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Iranian Robots


Dec 8, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iranian Robots


Iran has made a steady progress in this field in recent years in a way it could produce a variety of different type of robots such as humanoid, industrial, Surgical , fire fighting,Underwater or even military ones.
The most significant project in Iran is Surena humanoid robots that it's 4th generation has recently been introduced ... Surena I was first unveiled back in 2008 and its son Surena IV late 2019 which unlike its grandpa ,which was able to speak according to a predefined text and had remote control and predefined path tracking abilities, the performance included both upper and lower body motions, interaction with a host and speech...
The first and simplest version of the robot (SURENA I, 2008) had only 8 degrees of freedom (DoF) and the second one (SURENA II, 2010) had 22 DoF with a walking speed of 0.03 meters per second. Compared to the third generation (SURENA III, 2015) which had 31 DoF, the new adult-sized Humanoid robot has 43 DoF and higher dexterity in the hands, making it able to grip different objects with different shapes. SURENA IV is 1.7 meters tall and has a mass of 68 kilograms; it is much lighter and smaller than SURENA III (98 kilograms and 1.9 meters tall) due to the better structure design based on topology optimization, compact customized actuator design, and the SLA 3D printing technology used for its cover.
IDRO (Industrial Development and Renovation Organization) has already announced their objectives for 5th generation which is concentrating on agility & repeatability.

Surena I & II

Surena III


To be continued ...
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Sina Telesurgery System


Sina is a robotic telesurgery system which can be used for performing general surgeries. The system has a reconfigurable surgery console which may be used both in sitting, semisitting, or standing surgeon postures. At the surgeon side are surgery handles of scissor, grasper, hammer, or stylus type which may be changed to perform different tasks during a single surgery. The slave subsystem has a modular and open architecture design for placement of surgical robots at one or both sides of the surgical bed and which can be integrated to each other. Noninterruptive reorienting the patient during general surgeries of deformable soft tissues is the most important advantage of such a modular and integrable design. The Sina cameraman robot (RoboLens) can smartly track the surgery instruments which are 5 mm in diameter and fully articulated. Also, the system benefits from tremor reduction, movement scaling, and three degrees of freedom haptic feedback plus pinch force for each master handle. Any available operating room equipment such as electrosurgery devices and vision systems may be integrated into the Sina surgical system. Sina also benefits from both single and reusable instruments to reduce the cost of surgeries, which is one of the main bottlenecks in the generalization of robotic surgeries.

Iran DSDA made Robotic Acoustic ceiling, Sharif university


To achieve the best acoustic performance in variable layout Saba Performance Hall, Tehran Municipality ordered the design and manufacturing of acoustic equipment to be installed under the ceiling of the hall. This equipment changes the geometry of the ceiling by the aid of robots having 4 large paddles capable of rotation around two axes and extending some 5m down from the ceiling. The surface porosity of the paddles are variable, changing their acoustic properties from full reflective to full absorptive. Hence the required acoustic environment according to type of show in the hall (theatre, movie projection, live show, concert and etc.) is achieved. Sample of the robot has been fabricated and presented to the client. This system is an Innovative technology created by DSDA.





Very impressive, and very informative thread.

Iranians are very talented in the field of robotics (credit where due). This is the key to achieving big in numerous domains with decent programming skills in the mix.
Robotic Exoskeleton



Exoped Robotic Exoskeleton is a walking assistance system that gives back the ability of walking to paraplegic patients and people with lower limb disabilities .

There are just a handful of companies worldwide that have developed such technology, but Iran may prove an ideal environment. In addition to engineering expertise, Iran boasts an advanced healthcare system. From the standpoint of social impact, Exoped can make a meaningful difference in the lives of Iranians living with spinal cord injuries, including the elderly, those injured in natural disasters such as earthquakes, war veterans, and those suffering from musculoskeletal degenerative diseases. One 2015 study on the prevalence of spinal cord injuries in Iran estimates the figure at 320 per million individuals. But the researchers note that this is likely an significant underestimation.

This robot can help users to sit, stand and walk and can be considered as an alternative and replacement for wheelchairs. Exoskeleton technology is known as one of the advanced robotic technologies around the world and, until now, just a few exoskeleton companies in the US, Japan and Israel succeeded in making commercial products. Pedasys, the Iranian knowledge-based company, a group of university professors, researchers and engineers who have experience in power-assisted and rehabilitation robotic systems, has succeeded designing “Exoped”, a lower-limb robotic exoskeleton for walking of paraplegic patients. Exoped robotic exoskeleton has two versions: Clinical and Personal versions. - The clinical version is delivered with carrier belts, parallel bars and a special data-logging software. In this version, user can wear and use Exoped under supervision of a clinical therapist. - Exoped personal version is delivered with crutches, rechargeable batteries and an embedded computer. User can use it to walk freely at home or outdoor spaces. Currently, Exoped clinical version has passed various standard medical tests to get needed certificates and soon will be available in rehabilitation clinics in Iran. What are the benefits of using Exoped exoskeleton? Giving back the ability of walking to lower-limb disabled patients gives them independence, hope, self-confidence and better quality of life. Besides, the ability of movement leads in better physical condition like better blood circulation, blood pressure adjustment, better breathing, avoiding digestion and kidney problems or bedsore, chronic pains, and muscle weakness. Exoped also can be used for gait training for patients with gait disorders. How does Exoped work? Exoped is a lower-limb exoskeleton that can carry patient’s weight and transfer it directly to the ground. User can wear this robot over his regular clothes. Exoped uses four powerful electric motors placed in four joints of hips and knees. These motors can move patient’s legs by different patterns and speeds, thus patient can walk without consuming any considerable energy. Who can use Exoped? Patients with lower-limb disabilities (paraplegia), muscle weakness or gait disorders can use Exoped. Patient needs to have enough ability and power to use his hands in order to control his body. Exoped clinical version can be used in neurosciences, rehabilitation and physical therapy labs. In addition, research centers can benefit from this product. What are sales and guaranty conditions? Exoped delivers at an exceptional and nearly half of the price of similar other products. Please contact us for more information. This product has a one-year guaranty including installation and training, and five years of warranty, including periodic services, software updates, spare parts, maintenance and calibration.
Product technical properties (Clinical Version) -
Weight: 29 Kg
4 active joints 4
2 passive joints
Li-Ion rechargeable battery + a backup battery and charger
Max patient weight: 90 Kg
Min patient height: 155 cm - Max patient height: 190 cm
Max gait speed: 0.3 m/s
Gait modes: Training, Pro, Warm Up
Early steps gait mode: Included
Adjustable gait parameters: length, height, speed
Process parameters logging system :Included - Passed standards: IEC60601-1, IEC60601-1-2 -
Length of parallel path: 6 meters

This will be a thread to watch ..thank you...The Iranian capacity for innovation isnpite of the massive brain drain is stunning!!!

If sanctions are lifted, and Iranians are allowed to operate at their full potential, Iran will be a technological juggernaut in few years. Iranians are very talented people on average with incredibly rich civilization history.
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Iran Indra plus Fire fighting robot


Researchers at Qazvin Islamic Azad University have developed a firefighter robot that can withstand temperatures as high as 1,000º Celsius.

The use of robotic systems in firefighting is being increasingly studied as firefighters are routinely exposed to danger.

The robot can climb uneven surfaces and has a rotating fire hose nozzle. If disconnected from the operator, it is programmed to return to its operational starting point, reported ICTNA.

Mohammad Moshfeqi, the designer of the robot in the Center for Mechatronics Research at the Qazvin university, says they started the project 18 months ago and it took several months to conduct technical research and choose the appropriate raw material.

“The firefighter robot has a water tanker and can enter fire… The metal and fibers used in the robot ensure that flames will cause no damage.”

Just For Fun:

Iran Robotic competition:

Iran made Surgical Robot Heartbeat synchronization, Amir Kabir university


Iranian engineers have succeeded in creating Surgical Robot Heartbeat Synchronization at AmirKabir University of Technology.
According to an ISCA report, Iranian engineers in cooperation with Dr. Mahdi Tavakoli from University of Alberta, and international cooperation of Iran Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, made Surgical Robot Heartbeat Synchronization.

Dr. Heidar Ali Talebi, head of AmirKabir University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, stated that the robot can move at the same time of the heartbeat in order to assist surgery to be operated with precision.

The robot can be controlled remotely by a doctor using a computer-linked joystick, said Dr. Iman Sharifi, faculty member of AmirKabir University of Technology, Department of Engineering.

Surgical Robot Heartbeat Synchronization is able to imitate heart’s movements so it can move back and forth. It can be applied in Cardiothoracic and abdominal surgery as well.

Iran RSTL & Pooyesh Robotic Dana made Industrial Parallel Delta Robot


“The initial idea behind manufacturing of this robot belongs to Dr. Raymond Claw in the year 1987, and this robot possesses a vast space in various industries’ production lines of the world today,” he reiterated. Mahmoudi reiterated that the prototype of the Iranian parallel robot will soon be mass produced and presented to the Iranian and foreign markets. The Iranian parallel robot which is capable of carrying weights up to five kilograms has usage in production lines, for precision welding purposes, for work in dangerous atmospheres, in isolated spaces, for medical purposes, and in packing food items, among a about a dozen of other industrial and military usages. Mahmoudi said that the current price of the similar foreign version of this robot is around $1,400, but the cost of producing the Iranian version is about one third of that price.

He said that the parallel manipulator is capable of performing the job of 60 factory workers with high precision care and with no mistake based on the program given to it, which is very easy and needless of high technological expertise. A parallel manipulator is a mechanical system that uses several computer-controlled serial chains to support a single platform, or end-effector. Perhaps, the best known parallel manipulator is formed from six linear actuators that support a movable base for devices such as flight simulators.

This is a fantastic thread. You first post is technological extremely advanced robot. However, Surena is completely useless in terms of application. But thanks to tech demonstrators such as Surena, Iran has built a solid knowledge base in terms of robotics. Your last two posts are good examples of much lower technologies applied compared to Surena but the applicability is huge and the importance for Iran is paramount. Without university projects such as Surena or the "robot football players" Iran would not have had the same human resources in this field.
Iran made Robot washing High Voltage isolators


A team of researchers at Tehran’s Amir Kabir University of Technology have designed and manufactured a robotic arm for removing pollutants from the surfaces of the double umbrella type porcelain insulators, Mehr reported on Saturday.

Cleaning the polluted insulators of the overhead high voltage power lines has been one of the problems for the power transmission network during recent years, Amir Kabir University faculty member Amir Abolfazl Souratgar told Mehr.

He pointed to power failure in southwestern Khuzestan province and a number of western provinces due to sand and dust storm in January 2015 due to polluted insulators.

The robotic arm is able to clean insulators at higher speed and precision in comparison with other methods, he said, adding that it can work at high temperatures of up to about 60 centigrade and at low temperatures of around minus 40 centigrade as well as during high humidity and other bad climate conditions.

According to semanticscholar.com, exposed porcelain insulator strings need regular cleaning to prevent power failures caused by flashovers from occurring. Live-line cleaning of insulators using robot technology is an alternative and novel approach to removing the contaminants on the surfaces of the insulator.

This is a fantastic thread. You first post is technological extremely advanced robot. However, Surena is completely useless in terms of application. But thanks to tech demonstrators such as Surena, Iran has built a solid knowledge base in terms of robotics. Your last two posts are good examples of much lower technologies applied compared to Surena but the applicability is huge and the importance for Iran is paramount. Without university projects such as Surena or the "robot football players" Iran would not have had the same human resources in this field.
Surena needs more time to be worked on but it's in right direction ... all these projects are part of a bigger puzzle to complete this science in Iran which indeed need almost all field of science from AI to Electronic and Mechanic or computing and so on .. hopefully these types of projects could push us in these fields further.
As the sanctions are in place, I would suggest Iran and other third world countries to start producing drugs that are benefiting corona patients..

There are some known drugs and western system will take time to approve them and then they will charge hefty money from any country that requires those drugs.

One such drug is favipiravir of which the formula (C5H4FN3O2) is publicly available.

X-rays confirmed improvements in lung condition in about 91% of the patients who were treated with favipiravir, compared to 62% or those without the drug.

There are other drugs which are getting rid of the symptoms quite fast. We can save hundreds of thousands of patients.. just do the quick trials in our respective countries and start producing the drug.. forget about international patents and whatever.. public life is more important.. anyway iran is under sanctions so technically she shouldn't care about patents in the first place.
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