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Iran to send gamers to Israel for international e-sports competition

ISIS (+other Scum) be like:

Well, you dumb faggots (ISIS and other beheaders) are the main tools if Murricans are tired and don't wanna use "Boots on the Ground".

BTW: Have another one.
Hezbollah made a swap with Israelis (Remains of IDF soldier) vs Hezbollah POW or remains of fallen Hero.
Nope: Just humanly, so the Jewish mother can have finally peace and burry their son.
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wonder how , it clearly in Iranian passports stated that it can't be used for travel to Israel
As Iran (the Islamic Republic of) does not recognize nor have diplomatic relations with the state of Israel (like some other Muslim countries), people using an Iranian passport are not permitted to travel to Israel under Iranian law (although Israel itself does admit Iranian citizens holding a visa). On the inside of the back-cover, Iranian passports bear the inscription: "The holder of this passport is not entitled to travel to occupied Palestine", referring to Israel.
Israelis know very well that compromising with Arabs won't save them , because they never were a threat for them , but Hamas and Hezbollah and IRGC underground missile bases in Syria are the real threats ... IRGC is playing it calm to encircle Israel and is not hasty like Jamal and Hafez Assad ... yes they wish Iran to make a normalization but after all of these pressures that Iran handled with , it won't happen ... dispense propaganda and lies 🙂
Israelis know very well that compromising with Arabs won't save them , because they never were a threat for them , but Hamas and Hezbollah and IRGC underground missile bases in Syria are the real threats ... IRGC is playing it calm to encircle Israel and is not hasty like Jamal and Hafez Assad ... yes they wish Iran to make a normalization but after all of these pressures that Iran handled with , it won't happen ... dispense propaganda and lies 🙂

You said it, brother. The shallow understanding exhibited accross the internet and in the real world by many commentators of these sorts of reports, calls for a brief analysis of what this in all likelihood is really about.

To me as well, it quite obviously appears to be disinformation from the "Jerusalem Post". As such, it can certainly be considered to form part of the extensive psy-ops campaign conducted against Iran by that country's enemies.

Coming to think of it, just how many times have zionist and affiliated media outlets carried reports announcing some forthcoming sports match between Iranians and citizens of the zionist regime - - only to eventually see them invalidated by actual facts...?

In case nobody's noticed, this is a classical and rather overused type of routine propaganda theme... It was rehashed most recently in connection with a professional Iranian judoka as well as with a young Iranian chess talent.

It is intended to serve three purposes:

1) Invigorate the segments of Iranian public opinion susceptible to oppositionist anti-IR discourse, discourse which is generally supportive of Iran's sworn foreign enemies and their policies.

Create some sort of a momentum, artificially inflated by the foreign-funded, overseas media in Persian language, which the reformist and centrist political currents inside Iran will then be enabled to capitalize upon in order to push their empire-apologetic agenda, hoping to achieve a complete break with the foundational principles of both the Islamic Republic and the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Such news are bound to be proven wrong by Iranian officials, which will trigger an outcry of exiled oppositionists, hostile foreign regimes and in-house reformists against the revolutionary core of the Islamic Republic, accusing the latter of being reactionary spoilers running counter to the way of "the world".

I would be keen on witnessing the long faces those presently rejoicing at this fictitious report are going to pull once its baselsness is revealed, like every one of its predecessors.

2) Surf on the above mentioned anti-IR media hype to gain support for a boycott of Iran at international sport tournaments. And thereby exert further pressures on Iranian society and generate frustrations, which Iran's enemies hope to harvest in such a way as to turn Iranians against their legitimate political system.

3) Lend a propagandistic helping hand to Tel Aviv's regional clients and allies, especially the Arab regimes which most recently treaded the path of normalization with the apartheid regime, under the auspices of Trump and Kushner.

Indeed, fake news such as these offer free supply of verbal ammunition to supporters of these regimes and their professional PR agents alike, allowing them to relativize the treasonous nature of said regimes' dealings with Isra"el" and more importantly, to call into question the genuineness and seriousness of the actual Resistance Axis against zionism, particularly of its heavyweight that is Islamic Iran.

This is turn is meant to delegitimize, discourage and stifle any inclination toward and desire for Resistance against illegal zionist occupation of Palestine.

Reactions like post #5 from the analogous thread running in the Middle East section, are exactly what such dubious reports are supposed to provoke amongst the anti-Iran crowd - that is, to further stimulate their animosity against Islamic Iran. Similarly, the aimed-for reaction as dfar as the Iranian public is concerned, is to spark sympathy for the zionist entity on top of hostility towards the IR, as well as to cultivate the misplaced idea that Iran too should abandon all opposition to the usurpatory regime of Tel Aviv, cease backing the heroic Resistance of the Palestinian people and follow in the footsteps of client regimes subservient to the zio-American empire.
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For 42 years Iranian athletes didn't compete with israeli occupiers. Let's see what happens in future
Didn't I tell you?

As expected, Iran denied it. The Jerusalem Post report turns out to be bogus.


Iran denies sending gamers to Israel for international e-sports competition

November 11, 2020 at 2:33 pm | Published in: Iran, Israel, Middle East, News

November 11, 2020 at 2:33 pm

Iran will not participate in the upcoming international e-sports world championship hosted in the southern Israeli resort town of Eilat, despite an earlier report last week by the Jerusalem Post suggesting otherwise.

A statement issued by Iran's Sport For All Federation on Saturday rejected the news of Iranian gamers participating in the event held by "the Zionist regime" in February 2021 in the occupied territories is "a complete lie".

Organised by the South Korea-based International e-Sports Federation (IESF), the 12th championship event will be held in Israel throughout November and December in a limited online format due to the coronavirus pandemic, with the finals a much larger and more prestigious event also scheduled to take place in Eilat in February 2021. The event is expected to include over 10,000 gamers from over 55 countries and will be broadcast live to millions around the world.

The championship is organised by the Israeli Esport Association and Maccabi World Union and partnered with the Eilat municipality and Israel's Prime Minister's office.

The Post reported that "Iran, alongside other nations that do not have diplomatic ties with Israel such as Indonesia, had expressed disappointment, as it seemed they wouldn't be able to compete."

The article claimed that Iran agreed to take part, after its teams won their regional qualifying tournament yesterday for eFootball PES Series, one of the three official games played at the event. Iran's participation in the event represents "a stark departure from its traditional policy regarding international competitions with Israeli teams", it added.

However, Iran's Mehr News Agency reported that Israel has no athletes or representatives in these competition, and the news reports are "just media mischief aiming at taking advantage of sports to justify the normalization of relations between a number of countries with the Zionist regime".

E-sports is a rapidly growing industry both in terms of viewership and revenues with global revenues said to exceed $1 billion this year attracting an audience expected to reach 495 million.
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