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Iranian foreign minister hopes decision on Russian S-300 supplies to be taken soon


Apr 8, 2014
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January 27, 14:08 UTC+3
Moscow and Tehran maintain a dialogue around the S-300 systems and there is hope that the problem will be solved as soon as possible, Irainian foreign ministers says


YEREVAN, January 27. /TASS/. Tehran hopes that a decision on supplies of Russia’s S-300 air defense systems to Iran will be taken as soon as possible, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Tuesday.

“We maintain a dialogue around the S-300 systems and we hope that the problem will be solved as soon as possible, within cooperation between Russia and Iran,” Zarif said.

Commenting on the results of the recent visit to Tehran by Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu, Zarif said, “During the talks, a base was created for broad cooperation between the two countries.”
what,s happend to the iranien equvalent of s-300, bavar 373 air defence system?
this is another BS .
the foreign ministry could only hope NOThing more than Hope
it never stops
Russia in Talks With Iran on Tor-M1 Missile System Modernization / Sputnik International
Russia in Talks With Iran on Tor-M1 Missile System Modernization


Tor is designed to detect and engage modern high-precision weapons, including cruise missiles and guided bombs. The Tor-M1s are deployed to protect Iranian state and military facilities from air attacks.

MOSCOW, January 29 (Sputnik) — Russia's Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol is in talks with Iran on modernizing the short range Tor-M1 (SA-15 Gauntlet) surface-to-air missile defense systems, the plant's assistant director general told RIA Novosti Thursday.
"Iran has been operating a large number of our Tor-M1s. We [Iran and Russia] are holding talks about a possible modernization of the Tor-M1. We provide [Iran] with spare parts and train personnel. The work continues," said Vyacheslav Kartashov, liaison for military-technical cooperation and government contracts.

According to Kartashov, Iranian experts "professionally operate" the Tor-M1 missile systems, and provide for its maintenance.

"The equipment is in an excellent combat condition. Perhaps, this is one of the factors withholding the potential aggressor," he said.
Tor is designed to detect and engage modern high-precision weapons, including cruise missiles and guided bombs. The Tor-M1s are deployed to protect Iranian state and military facilities from air attacks.

Russia completed the delivery of 29 Tor-M1 missiles to Iran in January 2007. In September 2010, Moscow joined the UN sanctions against the country, prohibiting almost all arms trade, in response to Iran's controversial nuclear activities.
Russia should give Iran S-400 instead...

Russia is not selling S-400 to anyone, let alone Iran.

what,s happend to the iranien equvalent of s-300, bavar 373 air defence system?

Iran does not have a capability to built a S-300 equivalent. Even China struggled with producing a copy and is only now became capable to produce a decent S-300 knockoff.
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