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Iran spreading coronavirus to other countries

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Apr 29, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Syrian Arab Republic
Or is she?

Many neighboring countries are saying Iran-bound passengers are the "only" corona cases they have found and everything is A-OKAY in their countries.
As a medical doctor who has spent the past 2 months studying the patterns and behavior of COVID-19; i can assure you that you're probably screwed.

the fact that your healthcare system was UNABLE to detect infections of coronavirus, doesn't mean that your citizens are NOT infected.

how many test kits are available in Iraq, afghanistan and pakistan for example? how many people have been tested for COVID-19? considering the fact that about 75% of victims only show mild cold-like symptoms; the possibility that your countries are a safe haven for COVID-19 is all but very high.

if a passenger is showing signs of fever doesn't mean they're infected.

all-in-all; the reason why Iran is actively reporting new cases of COVID-19 and you are not, shouldn't make you happy. it should make you worry. look back at all those people who mysteriously died of "Pneumonia/Influenza" and you will reach interesting results.

wear masks, wash your hands and stay away from anyone showing flu-like symptoms.

Stay safe
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The R0 value for this virus appears to be higher than first thought. No nations should be under the delusion they can prevent it coming into their land. What all nations need to do is take precautious and prepare as if it is inevitable that virus will come to them.
I like how you are so mad at Iran instead of the country that created the virus and spread it probably to Pakistan as well (China).
LOl. And Irani could be only shameless by Displaying all the flags as Canadian because he himself is aware that Displaying those colors will nor get him anywhere and land him in trouble
I like how you are so mad at Iran instead of the country that created the virus and spread it probably to Pakistan as well (China).
Anger. thats what's been pushing them. they've nothing else.

let them be angry. angry at Iran, angry at the world. pitty them, but don't encourage their behavior.
LOl. And Irani could be only shameless by Displaying all the flags as Canadian because he himself is aware that Displaying those colors will nor get him anywhere and land him in trouble

It's okay my Pakistani brother. I hope you can seek aid for your anger and mental health troubles.
I wish Trump use atomic bomb against this extremist regime.
i had a sore throat and fever but now i only have breathing problem which i had in past too i use inhaler but its not improving
i had a sore throat and fever but now i only have breathing problem which i had in past too i use inhaler but its not improving


I hope you get well my friend and it's nothing. If you had past issues, then it is likely to just be the same as what you have before.
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