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Iran tests Submarine-to-Surface Missile

I dont understand this point, are you saying nuclear weapons are effective deterrent becasue of "The thought of my daughter being burned alive"?

It works to stop me from starting anything. It does not work to stop me from ending anything. And it only works when both sides got daughters to worry about.

And if you don't know, we have daughters in our armies as well.
We were ready to take the rest of the world with us. About the only place that was relatively safe was central mid and Southern Africa and that's only because they're already in the Stone Age. No scenario that I am aware of that did not drag every major country into that fight.

You have not learned that lesson.

That tiger is out of its cage. No one is putting him back. The best anyone can do is to keep an eye on it

That is a whole bunch of crap. Small countries have survived just as good as the big ones throughout history.

Bullcrap. Pakistan is still here. The USSR is gone.

You don't get it. We know the insanity of nukes ... or at least we used to.

Oh get off it, the N5 can wipe you off the face of the earth without blinking an eye and all you guys can do is to drop a bomb on your own cities that the enemy might have captured. You don't have power. You have bragging rights.

I couldn't give a rats *** about the Muslim world. You guys all think nukes are a substitute for your penis. They ain't. You want nukes? Fine. Only just realize that you're not stroking your penis. You're stroking a sleeping viper.

You will be running for cover very soon !!
Get ready !!
And hold tight to your Pe***.
Engineer act like an officer, not a 14 year old kid. Keep the discussion civilized, and stop getting personal.

Oh dont say that. I have grew up in the family of officers.
Iran exports military equipment to 57 countries: minister
Sardasht, West Azerbaijan, Sept 3, IRNA

Defense Minister General Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar said Iran is currently exporting military equipment to 57 countries in the world.

He said the equipment and weapons were of advanced quality adding that the high quality of the Iranian made equipment have attracted good customers around the world.

He noted that self-sufficiency in production of military and defense industries came from imposing sanction against Iran adding that the sanctions did not have negative effects, but rather they brought growth and development to military industry.

The minister reiterated on Iran's interaction with other countries and said, "Iran does not intend to invade any country, but naturally has the right to defend itself against any king of aggression or invasion."
Defense minister is accompanying President Ahmadinejad in his 19th provincial trip to the west Azerbaijan.

I like Ahmadinejad. First he says, we will get rid of Isreal from the world map, and when it comes to defense marketing.

"Iran does not intend to invade any country, but naturally has the right to defend itself against any king of aggression or invasion."

It's a moral stance to encourage justice, we all want Israel eliminated from the map, but that doesn't mean we want to kill the oppressors and occupiers. We want them to simply cease their occupation and become one state, Palestine. Soviet was wiped off, in the same manner Israel. This has been the stance of Iran since the Islamic Revolution. *World without Zionism* - InshaAllah.
Averröes You are impressing me dear !!
You are absolutely right !! "*World without Zionism* " is the objective !!
This is exactly what should be the objective, as you say, 'We want them to simply cease their occupation and become one state, Palestine.' !!
No hard feelings to jews, who were 'INVITED' to live in Palestine at the cost of Palestinians !! They would be asked just to 'VACATE' the occupied country and go back to thier native countries. Those jews who were living in Paletine before, would continue to live as usual !! INSHA-A-ALLAH, it will happen soon.
Iran exhibits locally made warplane in war games
The Associated Press

Published: September 6, 2006

TEHRAN, Iran Iran exhibited its first locally manufactured fighter plane Wednesday during large-scale military exercises, state-run television reported.

The report said the bomber Saegheh is similar to the American F-18 fighter plane, but "more powerful." It also said the plane was "designed, optimized and improved by Iranian experts."

State TV said the Iranian air force had commissioned the Saegheh plane after many test flights in the past year.

Television footage showed the airplane taking off and launching two rockets. The plane had a small cockpit and only one pilot.

"Saegheh is capable of launching both rockets and bombs," the report said.

General Karim Ghavami, commander of Iran's air force, told state-run television that the war games were being held "to show the trans-regional forces that we are ready to defend our country up to the latest drop of our blood."

The Islamic republic is concerned about the U.S. military presence in neighboring Iraq and Afghanistan at a time when the international community has threatened to impose sanctions against Tehran because of its disputed nuclear program.

It also has expressed worry about Israeli threats to destroy its nuclear facilities, which the West contends could be used to make a bomb but which Iran insists are for civilian uses only.

During maneuvers dubbed "The Blow of Zolfaghar," which began in August 19, Iran test fired short range surface-to-surface, sub-to-surface missiles, new air defense system and laser bombs.

Iran's military test-fired a series of missiles during large-scale war games in the Persian Gulf in March and April, including a missile it claimed was not detectable by radar that can use multiple warheads to hit several targets simultaneously.

After decades of relying on foreign weapons purchases, Iran now says it is increasingly self-sufficient in its military equipment claiming it annually exports more than US$100 million (€81 million) worth of military equipment to more than 50 countries.

Since 1992, Iran has produced its own tanks, armored personnel carriers and missiles, the government said. It announced in early 2005 that it had begun producing torpedoes. The government has not said how many warplanes it will build.

Meanwhile, Iranian Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said Iran has produced a guided 2000-pound bomb, state-run TV reported. It did not elaborate.

TEHRAN, Iran Iran exhibited its first locally manufactured fighter plane Wednesday during large-scale military exercises, state-run television reported.

The report said the bomber Saegheh is similar to the American F-18 fighter plane, but "more powerful." It also said the plane was "designed, optimized and improved by Iranian experts."

State TV said the Iranian air force had commissioned the Saegheh plane after many test flights in the past year.

Television footage showed the airplane taking off and launching two rockets. The plane had a small cockpit and only one pilot.

"Saegheh is capable of launching both rockets and bombs," the report said.

General Karim Ghavami, commander of Iran's air force, told state-run television that the war games were being held "to show the trans-regional forces that we are ready to defend our country up to the latest drop of our blood."

The Islamic republic is concerned about the U.S. military presence in neighboring Iraq and Afghanistan at a time when the international community has threatened to impose sanctions against Tehran because of its disputed nuclear program.

It also has expressed worry about Israeli threats to destroy its nuclear facilities, which the West contends could be used to make a bomb but which Iran insists are for civilian uses only.

During maneuvers dubbed "The Blow of Zolfaghar," which began in August 19, Iran test fired short range surface-to-surface, sub-to-surface missiles, new air defense system and laser bombs.

Iran's military test-fired a series of missiles during large-scale war games in the Persian Gulf in March and April, including a missile it claimed was not detectable by radar that can use multiple warheads to hit several targets simultaneously.

After decades of relying on foreign weapons purchases, Iran now says it is increasingly self-sufficient in its military equipment claiming it annually exports more than US$100 million (€81 million) worth of military equipment to more than 50 countries.

Since 1992, Iran has produced its own tanks, armored personnel carriers and missiles, the government said. It announced in early 2005 that it had begun producing torpedoes. The government has not said how many warplanes it will build.

Meanwhile, Iranian Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said Iran has produced a guided 2000-pound bomb, state-run TV reported. It did not elaborate.;)
Niaz and Kashif,

You both have valid points!

Our main concern is not a nuclear armed Iran, bigger threat is coming from The States. Its widely believed that on the longer run US would want to neutralise our nuclear capability. If we lose our nukes, we'll lose our main deterrance.
I believe Pakistan today exists because of our nukes, without them we could have been attacked by the US altogether with Iraq and Afghanistan or even India in 2002!

Iran on the other hand can not be fully trusted. We may not have border dispute, Iran still has closer ethnic connection with Balochistan and remains a possible threat.
Another issue is oil, once we start exploiting oil reserves in Balochistan it might cause troubles between the two countries as Iranian oil will be flowing into Balochistan!

Btw, the way Teheran handled the AQ Khan issue shows they can not be trusted!

So I won't support a nuclear Iran with current regime.

My friend! Iran has oil for the next 68-70 years and gas for the next 600 years. We dont need Pakistan oil. Please remember this, the guys in Pakestani-Baluchistan are coming to Iran and killing people! Why would we support them for god sake?! (To come and kill few civis?).

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