amassing a huge number of not only Shaheds, but ballistic and cruise missiles. This winter will be very hard for ukraine.
Regarding to the Shahed 136...
Do you realize that Russia is not using Shaheds during lasts months?.
It is supposed that they built a new facility for mass producing them backwards the Urals mountains. That facility must be producing right now hundreds of them.

IMO they are amassing a huge number of not only Shaheds, but ballistic and cruise missiles. This winter will be very hard for ukraine.
No, pretty sure they've been consistently using them. As far as 2 days ago.

Also the sign of a good weapon is one, that can be used for years until the end of a war, instead of those wonderweapons that ceased use after a few weeks or months. Balancing producibility, cost, & effectiveness is the ideal weapon. This concept is completely lost among all western nations.
Regarding to the Shahed 136...
Do you realize that Russia is not using Shaheds during lasts months?.
It is supposed that they built a new facility for mass producing them backwards the Urals mountains. That facility must be producing right now hundreds of them.

IMO they are amassing a huge number of not only Shaheds, but ballistic and cruise missiles. This winter will be very hard for ukraine.

Yep, winter is coming...
No, pretty sure they've been consistently using them. As far as 2 days ago.

Also the sign of a good weapon is one, that can be used for years until the end of a war, instead of those wonderweapons that ceased use after a few weeks or months. Balancing producibility, cost, & effectiveness is the ideal weapon. This concept is completely lost among all western nations.
So is the Su-35 deal finally dead?
So is the Su-35 deal finally dead?
My guess is that Israel threatened to send their own systems into Ukraine if Russia were to transfer Su-35's to Iran. This would be enough to give them pause and left the completion of the deal on ice. Trainers were transfered in the meantime.

Given the current climate, Israel is not in a position to give their own stocks of Patriots or Arrow 2's to Ukraine, let alone Iron dome. It will take them years to replenish their stocks. I think Russia will transfer them over when they believe that Israel is not able to f*** them vis a vis arming Ukraine with specialized systems.

Israeli - Russian relations are at an all time low, which is very good for Iran-Russian defence and economic cooperation.
My guess is that Israel threatened to send their own systems into Ukraine if Russia were to transfer Su-35's to Iran.
LOL! Jews giving stuff for free... I would never believe it. Stupid Russians :cheesy:

Well at least you got a couple of YAKs out of it..

From what I've heard, Ivchenko progress got bombed so you'll never get spare engines for them but still
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