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Iranian CIDMG Products


Feb 5, 2009
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Chemical Industries & Development of Material Group (CIDMG) is a large-size technical and developed branch of Defense Industries Organization affiliated to the Ministry of Defense & Armed Forces logistics of the Islamic Republic of Iran. CIDMG produces military & civil chemical products and materials by making use of a very long experience and taking advantages of latest advanced technologies and high scientific efficiency for the production of powders, propellant charges and mines explosive materials within a range of more than 200 products. All products are manufactured as per Western European skills with the best quality in modern factories, presenting after sales services and providing better quality performance to meet the customer’s needs and satisfaction. With respect to achievement of quality & environmental international certifications such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 10015 and Military Standard which have key role for entering the worldwide competition, CIDMG is proud of making safe the company image, reliability and respect for committing simultaneously the mutual obligations in companion with customers in internal & external markets.


Seven perforated cylindrical grain powder, category 12/7 is kind of single base powder containing Nitrocellulose (NC) and Diphenylamine (DPA). This powder plus increment of one perforated tubular propellant type 12/1-27, flash reducer type 3/1 (VTH-10) is used as full charge for 122mm gun Howitzer D-36.


Category 9/7,. one perforated tubular propellant type 3/1 (VTH-10) is used as reduced charge for 122mm howitzer D-3.


Seven perforated cylindrical grain powder, category 9/7 is a kind of single base powder containing Nitrocellulose (NC) and Diphenylamine (DPA). This powder plus increment of one perforated tubular propellant type 12/1- 72 is used as reduced charge for 130mm gun type M-46 .


One perforated tubular propellant, category 23/1-37 is a kind of double base powder mainly containing Nitrocellulose (NC) and Nitroglycerine (NG) . This powder is used as full charge for 130mm gun type M-46.


One perforated tubular propellant is a kind of double base powder mainly containing Nitrocellulose (NC) and Nitroglycerine (NG). This powder plus auxiliary charge is used as full charge for 152mm gun howitzer.


Seven erforated cylinderical propellant type M30-15/7 is a kind of triple base powder mainly containing Nitrocellulose (NC), Nitroglycerine (NG) and Nitroguanidine (NGU). These powders are used for anti tank ammunition (HEAT) in 105mm gun and 155mm B.B gun, G-C 45 .

105 mm HEAT-TYPE

Seven erforated cylinderical propellant type M30-15/7 is a kind of triple base powder mainly containing Nitrocellulose (NC), Nitroglycerine (NG) and Nitroguanidine (NGU). These powders are used for anti tank ammunition (HEAT) in 105mm gun and 155mm B.B gun, G-C 45 .


Seven perforated cylinderical propellant is a kind of triple base powder mainly containing Nitrocellulose (NC), Nitroglycerine (NG) and Nitroguanidine (NGU). This powder is used for 4.5 inch Navy gun mark 8.


Military grade TNT is widely used as a bursting charge for high explosive shells, aircraft bombs, grenades, naval mines, torpedoes & etc. Either alone or mixed in given proportions with other explosives such as hexogen to form hexotol (composition B, RDX-B), hexogen and aluminium to form hexotonal (torpex), PETN to form pentolite, ammonium nitrate to from amatol, etc.
It is also used in boosters, detonators, demolition charges, land mines and other blasting material, and even as a constituent of some kinds of smokeless powders.


Hexogen (RDX) is a white crystalline powder.Production process for hexogen among the manufacturers in the world is different.Our process is according to Batchman method.Phlegmatized and pressed RDX is used as a highly bristant material for the manufacture of boosters and hollow charges.Non-phlegmatized RDX in combination with TNT is also used as a parable mixture for hollow charges and bristant explosive charges, (composition B), mixture of cyclonite with aluminium powder are used as torpedo charges (hexotonal, torpex, trialent).Some time this material may be used as an additive in the manufacture of smokeless powder in manufacturing explosive charges which are required to have a certain mechanical strength or rubber elastic toughness, cyclonite is incorporated into curable plastic materials such as polyurethance, polybutadiene or polysulfide and is poured into molds (plastic explosive).

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Composition A is wax-coated granular form of RDX and a phlagmetizing wax. Five different types of composition A have been developed and designated A-1, A-2, A- 3, A-4 and A-5. We produce the below compounds of composition A. Composition A is used as bursting charges in Navy 2.5 and 5-inch rockets, as well as in land mines. Shaped charge for destruction and generally in pressed charges boosters, missile warhead & RPG in ammunition primer.


Composition B is RDX mixed with moldable amounts of TNT. Sometimes other agents are added to make it more stable. Composition B is used primarily in army rockets and land mines, as well as in other projectiles, Airplane bombs, torpedoes, anti-tank weapon, molding charges such as missile warhead and ammunitions, charges.


This is a military plastic explosive, consisting of cyclonite (RDX) and plasticizer, which itself may or may not be explosive it is useable for explosive welding of metals, casting metals, sweeping mine fields, reactive armors, non-sensitive ammunitions and hollow charge of destruction.


Hexal is the mixture of RDX, aluminium powder and added wax as phlegmatizer. It is used, press-molded, as a filling of anti-aircraft gun shells. Owing to the aluminium component, both an incendiary and explosive effect are obtained. It is also used in explosive compounds for airburst, elevating & ejecting, making big bubbles under water, production of flake primers.


Torpex is the cast filling. Its sensitivity to shock and friction is moderated by an addition of wax. With regard to initiation, it compares with hexotol but the bursting effect is higher. Its fragmentation power is higher than that of Hexotol. It is used in underwater explosive against ships, such as torpedoes, underwater mine and missiles (Scott missile).


Cyclotol in a special mixture that is found in three different types based on percent composition. It is comprised of varying mixtures of RDX and TNT. It is used in forming shaped explosives, specialized fragmentation projectiles, and grenades. APPEARANCE: Yellow to brown-yellow granulates free from dust and mechanical impurities.


HMX is a very powerful military explosive with similar properties to RDX. It is very stable and requires a powerful detonator or booster charge to detonate. HMX appears in four modifications, of which only the B-modification displays a particularly high density and hence also a particularly fast detonation rate. It is used in the warhead of guided missiles (missile, Toophan & Raad ),
reactive armor, bursting charges, boosters, fuses, mines, impulse charges, hollow charges, bombs and production of oil well detonation.


PETN is one of the most powerful and most bristant explosives, its stability is satisfactory and its sensitivity is not extreme.It is used in high-efficiency blasting-cap fillings and detonation cords.If phlegmatized with a small amount of wax and pressed, It may be used to produce boosters and fillings for smaller caliber projectiles.PETN can be in corporate into gelatinous, industrial
explosives (e.g. for seismic prospecting).It is also used in fuze, explosive cap of primers, pentolite, inductive charges, molding charges, primary demolition of naval mines, small bullets, grenades, mixture with nitrocellulose or synthetic rubbers for production of plastic explosives.


Octol is a mixture of HMX and TNT. It is used as primary charge of bombs and Scott missiles.


Ocfol is one of the high explosive materials. It is the mixture of HMX with wax as phlagmetizer. Desensitized HMX (Ocfol). It is used as primary charge of missiles and booster charges.


These products include insensitive explosives, plastic explosives and compositions based on PETN, RDX, HMX and aluminized mixtures. D.I.O has the capability to meet any of the formulations that are required by the customers. Military high explosive are safe to handle, have a long shelf life, high energy density and the propagation of the explosion (detonation reaction) is very fast. The energetic compounds are combined with polymers and other substances to match the properties as required. To initiate a detonation, a shock wave is needed., this is accomplished with a small quantity of primary explosive. Modern extremely insensitive formulations have been developed in most countries to eliminate accidents with ammunition. Apart from insensitive energetic compounds, new inert or energetic binder systems will be introduced to improve the vulnerability. The search for new energetic materials with highest performance characteristics is a never-ending task. D.I.O can produce some other combinations, such as desensitized PETN (pentastit), CH-6 and etc. as per customers’ request.
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