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Iran has signed a historic nuclear deal – now it’s Israel’s turn


Dec 30, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran has signed a historic nuclear deal – now it’s Israel’s turn

By Javad Zarif, Iran's Foreign Minister

We – Iran and its interlocutors in the group of nations known as the P5+1 – have finally achieved the shared objective of turning the Iranian nuclear programme from an unnecessary crisis into a platform for cooperation on nuclear non-proliferation and beyond. The nuclear deal reached in Vienna this month is not a ceiling but a solid foundation on which we must build. The joint comprehensive plan of action, as the accord is officially known, cements Iran’s status as a zone free of nuclear weapons. Now it is high time that we expand that zone to encompass the entire Middle East.

Iran’s push for a ban on weapons of mass destruction in its regional neighbourhood has been consistent. The fact that it precedes Saddam Hussein’s systematic use of WMDs against Iran (never reciprocated in kind) is evidence of the depth of my country’s commitment to this noble cause. And while Iran has received the support of some of its Arab friends in this endeavour, Israel – home to the Middle East’s only nuclear weapons programme – has been the holdout. In the light of the historic nuclear deal, we must address this challenge head on.

One of the many ironies of history is that non-nuclear-weapon states, like Iran, have actually done far more for the cause of non-proliferation in practice than nuclear-weapon states have done on paper. Iran and other nuclear have-nots have genuinely “walked the walk” in seeking to consolidate the non-proliferation regime. Meanwhile, states actually possessing these destructive weapons have hardly even “talked the talk”, while completely brushing off their disarmament obligations under the non-proliferation treaty (NPT) and customary international law.

That is to say nothing of countries outside the NPT, or Israel, with an undeclared nuclear arsenal and a declared disdain towards non-proliferation, notwithstanding its absurd and alarmist campaign against the Iranian nuclear deal.

Today, in light of the Vienna deal, it is high time that the nuclear “haves” remedied the gap by adopting serious disarmament measures and reinforcing the non-proliferation regime.

It is time for the “haves” to finally come to terms with a crucial reality; we live in a globalized security environment. The cold war era asymmetry between states that possess nuclear weapons and those that don’t is no longer remotely tolerable..
For too long, it has been assumed that the insane concept of mutually assured destruction would sustain stability and non-proliferation. Nothing could be further from the truth. The prevalence of this deterrence doctrine in international relations has been the primary driving force behind the temptation by some countries to acquire nuclear weapons, and by others to engage in expanding and beefing up the strength of their nuclear arsenals. All this in blatant violation of the disarmament objectives set by the international community.

It is imperative that we change this dangerous and erroneous security paradigm and move toward a better, safer and fairer arrangement. I sincerely believe that the nuclear agreement between my country – a non-nuclear-weapon state – and the P5+1 (which control almost all nuclear warheads on Earth) is symbolically significant enough to kickstart this paradigm shift and mark the beginning of a new era for the non-proliferation regime.

One step in the right direction would be to start negotiations for a weapons elimination treaty, backed by a robust monitoring and compliance-verification mechanism.

This could, in an initial phase, occasion the de-alerting of nuclear arsenals (removing warheads from delivery vehicles to reduce the risk of use) and subsequently engender the progressive disarmament by all countries possessing such WMDs. It is certainly a feasible goal to start this global project with a robust, universal and really genuine push to establish a WMD-free zone in the Middle East, if the relevant powers finally come to deem it not just a noble cause but a strategic imperative.

One step in the right direction would be to start negotiating a weapons elimination treaty

Such a new treaty would revive and complement the NPT for nuclear “haves”. It would codify disarmament obligations for nuclear-armed regimes that are not party to the NPT – but that are nonetheless bound – politically, by the international non-proliferation regime and, legally, by peremptory norms of customary international law to disarm.

Iran, in its national capacity and as current chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement, is prepared to work with the international community to achieve these goals, knowing full well that, along the way, it will probably run into many hurdles raised by the skeptics of peace and diplomacy. But we must endeavor to convince and persist, as we did in Vienna.
Surpringsly it's hard to disagree with the main points of that article.

The thing is that the top dogs are always calling the shots regardless of the walk of life and the ME/Muslim world are not current top dogs and have not been that for a long time.

Thus it is naive to believe that a nuclear armed state such as Israel, which has many enemies in the immediate neighborhood (naturally considering it's history as a nation state) would willingly remove it's nuclear arsenal. The same nuclear arsenal which they claim (at least indirectly) is their lifeline/guarantee against hostile states/elements.

In theory this should not only be about Israel. If the world truly wants a nuclear free planet the main nuclear powers in the world (US, Russia, China, France, UK, India and Pakistan) should follow suit. Otherwise it's just barking for the sake of it.

Also let's be honest, if Iran had not been sanctioned and if the world community did not oppose a Mullah led Iran becoming a nuclear armed state, would the same Iranian rulers who are now saying that they never wanted nuclear weapons, not do the exact opposite and actually take that step? Especially as Israel already did that 40 years ago or so? I tend to believe so.

So in the end it's all about my "top dog" analogy. This was ALWAYS the case regardless of time period and always will be unless we as humans progress much more than our current stadia of "progress". End of story really.
Israel never used it against anyone anyway.
what is the use to blame them for it now?
let's forget about it and promote non nuclear world , not just for one country we are too much obsessed about.
Israel never used it against anyone anyway.
what is the use to blame them for it now?
let's forget about it and promote non nuclear world , not just for one country we are too much obsessed about.
If they had nuclear weapons to threat everyone than the countries around them have the same right
Israel never used it against anyone anyway.
what is the use to blame them for it now?
let's forget about it and promote non nuclear world , not just for one country we are too much obsessed about.

Are you joking? Should they use it on someone so we can have Nuclear-free Middle East?

Iran didn't even build a nuclear weapon and never decided to do so, look how Israel's PM is barking 24/7.

would the same Iranian rulers who are now saying that they never wanted nuclear weapons, not do the exact opposite and actually take that step?

Talking about possibilities, anything can happen, even aliens may exist. But do we have one single proof that Iran ever tried to make a nuclear weapon? Absolutely not. Even CIA admitted that Iran has never made the political decision to build a nuclear weapon. The whole nuclear issue was a hoax to put pressure on Iran, simply because its interests goes opposite way of Israel and U.S interests in region.
Israel never signed the NPT. Iran did.
Iran is obligated to not pursue nukes by its own commitments. If it wants nukes then it should leave the treaty.
When did they say they want nuclear weapons from day one they said their nuclear program is for energy
Israel never signed the NPT. Iran did.
Iran is obligated to not pursue nukes by its own commitments. If it wants nukes then it should leave the treaty.

So, if Iran leaves NPT right now, everyone will be cool with it? No one will try to invade Iran or bomb it? Ridiculous logic.
So, if Iran leaves NPT right now, everyone will be cool with it? No one will try to invade Iran or bomb it? Ridiculous logic.
I didn't say that. I said that you are bound by your own commitments to not pursue nuclear weapon technology.
Hence you had the sanctions and hence the deal.
NOT a parallel with Israel.
Iran didn't even build a nuclear weapon and never decided to do so, look how Israel's PM is barking 24/7.
* Ayatula regime openly threatens to destroy Israel.
* Ayatula regime builds ballistic missiles which can reach Israel and which are useless without WMD.
* Ayatula regime invests tens of billions in nuclear program despite being a poor country with huge oil and gas resources.
* Ayatula regime invented and promoted suicide terrorism around the world.
* Ayatula regime supports regime which gassed own people.

Each of these reasons is enough to not sign NPT.

So, if Iran leaves NPT right now, everyone will be cool with it? No one will try to invade Iran or bomb it? Ridiculous logic.
Yes, if Iran leaves NPT there will be no reason for sanctions.
I didn't say that. I said that you are bound by your own commitments to not pursue nuclear weapon technology.
Hence you had the sanctions and hence the deal.
NOT a parallel with Israel.

And guess what? We NEVER pursued nuclear weapons to begin with. Isn't U.S past history of lying, like with those of Iraqi WMDs, enough not to believe whatever they say like words of God? Consider another possibility, in which, this whole nuclear issue was an overly exaggerated hoax to put pressure on Iran.
* Ayatula regime openly threatens to destroy Israel.
* Ayatula regime builds ballistic missiles which can reach Israel and which are useless without WMD.
* Ayatula regime invests tens of billions in nuclear program despite being a poor country with huge oil and gas resources.
* Ayatula regime invented and promoted suicide terrorism around the world.
* Ayatula regime supports regime which gassed own people.

Each of these reasons is enough to not sign NPT.

Yes, if Iran leaves NPT there will be no reason for sanctions.
Not defending Iran but
Like Israel showers flowers n toys on Palestine kids n people every now & then.
Hypocrisy at its best.
* Ayatula regime openly threatens to destroy Israel.
* Ayatula regime builds ballistic missiles which can reach Israel and which are useless without WMD.
* Ayatula regime invests tens of billions in nuclear program despite being a poor country with huge oil and gas resources.
* Ayatula regime invented and promoted suicide terrorism around the world.
* Ayatula regime supports regime which gassed own people.
Nonsense. The greatest terror state in ME is Israel, followed by other Arab regimes. And Iran never threatened to 'destroy' Israel, as in military terms, but the way U.S wanted to 'destroy' Soviet Union, in a non-military way, and it happened.
Yes, if Iran leaves NPT there will be no reason for sanctions.

Again nonsense. If Iran leaves the NPT now, there will be various unilateral sanctions and even war.
And guess what? We NEVER pursued nuclear weapons to begin with. Isn't U.S past history of lying, like with those of Iraqi WMDs, enough not to believe whatever they say like words of God? Consider another possibility, in which, this whole nuclear issue was an overly exaggerated hoax to put pressure on Iran.
I'll tell you another possibility
Doesn't matter what they say. What matter is what they do.
Iran was clearly shown to violate promises as was agreed unanimously by all IAEA members - friends and foe alike, which is the basis of sanctions.
I don't want to drag this topic to Iraq but independent UN investigators were the ones who corroborated that claim. And guess what.
Iraq Had WMDs After All | Power Line

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