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Iranian Missile Enhancements Appear in North Korea


Feb 13, 2010
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Iranian Missile Enhancements Appear in North Korea | AVIATION WEEK
By David A. Fulghum davef@aviationweek.com, Robert Wall wall@aviationweek.com

The North Korean military parade last weekend does more than give world exposure to the heir apparent to Pyongyang’s leadership. It also revealed a new road-mobile ballistic missile — a variant of the BM-25 Musudan with a projected range of 3,000-4,000 km. (1,900-2,500 mi.).

Even more intriguing, North Korea’s weaponry is showing design characteristics associated with the Shahab 3, Iran’s most advanced missile. Such evidence is leading some international analysts to the conclusion that the ballistic missile development ties between the two countries are active and producing improvements in the arsenals of both.

While it would seem doubtful that complete missiles or missile sections are being shipped — given the close scrutiny by the West of North Korea shipping — components and engineering data could move relatively easily by air and diplomatic pouch.

For years, Iran has been the junior partner in the relationship and used the conduit to acquire No-dong and other missile technologies to build its own systems. Now, Israeli officials have noted the first public emergence in North Korea of the BM-25 Musudan, a weapon they believe has already been supplied to Iran.

It is believed to the first time the road-mobile, liquid-fueled, intermediate-range ballistic missile has been shown to anyone outside the North Korean military. The public unveiling took place Oct. 10 during a military parade attended by the country’s leader, Kim Jong-il, and his son and apparent leader-designate, Kim Jong-un.

The BM-25 is a derivative of the Russian-designed, SS-N-6 submarine-launched ballistic missile, although it has been increased in length to add range. North Korea showed several of the missile and wheeled launchers during the parade, although the operational status remains uncertain owing to a lack of flight trials detected by outside observers.

The parade also showcased a No-dong ballistic missile with a tri-conic nosecone. That configuration is typically associated with Iran’s Shahab-3, causing some analysts to suggest technical information gleaned by Tehran in flight trials is being fed to Pyongyang. Such a move would suggest Iran has made considerable progress in developing its indigenous missile engineering expertise.

The latest Iranian ballistic missile developments indicate the missiles “are much more sophisticated and reliable than the [early] Scud designs,” says Arieh Herzog, director of the Israel Missile Defense Organization. “The inertial navigation systems are better and improved guidance in the final phase makes some of them accurate to without about 100 meters.”

The migration of the BM-25 to Iran has major security implications for Europe, since it would give Tehran the ability to strike targets in southern Europe. For Israel, the introduction of the BM-25 would have relatively modest impact on its strategic calculation, since Iran already has the ability to strike Israeli cities with ballistic missiles, but it would allow Iran to disperse its launchers over a much larger area in the eastern part of the country.
Great news. Let's hope that Iranian-North Korean friendship and military cooperation will lead to more fruitful results.
As long as its just co operation and an open display of military might is perfectly fine.....now lets hope the unpredictable jerks sitting in Pyongyang and Tehran don't lose their stability and initiate a catastrophe ...as they say " a burgler shaking hands with an arsonist is no cause for celeb...."
I would like to ask these western thugs why Iran should not fear Europe's ability to strike Iran?

cause those western thugs as per your description do not call for " wiping Iran off the map " ....or " playing nuclear winter if South Korea is not reunited with the prosperous and thriving north under dear leader Kim Jong's thumb".......
Ahmadinejad never said "wipe Israel off the map". How many times do I have to repeat that this is Zionist and Western media propaganda?

Israel: "wiped off the map". The rumor of the century, fabricated by the US media to justify an all out war on Iran | Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran


Those who are "wiping off" countries are western nations and Israel. Palestine has already been wiped off, there won't be any Palestinian state.
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The "unpredictable jerks" are in Washington and Brussels. You are looking in the wrong place...

well they haven't unleashed nuke strikes ....on any nation after Hiroshima even through the most adverse circumstances from throughout the cold war ...to Vietnam and Red china.......and most importantly they look for negotiations and a way to resolve conflicts ....not issue threats every other day and try to initiate potentially disastrous conflicts ( like torpedoing warships etc.).....
Ahmadinejad never said "wipe Israel off the map". How many times do I have to repeat that this is Zionist and Western media propaganda?

Israel: "wiped off the map". The rumor of the century, fabricated by the US media to justify an all out war on Iran | Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran

the exact wording may be controversial.....but there is no doubt about Iranian/arab states attitudes towards the very existance of Israel as a nation.....and their determination to eradicate this perceived threat by any means what so ever......

this was quite recent....now would you be kind enough to share your views on what Iranian /Arabic official attitude towards Israel is on this basis.....keeping in mind that such news would have been read and carefully contemplated by billions.....

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Its ok to harras Iran..not ok for Iran to develop its defense.

The world has not changed much..the european theives are still plundering and looting eastern wealth. Expect that they now have much stronger means at their disposal the largest being the world financial scam of dollar and banking!

Arabs do not have problem with Israel. Arabs have problem with Israli desecration of Jerusalem and its continous expansionist policy by slow occupation.
well they haven't unleashed nuke strikes ....on any nation after Hiroshima even through the most adverse circumstances from throughout the cold war ...to Vietnam and Red china.......and most importantly they look for negotiations and a way to resolve conflicts ....not issue threats every other day and try to initiate potentially disastrous conflicts ( like torpedoing warships etc.).....

What nations has Iran released nukes on and for that matter what nation has Iran invaded in the past 300 years or so?

Also, what nation been looking for negotiations based on equal parity and is ardent behind it's sovereign rights and what powers are insisting that 'all options are on the table'?

I deem the above speak of strikes against a country as an initiation of 'potentially disastrous conflicts.'

and most importantly they look for negotiations and a way to resolve conflicts

I beg to differ given it's lack of substantiation with the recent unfolding of events.
the exact wording may be controversial.....but there is no doubt about Iranian/arab states attitudes towards the very existance of Israel as a nation.....and their determination to eradicate this perceived threat by any means what so ever......

this was quite recent....now would you be kind enough to share your views on what Iranian /Arabic official attitude towards Israel is on this basis.....keeping in mind that such news would have been read and carefully contemplated by billions.....

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

They have not officially expressed an outright negation of the entirety of the state of Israel or more importantly the religious belief of her inhabitants. What they outright reject are Israeli policies and it's manifestations cast upon the less-privileged people under it's domain, the besieged Palestinians.
So how far is alaska form North Korea ?

Alaska ??? ...what about U.S military bases in Okinawa....Diego Garcia...U.S military presence in South Korea ??? across the 38 th parrellel ??.....besides the Iranian rocket as well as the North Korean one ...they are ICBM's.......now picture them armed with a nuclear warhead......:frown:

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