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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

Nobody was talking about your useless junk over here. You're the one who comes over to the Iranian UAV section to rant because you have some kind of inferiority complex. Then you call others insecure ? When the Ukrainian officials are bad mouthing your overpriced products, that just speaks for itself.

Turkish-made Bayraktar drones have no combat effectiveness due to their extreme vulnerability to air defense systems, Ukrainian official Sergey Pashinsky said

“there is more PR and corruption in Bayraktar than combat use,”

The politician, who heads the Association of Defense Enterprises of Ukraine, went on to say that the Turkish drones, which Western and Ukrainian media have hailed as a game changer on the battlefield in the ongoing military conflict between Russia and Ukraine, are “first and foremost a PR project.”

“I was personally against it, because they are extremely vulnerable to air defense systems,”
Pashinsky said, adding that Ukraine had a lot of Bayraktars before fighting broke out and that “they were all shot down within a week.”

He further explained that the drone is “not a self-sufficient weapon” it cannot work by itself as it “gets shot down by air defense systems in a flash and has no combat effectiveness at all.”

Ever heard of the saying "the pot calling the kettle black". Its when Iranians obsessively talk about Bayraktars and comparing to their own to it non-stop(as you can blatantly see in this threads if you bothered to look up what I responded to), whilst calling people that respond to that "obsessives" and "jealous" lmao. I literally proved you wrong and you resort to petty insults and projecting your own insecurities unto us.
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Nobody was talking about your useless junk over here. You're the one who comes over to the Iranian UAV section to rant because you have some kind of inferiority complex. Then you call others insecure ? When the Ukrainian officials are bad mouthing your overpriced products, that just speaks for itself.

Turkish-made Bayraktar drones have no combat effectiveness due to their extreme vulnerability to air defense systems, Ukrainian official Sergey Pashinsky said

“there is more PR and corruption in Bayraktar than combat use,”

The politician, who heads the Association of Defense Enterprises of Ukraine, went on to say that the Turkish drones, which Western and Ukrainian media have hailed as a game changer on the battlefield in the ongoing military conflict between Russia and Ukraine, are “first and foremost a PR project.”

“I was personally against it, because they are extremely vulnerable to air defense systems,”
Pashinsky said, adding that Ukraine had a lot of Bayraktars before fighting broke out and that “they were all shot down within a week.”

He further explained that the drone is “not a self-sufficient weapon” it cannot work by itself as it “gets shot down by air defense systems in a flash and has no combat effectiveness at all.”
Fact that none are seen for months at a time, prove it, and re-supply is not possible either. Why isn't their a constant stream of drones to Ukraine.

This is the problem with many countries military industries, no sustainability at all, and cannot resupply when equipment is lost.
The Ukrainians don't want anymore. They've proven to be useless and are far too expensive considering how expendable they are.

Ukrainians are not happy with what they got for the price. They're now saying "All the parts are western, Turkey just puts a sticker on it" and they're saying things like "We'll buy the parts ourselves and build something even better, then we'll take over the whole drone market in NATO, F##K turkey" That's what you hear Ukrainians saying these days.

Fact that none are seen for months at a time, prove it, and re-supply is not possible either. Why isn't their a constant stream of drones to Ukraine.

This is the problem with many countries military industries, no sustainability at all, and cannot resupply when equipment is lost.

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Russia seems to be producing more UAVs, including Orlan-10, KUB-BLA, Lancet. The Shahed-136 and Mohajer-6 compliment those drones very nicely.

In a high intensity conflict with a contested airspace, with both sides having an abundance of air defense systems, cheap, expendable yet effective drones are what is required. Expensive platforms are not really suitable for a war like this.

I really want to see the Arash-2 in action. It's warhead is 4x the size of the Shahed-136. I'm also wondering how many Mohajers Iran gave to Russia, because so far we have seen 1 captured. That means the rest of them are likely still functioning.

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Bring me a single date of Persians arming Athens in a PROXY WAR. Corinthian War was where the Persian were involved in a direct military conflict, a direct military alliance, so it ceases to be a PROXY WAR. No need to froth in the mouth and write paragraphs of nonsense. One date and a reference of Persians arming Athenians in a PROXY WAR. Simple question, no need to deflect in a cowardly fashion. The Peloponnesian War was where the Persians supported the Spartans without fighting, which makes it a PROXY WAR. Your lack of English skills is what the issue is here. Playing both sides is not the argument I was making, yet another foolish deflection. My point still stands that the last time a middle eastern empire had a PROXY WAR in Europe was Peloponnesian War.
let just say in Corinthian war Athens navy was founded by Persia, and if you forget in that war when Athens become too strong Iran changes side and supported Sparta again .
even in Peloponnesian War at first Iran was in peace with Athens and had more trade with them than Sparta but when war started the opportunity showed itself . and Iran 3 time rebuilt Sparta navy .
and no in Corinthian war which lasted more than 8 years Iran just destroyed Sparta navy and made the field level. then in the rest of the war we just supported the side which become weaker . essentially turned the war into a never ending war until because of spartan lack of diplomacy Athens become too strong and we decided to support Sparta again to fix that problem

and my English skill is well enough so don't worry about that
the problem here is your lack of Historic knowledge

But in the end you made a fool of yourself and I schooled you, as per usual.
only a person with his head under the snow think so
for schooling someone , you first must have knowledge on the matter being discussing and your knowledge about Persia role in ancient Greece civil wars let just say is lacking.
and you continue this nonsense because you well ashamed to admit you are wrong and hide behind this laughable post to feel good .
Sorry it will not work
let just say in Corinthian war Athens navy was founded by Persia, and if you forget in that war when Athens become too strong Iran changes side and supported Sparta again .
even in Peloponnesian War at first Iran was in peace with Athens and had more trade with them than Sparta but when war started the opportunity showed itself . and Iran 3 time rebuilt Sparta navy .
and no in Corinthian war which lasted more than 8 years Iran just destroyed Sparta navy and made the field level. then in the rest of the war we just supported the side which become weaker . essentially turned the war into a never ending war until because of spartan lack of diplomacy Athens become too strong and we decided to support Sparta again to fix that problem

and my English skill is well enough so don't worry about that
the problem here is your lack of Historic knowledge

only a person with his head under the snow think so
for schooling someone , you first must have knowledge on the matter being discussing and your knowledge about Persia role in ancient Greece civil wars let just say is lacking.
and you continue this nonsense because you well ashamed to admit you are wrong and hide behind this laughable post to feel good .
Sorry it will not work

LOL so Athens didnt have a navy before this? How the hell did Themistocles defeat Persia in Salamis and Platea? Youre clueless about Persian history, just like pretty much everything else you speak about. You do realise Corinthian war happened after Peloponnesian War, so Persia got directly involved after their proxy war in favour of Sparta. The Persians first and only proxy war was in Peloponnesian. How about showing some sources for these claims like Persia going from Athens first, as you claim, then to Sparta, then to Athens again lol you are all over the place and have yet to provide a credible reference.

No, after Corinthian War war there was no perpetual war! Persia concluded the war with peace and Persia maintained the status quo until Alexander! Clueless drooler!

You dont even know the difference between Proxy War and direct military alliance, so yes your head is so far up your arse that you cant see that you're a fish out of water!

Give me dates of Persia fighting a proxy war in favour of Athens. I will keep asking you till the day of judgment! By the way, here is the definition of proxy war just because your English sucks:

"A proxy war is an armed conflict between two states or non-state actors, one or both of which act at the instigation or on behalf of other parties that are not directly involved in the hostilities"

See the bit where it says "NOT DIRECTLY INVOLVED"? Was Persia directly involved in Corinthian War? Yes or no? Was Persia directly involved in the fighting of Peloponnesian war? Yes or no? No matter what garbage you spout you must answer these questions. No more red herrings about building ships and trade, show me a proxy war for Athens. Athens and Persia where enemies and this only changed in Corinthian War where Persia was directly involved!
@LeGenD @waz @Irfan Baloch @WebMaster @Amaa'n

@staff, this mullah supporter is here resorting to insults in Persian.

Literal translation ''ottoman dick in your mouth''

hilarious mullah supporters who claim to be all perfect and pious. Exposed as the vile, thugs you are :lol:
shame on you....Taking the side of enemy against your own countrymen....mullah supporter or not they are all Iranians ..You just made yourself a friend of enemy and a traitor just like those MKO cowards:(
and cannot resupply when equipment is lost.
Turkey cant resupply because it doesnt have all the international parts it needs for those useless overpriced drones- Turkey is DEPENDENT ON NATO, that is the fact, anything else is propaganda. you forget when Turkey tried to make money off Iran by allowing its Halkbank to buy Iranian gold for dollars and US said stop that and Turkey stopped immediately? Turkey only pushes as far as NATO will allow, period.I also will believe Turkey's military industry when Turkey USES its domestic weapons for national defense- but all i ssee is Turkey still begging for another S400 from Russia (and grains and gas and more and more) then was begging US for F35s, so what weapons wil Turkey use in a real war that are totally domestic? i cant find any
shame on you....Taking the side of enemy against your own countrymen....mullah supporter or not they are all Iranians ..You just made yourself a friend of enemy and a traitor just like those MKO cowards:(
Shame on you old man!! You are nowhere to be seen when Iranians are getting killed on the streets. Yet you are here talking about issues that have ZERO relevance to the well being of Iranians back at home.

How many posts have you made about the protests and legitimate grievances of our people? I don't think much. But you are here 24 hours defending mullahs all the time.

And Turkey is not an enemy of Iran. Grow up old man, at such age your worldview must have been advanced already and must be thinking of prospering and friendship.

Lay off the hate and FIX your OWN country. Stop hating.

An Iranian that is whitewashing mullah crimes and ignores or belittles the murder of his own countryman is even a worse ''enemy''.
LOL so Athens didnt have a navy before this? How the hell did Themistocles defeat Persia in Salamis and Platea? Youre clueless about Persian history, just like pretty much everything else you speak about. You do realise Corinthian war happened after Peloponnesian War, so Persia got directly involved after their proxy war in favour of Sparta. The Persians first and only proxy war was in Peloponnesian. How about showing some sources for these claims like Persia going from Athens first, as you claim, then to Sparta, then to Athens again lol you are all over the place and have yet to provide a credible reference.
well as you are clueless about Greek history it seems its up to me to enlighten you on the matter.
In Peloponnesian war , twice Spartan navy get destroyed by Athens Navy and twice Persia rebuilt their navy and after that the third time Sparta army at last managed to destroy Athens navy , defeat them and even make them destroy their walls . that's your Athens navy that you wondered what happened to it .
if you like I go in detail about it in your profile not here
You do realise Corinthian war happened after Peloponnesian War, so Persia got directly involved after their proxy war in favour of Sparta
Persia only involved at first , when Sparta was still in Asia and attacking Iranian cities , do you realize the war lasted 8 year , after the Greeks were busy in Europe , Iran just made sure that the war last more
No, after Corinthian War war there was no perpetual war! Persia concluded the war with peace and Persia maintained the status quo until Alexander! Clueless drooler!
it was until Iran said they must make peace and by the way it was after Iran supported Athens and allies until they become to strong and Sparta come to Iran and ask for help.
so however you spin it in the war Persia supported both side just to make sure Asia minor remain peaceful. the result of that policy was 50 years of peace in our western border.
You dont even know the difference between Proxy War and direct military alliance, so yes your head is so far up your arse that you cant see that you're a fish out of water!
and you don't really knew what happened there
Give me dates of Persia fighting a proxy war in favour of Athens. I will keep asking you till the day of judgment! By the way, here is the definition of proxy war just because your English sucks:
as if you understand what those dates mean , the war was from 395-387bc the only direct Persia intervention in that war was Achaemenid Naval campaigns of 393bc to cut Sparta route to Egypt.
and while Iran did that , we financed rebuilding Athens and allies navy we even financed rebuilding Athene long wall and then, they do the job themselves and interestingly in 392bc while we helping Athens in broad day light , we gave money to Sparta to rebuild its fleet , if that's not definition of prolonging the war and playing both side , then what is it. ?
after that date I dare you find any Iran direct intervention in that war. and I ask you till you admit you don't knew shit about history , even after a day reading and digging about this single war , you still didn't get it right . so please tell me about Iran direct intervention after that campaign.
.look at Kings Peace of 387 bc and it will tell you a lot
In this climate, when Tiribazus called a peace conference in late 387 BC, the major parties of the war were ready to discuss terms. The basic outline of the treaty was laid out by a decree from the Persian king Artaxerxes:

King Artaxerxes thinks it just that the cities in Asia should belong to him, as well as Clazomenae and Cyprus among the islands, and that the other Greek cities, both small and great, should be left autonomous (αὐτονόμους), except Lemnos, Imbros, and Scyros; and these should belong, as of old, to the Athenians. But whichever of the two parties does not accept this peace, upon them I will make war, in company with those who desire this arrangement, both by land and by sea, with ships and with money.[3][56][57]
Persia was not party of the war , the Threat that if the Greek cities don't make a peace Persia wage war against the party who refused the term of this peace made the war stop . wonder how Persia can be part of the war and also made that threat?

and by the way resorting to name calling , and saying how bad is somebody grasp of a language that is not even his second language just show how little you are , how weak is your argument and how trivial is your knowledge of the matter.
@WebMaster @waz @Irfan Baloch

Mods, please check if this mullah supporter is a banned member or not or a false flagger. Many trolls like this mullah regime supporter popped out of nowhere in the last few weeks, exactly when the killing of Iranian youth by the mullah forces started.

They are only here defending mullahs, hence they get mad when their beloved child-killing regime gets attacked.

Brother we don't get involved or take sides in inter-country debates. This something between Iranians themselves.
I'll speak to him regarding flags.
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