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Iranian ScanEagle UAVs

@gambit Sir, I'm sorry, I don't want to generalize! But you Americans don't even have sufficient brain power to trim your own gardens, let alone to invent stuff!

More than %50 of inventions patented in U.S. by foreigners! Remaining %50 are either Indian-Americans, Chinese-Americans or other ethnic groups! The only talent you all have got is to blow things up! :wave:
Yeah...Play the race card. Dare I say 'typical Iranian' argument?
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Not really! We already have better UAVs than ScanEagle! But studying American UAVs allows us to prepare ourselves for possible future encounters! Admit it! You are losing this war! :smokin:

@gambit Sir, I'm sorry, I don't want to generalize! But you Americans don't even have sufficient brain power to trim your own gardens, let alone to invent stuff!

More than %50 of inventions patented in U.S. by foreigners! Remaining %50 are either Indian-Americans, Chinese-Americans or other ethnic groups! The only talent you all have got is to blow things up! :wave:

Americas innovation booms were during the industrial revolution and the cold war. There were very few Indians and Chinese at the time. Most immigrants were from Europe and a significant portion of american breakthroughs did involve Jews.

If anything the performance of the US in education has been dropping since the 80's.

A look at american Nobel prize winners will show the

Secondly the brighter Chinese tend to remain in china while the dumber ones who can't make it move out. Same applies for the Japanese.
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Yeah...Play the race card. Dare I say 'typical Iranian' argument?

Please don't take it personally! :rolleyes: Obviously you are a smart person! :cool:
It has nothing to do with race, I don't believe race could play any significant role in your success, but the environment certainly does! I would blame your government for not providing American youth with proper "public" education...

Your media likes to picture us as a bunch of uneducated goat herders (who like to have coitus with goats!) but the joke is on them really!
Despite following teachings of Islam my government has no problem with teaching of evolution in schools (unlike some of your state governments) as a matter of fact teaching of evolution starts as early as 5th Grade and pretty much student build his/her understanding of subject through the next 7 years. And I don't even want to get into mathematics!

We are not as advanced technologically, mostly because of your interferences not because we are incapable of innovation!

A look at american Nobel prize winners will show the

Nobel foundation has become a private club for "West friends" apparently! I wouldn't consider it as a determining factor for intelligence of a nation!

Secondly the brighter Chinese tend to remain in china while the dumber ones who can't make it move out. Same applies for the Japanese.

I would like you to refer to the list of Chinese-Americans and Japanese-Americans on Wikipedia.

Please watch the video as well, if you have time ofc...
Has is ever occurred to you that the US us a western nation? And yes Nobel prizes in the sciences are a good measure of national contributions among western nations. And as you would expect they are dominated by the majority population.

Do you like it when Afghans cone to your nation and claim that they built your nation for you? Americans don't either. No one is kind enough to do anything for free for anyone.
Please don't take it personally! :rolleyes: Obviously you are a smart person! :cool:
It has nothing to do with race, I don't believe race could play any significant role in your success, but the environment certainly does! I would blame your government for not providing American youth with proper "public" education...
I do not take it personally. And yes, your argument have EVERYTHING to do with race. The US is an immigrant country and what that mean is that anyone can be an American. Whatever they do, whether invent or just live, the credit goes to America, not where they came from. But if you are willing to array inventions according to racial origins of the inventors in order to put the white folks in a negative light, then what else can you be but a racist?

We are not as advanced technologically, mostly because of your interferences not because we are incapable of innovation!
Bullsh1t. There is nothing to prevent Iran from trading with other countries to get what Iran want. Nuclear hardware are evident. This argument have long been discredited. But it does have long legs, I will admit.
And yes Nobel prizes in the sciences are a good measure of national contributions among western nations. And as you would expect they are dominated by the majority population.

No it isn't, arguably China is one of the fastest growing countries in the world, development in China is not only limited to economy, Chinese leaders have paid special attention to education in their country, China population exceeds 1.3bn people yet we don't see any Chinese citizen (I'm not talking about Chinese-American) win any scientific Nobel prize?

There is certainly a monopoly on Nobel, I must also note than in countries like Iran and China, English is not considered as very essential (therefore its not taught widely) and most of the scientific publications in the named countries are in their native languages. Therefore, I don't see any relevance between a country average intelligence and Nobel prize yet!

Do you like it when Afghans cone to your nation and claim that they built your nation for you? Americans don't either. No one is kind enough to do anything for free for anyone.

Afghans are Iranic people we would still be a nation today if it wasn't because of the West conspiracies. About your argument... I would in fact like it if they can provide a proof, because I can provide such proofs about foreign contributions to U.S. development (economically, technologically, etc...)

I do not take it personally. And yes, your argument have EVERYTHING to do with race. The US is an immigrant country and what that mean is that anyone can be an American. Whatever they do, whether invent or just live, the credit goes to America, not where they came from.

U.S. and West in general have tried (still trying) constantly to prevent scientific development in "undesirable" countries, I could give examples of India (Sanctions, 1974 after Smiling Buddha nuclear test), China (Sanctions, U.S. aggressions against China which led to China development of nuclear weapons), etc...

Your logic is flawed! Your country tries to prevent other countries from forming suitable infrastructures for their development and therefore your "policymakers" ultimate goal is to create brain drain in those countries. The credit will not go to America, the credit will go to the country which provided the environment for the education of those individuals, U.S. might provide these "geniuses" with sufficient resources, however achieving results is not possible without having a strong educational background.

But if you are willing to array inventions according to racial origins of the inventors in order to put the white folks in a negative light, then what else can you be but a racist?

I simply stated the facts, majority of your youths are more interested in having fun rather than to contribute to science, that's nothing racial!

Bullsh1t. There is nothing to prevent Iran from trading with other countries to get what Iran want. Nuclear hardware are evident. This argument have long been discredited. But it does have long legs, I will admit.

I'm afraid your opinion is not valid. I'm living in Iran and I know the situation here better than any foreigner on this forum. Zionist organizations, such as this one: www.unitedagainstnucleariran.com/ are formed for one purpose only, to make living in Iran impossible!

You may call it bullsh1t, horsecrap or anything you desire but I tell you this, we are not even allowed to import dental materials and equipment! Do you think its possible to make a nuclear "hardware" with such items? What do you call this if not interference?
Thats great. We have thousands.

Like the nuclear bombs!
No you do not have them in the thousands but you need hundreds for every country you watching , meaning the whole world, but Iran actually is making thousands just to watch every American move in its area, that is not the same thing.
And the main thing is that they took your technology to use it against you, they have other technologies you are not aware of.
Americas innovation booms were during the industrial revolution and the cold war. There were very few Indians and Chinese at the time. Most immigrants were from Europe and a significant portion of american breakthroughs did involve Jews.

If anything the performance of the US in education has been dropping since the 80's.

A look at american Nobel prize winners will show the

Secondly the brighter Chinese tend to remain in china while the dumber ones who can't make it move out. Same applies for the Japanese.

Of course the Jews were the going in between the inventions in Europe and America, they stole so many from Europe (mostly Germany, Suiszerland and Scandinavia) and handed them to some foreign born Americans and Russians too to work on them, that is a big contribution in that sense. Like Einchtein who used to work in a suiss patent office before his fame came (most probably) through the work of others.
Americans are great Inventors themselves, and they have undeniable talent. And so are many others not to be underestimated...
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