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Iran is popular in Pakistan, overwhelmingly disliked everywhere else

19 % Indians in favour of Iran and 28 % Indian against. It only shows that most indias, remaining 53 % don't have enough knowledge about contemporary Iran to form an opinion.Due to this , Indians attitudes towards Iran seem mixed .

But i do know one thing , the educated Indians who are thorough about Iran and Iranians like them in general , especially in comparison to other muslim countries.

Just to add to my own post , i think those Indians whose opinions have been shown as against Iran are most probably due to the regime over there, not the people and country in general.
Just to add to my own post , i think those Indians whose opinions have been shown as against Iran are most probably due to the regime over there, not the people and country in general.

Most Indians know nothing about iran, to have a view. But then so are people of many countries. Pakistanis dont like or dislike iran, rather they like nejad for standing upto the great satan (the same way lot of subcontinent muslims used to like saddam hussain).
Its easy to be popular in muslim world, just be anti israeli. Erdogan is quite popular for same reason.
Why would anybody be surprised by this?? Most Indians don't even know anything about Iran. And the opinion is based on Iranian government. Indian people obviously hate Islamists and irani government seem like islamists so indians may say they dislike iran just based on this.
But indian people don't hate iranians. Indians appreciate persian poetry
Oh yes we know how much you like Iranian oil, which you were decreasing sales of until the US decided to give you an exemption similar to the one given to the Chinese.

Unlike most other countries we didn't halt our purchase of Iranian oil under US pressure and continued buying a good amount. Iran recognizes this fact , what Pakistan thinks is of no consequence.
Unlike most other countries we didn't halt our purchase of Iranian oil under US pressure and continued buying a good amount. Iran recognizes this fact , what Pakistan thinks is of no consequence.

I did not bring up the oil your compatriot did and I do not represent Pakistan. BTW another different Indian poster admitted Iran is basically seen as a source of oil in India, in an earlier page so again stop your people from bringing up the oil and I will not respond to that. :disagree:
"There are about 8,000 Iranian students studying in India. India provides 67 scholarships every year to Iranian students under ITEC, ICCR, Colombo Plan and IOR-ARC schemes.

India over the years has emerged as one of the favorite tourist destinations for Iranian tourists and every year around 40,000 Iranians visit India for various purposes. ."

@all_ignorants please spend some time here!
Embassy of India, Tehran
I don't think its about Islamism. I think its about Iran standing up against the US in the eyes of Pakistanis, while they have been victims of drone-attacks, etc. They see Iran as a country that won't let other countries mess with.

Ahmedindjad got popular among Muslims because of his comment on Israel. That comment gave him widespread global publicity.

Even Saddam Hussain was very popular because of his stand against America although Shia and Kurds hated him.

Oh yes we know how much you like Iranian oil, which you were decreasing sales of until the US decided to give you an exemption similar to the one given to the Chinese.

Even Chinese are decreasing it because there immense pressure. Look even China and Russia are unable to finance IP pipeline.
Ahmedindjad got popular among Muslims because of his comment on Israel. That comment gave him widespread global publicity.

Even Chinese are decreasing it because there immense pressure. Look even China and Russia are unable to finance IP pipeline.
Yup Ahmedindjad getting salute !
Ahmedindjad got popular among Muslims because of his comment on Israel. That comment gave him widespread global publicity.

Even Saddam Hussain was very popular because of his stand against America although Shia and Kurds hated him.

You can never compare Saddam Hussain with Ahmadinejad.. Saddam was a military dictator who wanted to remain in power at every cost....even his own country...whereas Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a sixth democratically elected President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. And that creates a lot of difference.....hope you got my point.
You can never compare Saddam Hussain with Ahmadinejad.. Saddam was a military dictator who wanted to remain in power at every cost....even his own country...whereas Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a sixth democratically elected President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. And that creates a lot of difference.....hope you got my point.
They don't really care if you are democratically elected or not,they only care if you are pro US,all other things are ver insignificant,remember that US used to aid and support Saddam,Bin Laden and Taliban?
You can never compare Saddam Hussain with Ahmadinejad.. Saddam was a military dictator who wanted to remain in power at every cost....even his own country...whereas Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a sixth democratically elected President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. And that creates a lot of difference.....hope you got my point.

I agree with you and I was telling two extreme cases. My point was anyone anti-American or Anti-Israel becomes popular in Muslim countries instantly, irrespective if he is a mass-murderer dictator or a democratically elected man.
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