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Iranian mathematician first woman to win 'Nobel Prize of maths'

That's a nonsense movie, in which Hollywood has once more tried shamelessly, it's best to depict Iranians as a savage, lawless, benighted nation, even by distorting history about the famous Avi Cena.
Dude, just delete that BS movie.
Yes, Hollywood is Hollywood not Muslims
anyhow, something is better than nothing
That's a nonsense movie, in which Hollywood has once more tried shamelessly, it's best to depict Iranians as a savage, lawless, benighted nation, even by distorting history about the famous Avi Cena.
Dude, just delete that BS movie.
I saw the movie. At first I thought I'm finally watching a decent movie about Iran, but then again, it was so full of crap and lies.
I think asians have a natural mathematical ability that exceeds that of europeans. Asians have a better balance of neurotransmitters and are better suited to maths. in simple words i would say we have a greater tranquillity of mind that makes us better at more abstract stuff.
I don't think it's about race people. She may be Turkish ethnically but her country is Iran. I don't think any of us have the right to tell her what she is or isn't. She obviously hasn't moved from Iran so it seems she is proud of it.
MASHAALLAH. Another proud day for all the Muslims.

Thanks for sharing. She's clearly got a decorated career and many accomplishments. More power to her and people like her in the Muslim world.
ty i learn now abdullah ocalan is a rebel turk ! :lol:

Not Turkish as in race you idiot. You know what I mean. Should I have said Anatolian instead? What about the Thrace then? Now that you mention it, it is sad our country Turkey has a racist name. We should use another one I guess? Cause it should be an insult to a Laz, Çerkez, Kurd, Zaza, etc.?

P.s. Iranian is not a race. Persian/Farsi and Azeri are races. So, you still can call a Persian and a Turk born in Iran as Iranian.
She isn't Turkish ethnically. Its all bullcrap these yurt-dwellers say. .
Spare me man, I done a mistake entering this race bullcrap you guys get so heated about.

Btw, long time. Banned for a year or something?
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