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Iran shows film of captured US drone

I tell you in all honest the UAV episode seems to be the last nail in the coffin of Al Sauds falling out of favor in the Islamic world. Shia Sunni rivalry aside but recently a lot of negative developments are taking place in the Arab world. The Syrian revolution is fast moving towards the failure as moderate elements want dialogue with Assad rather than a political take over by religious lunatic much like what happened in Libya. The Saudis are hell bent on proving to the world the might of GCC block and demonstrating it as some sort of unitied political and cultural force which they aren't to begin with. And there has been no condemnation of NATO attack by the Saudis, compare this with 90's when they openly supported our nuclear program.

Although your analysis is very intelligent but it is very loaded. I do not think Iran will rise up to become a super force just because of a drone. In geopolitical terms it is just a small thing and not even in calculations. Only a nation with supreme science and technology can claim any height not by capturing a drone or even reverse engineering it.
The wingspan if the drone shown by Iran is about 4.8 times bigger than its height on that platform. And its height is about humans height. That means the wingspan will be about 8-9 m. Nowhere even close to 26 m, not even half of it:


Here another, more crude estimate:


The wingspan of that thing is less than 6 generals. I.e. less than 11 m.

:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: Are you 10 years old or something? Next you're going to tell me the mountains in the background of this photo are only a few meters tall because the man is taller in terms of pixels...

:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: Are you 10 years old or something? Next you're going to tell me the mountains in the background of this photo are only a few meters tall because the man is taller in terms of pixels...
But you have no problems with this 'deduction'...

- The US said we lost a drone flying out of Afghanistan.
- Iran said it is in possession of said drone.

Therefore, it is 'obvious' from combining those two facts that:

- Iran 'hacked' into the American drone program from Nevada.
- Iran have 'anti-stealth' radar.
- Then Iran 'hijacked' this drone from out of the Afghan airspace and into Iranian airspace.
And speaking of 'incredible'...

The US said we lost a drone flying out of Afghanistan.

Iran said it is in possession of said drone.

The 'obvious' from combining those two facts is: Iran 'hacked' into the American drone program from Nevada. Iran have 'anti-stealth' radar. Then Iran 'hijacked' this drone from out of the Afghan airspace and into Iranian airspace.

Yeah...:lol:...So much for critical thinking.

Nothing that you have mentioned mattered. All that matter is, Iran took one of your drones. Be it they spotted it on their radar, hacked it or both. So much for American stealth and security :lol:
But you have no problems with this 'deduction'...

- The US said we lost a drone flying out of Afghanistan.
- Iran said it is in possession of said drone.

Therefore, it is 'obvious' from combining those two facts that:

- Iran 'hacked' into the American drone program from Nevada.
- Iran have 'anti-stealth' radar.
- Then Iran 'hijacked' this drone from out of the Afghan airspace and into Iranian airspace.

And you do not have any problem with this deduction:

Drone loses contact
Drone runs out of fuel
Drone decides to land in order to save its soul
Drone decides landing on a rocky surface decreases the chances of its survival
Drone Ultimately sends out a Mayday to Iranians on 243 and 121.5 Mhz
Drone lands on an Iranian air port and is saved intact

Are you kidding?

Iranians hacked the drone. That is the only explanation. Go figure.
On second thought I think that might be close. If you use the officers in the photo and consider their height at a meter 20 or more is quite possible. As far as the Chinese interests go, they likely have some of this tech already. It has been in action for a few years and they have outstanding intelligence services. A loss of secret technology is always anticipated when its entered into service, all things mechanical will fail eventually. The value is what is gained before its compromised.
But you have no problems with this 'deduction'...

- The US said we lost a drone flying out of Afghanistan.
- Iran said it is in possession of said drone. And Iran showed a video that it is in possession of said drone and said it brought it down using electronic warfare

Therefore, it is 'obvious' from combining those two facts that:

- Iran 'hacked' into the American drone program from Nevada. I've already said that the most likely event is that they simply jammed the control and GPS signals to the drone.
- Iran have 'anti-stealth' radar. They have a long early warning radar, which could be considered anti-stealth...
- Then Iran 'hijacked' this drone from out of the Afghan airspace and into Iranian airspace. It's pretty obvious that it was deliberately sent into Iran by the United States on a spy mission.

Reply in red.
Nothing that you have mentioned mattered. All that matter is, Iran took one of your drones. Be it they spotted it on their radar, hacked it or both. So much for American stealth and security :lol:
The sad part for YOU is that you are not stupid. You are smart enough to understand the absurd leaps of faith exhibited by most from what I summed up. So if you joined this bandwagon not because of stupidity then it is of intellectual dishonesty. The former can be excused -- and usually do -- by most thinking people. The latter group is generally despised.
The sad part for YOU is that you are not stupid. You are smart enough to understand the absurd leaps of faith exhibited by most from what I summed up. So if you joined this bandwagon not because of stupidity then it is of intellectual dishonesty. The former can be excused -- and usually do -- by most thinking people. The latter group is generally despised.

Leap of faith is the distance between a drone's stupidity defined by the "claimed" inability to differentiate between hostile and friendly areas to its "claimed" attempt to save its soul when flying on bingo fuel. Which one should we believe that the drone is stupid or that the drone is so self aware and intelligent that it saved itself landing on an Iranian airport? Make up your mind because our faith unlike yours can not believe in both situation at once.
It is surprising these top secret weapon/recce platforms do not have a self destruct mechanism to prevent the enemy from acquiring technology in the event of a crash.

Numerous forum members have talked about some sort of self-destruct feature. There are many problems with implementing that idea:

1. more gadgets to install onto the drone (making it heavier, bigger, etc...) to ensure the safety of personnel working nearby;
2. accidental denotation due to faulty parts;
3. signal interception causing drone to detonate.

Guys, seriously. Can any Iranian explain what the American looking flag is all about?


IMO, the 'stars' on the American flag was replaced with 'skulls' to illustrate the American lust for violence.
Although your analysis is very intelligent but it is very loaded. I do not think Iran will rise up to become a super force just because of a drone. In geopolitical terms it is just a small thing and not even in calculations. Only a nation with supreme science and technology can claim any height not by capturing a drone or even reverse engineering it.

Neither I am saying that the drone will propel Iran to become a superman but connecting the series of events, the bad spell is coming for the Al Sauds...Pakistan is in desperate need of support post NATO attack and not a single statement of condemnation came from the Al Sauds if you consider that most of this nuisance was created by their fireband clerics. A week later have have the drone incident which sort of gives Pakistan a hope of support even if no direct statement. I hope you understand the perception it has created.
Neither I am saying that the drone will propel Iran to become a superman but connecting the series of events, the bad spell is coming for the Al Sauds...Pakistan is in desperate need of support post NATO attack and not a single statement of condemnation came from the Al Sauds if you consider that most of this nuisance was created by their fireband clerics. A week later have have the drone incident which sort of gives Pakistan a hope of support even if no direct statement. I hope you understand the perception it has created.

I do. And I am really disappointed. But you have to realize that Saudis are also in a tight corner as they are a client state. US helped Saudis to fare quite well during Arab spring making sure the regime stays in power. The western media never focused on them. Do you think they would survive if west brings down their might on that regime. They have to remain obedient, otherwise there are other groups which are loyal to west and west can bring up as alternative to Al-Sauds. These are simple political facts. But I understand your frustration. Only a truly independent and sovereign nation can do whatever it wants without worrying about other states national interest.
The wingspan if the drone shown by Iran is about 4.8 times bigger than its height on that platform. And its height is about humans height. That means the wingspan will be about 8-9 m. Nowhere even close to 26 m, not even half of it:


Here another, more crude estimate:


The wingspan of that thing is less than 6 generals. I.e. less than 11 m.

the picture is taken from top and general looks much shorter than he is..and he is nearer to camera than the far ends of the wing...so he may look bigger in area than he is....so this is not a good comparison...come up with something better
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