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Iran hangs Baluch militant for killing of two Revolutionary Guards, judiciary says


May 21, 2006
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(Reuters) - Iran executed on Saturday an ethnic Baluch militant convicted of killing Revolutionary Guards members, the judiciary’s official website reported, a day after the United Nations urged Iranian authorities to spare his life.

The Mizan site said Javid Dehghan, who it said was a leader of the Sunni militant group Jaish al-Adl, or the Army of Justice, was hanged for shooting dead two Guards five years ago in the southeastern Sistan-Baluchistan province.

In a tweet on Friday, the United Nations human rights office called for a halt to Dehghan’s imminent execution and condemned “a series of executions – at least 28 – since mid-December, including of people from minority groups.”

World bodies and human rights groups have often criticised Iran for its rights record and large number of executions - the world’s highest after China, according to Amnesty International.

Amnesty said the court that convicted Dehghan relied on “torture-tainted ‘confessions’” and ignored serious abuses of due process by Revolutionary Guards agents and prosecution authorities during the investigation.

The impoverished Sistan-Baluchestan province, which borders Afghanistan and Pakistan, has long been the scene of frequent clashes between security forces and Sunni militants and drug smugglers. The population of the province is predominantly Sunni Muslim, while most Iranians are Shi’ite.

Jaish al-Adl, which says it seeks greater rights and better living conditions for ethnic minority Baluchis, has claimed responsibility for several attacks in recent years on Iranian security forces in the province.

On Thursday, state media said an Iranian member of Islamic State was executed in southwestern Khuzestan province, home to many of Iran’s ethnic Arabs, for taking part in an attack that killed two paramilitary Basij militiamen.

Editing by Toby Chopra
Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
As a state you do whatever is necessary. Even if the whole world is against you.
Iranian also captured Abdul Malik Rigi either through intercepting a passenger plane or getting him from Pakistan and immediately executed the commander in chief of Jundullah without much fanfare

in Pakistan we sit on these militants until they become heroes on social media and then they are either released or they escape. Ahsan Ullah Ahsan and Adnan Rashid (twice)
Iranian also captured Abdul Malik Rigi either through intercepting a passenger plane or getting him from Pakistan and immediately executed the commander in chief of Jundullah without much fanfare

in Pakistan we sit on these militants until they become heroes on social media and then they are either released or they escape. Ahsan Ullah Ahsan and Adnan Rashid (twice)

Absolutely. It doesn't make any sense. Iran and all other nations immediately deal with such nonsense.
And here in Pakistan even people sitting in parliament were worried about Karima Baloch even though she died in Canada

Let's face it. Iranians are very patriotic. They have their fair share of defectors and anti-state idiots, but the Iranians deal with them with an iron fist. That is just the harsh truth. The Iranians don't have political problems like we do. We have Altaf bhai, Nawaz Sharif and Zardari. Iranians don't have that problem.

Try to run a fake anti-state foreign funded NGO in Iran. You won't last a day. Try to teach anti-state and anti-religion BS in Iranian universities and you will be thrown out. The Iranians are patriotic and smart people. In comparison we lack severely.
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Let's face it. Iranians are very patriotic. They have their fair share of defectors and anti-state idiots, but the Iranians deal with them with an iron fist. That is just the harsh truth. The Iranians don't have political problems like we do. We have Altaf bhai, Nawaz Sharif and Zardari. Iranians don't have that problem.

Try to run a fake anti-state foreign funded NGO in Iran. You won't last a day. Try to teach anti-state and anti-religion BS in Iranian universities and you will be thrown out. The Iranians are patriotic and smart people. In comparison we lack severely.

Yeah, very true. Even the leaders of China and Russia (Xi Jinping and Putin) deal with anti-state defectors immediately. We have people who openly support anti-state agents, and even vote for them in power. Thank God we have Imran Khan now, but even then, it'll take a long time for him to get rid of these corrupt politicians. But once we do, Pakistan will soon start prospering, in sha Allah.
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