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Iran 'could have a nuclear bomb by 2010'


Jan 4, 2009
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LONDON: Iran, labelled as an 'axis of evil' by the United States, could have a nuclear bomb by 2010, a leading international think-tank has warned

According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Iran will amass enough low-enriched uranium this year which could put it on course to build a nuke weapon by the end of next year, 'The Daily Telegraph' reported.

"This year, it's very likely that Iran will have produced enough low-enriched uranium which, if further enriched, could constitute enough fissile material for one nuclear weapon, if that is the route Iran so desires," said IISS's Senior Fellow for Non-Proliferation Mark Fitzpatrick.

Further enrichment to produce weapons-grade uranium would take at least 12 months after the threshold that Iran is likely to reach at the end of this year, he said.

However, according to the institute, based in Britain, scientists in Iran would have to overcome numerous hurdles and fully master the enrichment of uranium before this can finally take place by 2010.

Iran is defying five United Nations Resolutions by enriching uranium inside an underground plant at Natanz. This process is highly sensitive because it amounts to "dual use" technology.

If the country goes to the next stage and chooses to produce weapons-grade uranium, however, it would have to expel the IAEA inspectors who presently monitor its plants. And, to have a proper weapons system, Iran will need to build missiles capable of delivering a nuclear warhead too.

US President Barack Obama has already pledged to "engage" directly with Iran's leaders and seek a diplomatic solution to the nuclear confrontation. "If countries like Iran are willing to unclench their fist, they will find an extended hand from us."
That means we are going to have another war soon,USA might be too tired after Iraq,I am guessing its Israel vs Iran.:tsk:
If Israel could have it than why not Iran. There should be no double standard.
It's good for balance of power. Once they acquire nuclear weapons, Isreal and US will STFU.

Arms for peace.
Obama should apologise to Iran: Ahmadinejad

TEHRAN: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad demanded on Wednesday that US President Barack Obama apologise for the 'crimes' committed by the United States against Iran over the past 60 years.
The hardline leader also called on Washington to withdraw its troops from across the world as a proof of Obama's policy of change.
'You were standing against the Iranian people in the past 60 years,' Ahmadinejad said during an address in the western region of Khermenshah that
was broadcast by state television.
'Those who speak of change must apologise to the Iranian people and try to repair their past bad acts and the crimes they committed against Iran.'
As to the troops, he said he expected two kinds of 'deep and fundamental'change.
'Meet people, talk to them with respect and put an end to the expansionist policies. If you talk about change it must put an end to the US military presence in the world, withdraw your troops and take them back inside your borders.'
Ahmadinejad said the advocates of change must 'stop supporting the Zionists, outlaws and criminals.'
He called on the United States to 'stop interfering in other people's affairs.'
He also said the US government should 'let the American people decide their own future ... Stop pressuring them,' he added, without saying what he was referring to.
Ahmadinejad said he welcomed change but the 'change has to be fundamental.'
'If someone wants to talk with us in the language that (George W.) Bush used ... even if he uses new words, our response will be the same that we gave to Bush during the past years,' he added.
Tension between Washington and Tehran has been high over the latter's nuclear programme.
Bush refused to hold talks with Iran until it stopped its nuclear work, but on Monday Obama extended a diplomatic hand towards Tehran to break the deadlock.
In an interview with Al-Arabia television, Obama promised to lay a framework for his policy towards Iran.
'As I said in my inauguration speech, if countries like Iran are willing to unclench their fist, they will find an extended hand from us.
'It is very important for us to make sure that we are using all the tools of US power, including diplomacy, in our relationship with Iran.'
Obama should apologise to Iran: Ahmadinejad

TEHRAN: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad demanded on Wednesday that US President Barack Obama apologise for the 'crimes' committed by the United States against Iran over the past 60 years.
The hardline leader also called on Washington to withdraw its troops from across the world as a proof of Obama's policy of change.
'You were standing against the Iranian people in the past 60 years,' Ahmadinejad said during an address in the western region of Khermenshah that
was broadcast by state television.
'Those who speak of change must apologise to the Iranian people and try to repair their past bad acts and the crimes they committed against Iran.'
As to the troops, he said he expected two kinds of 'deep and fundamental'change.
'Meet people, talk to them with respect and put an end to the expansionist policies. If you talk about change it must put an end to the US military presence in the world, withdraw your troops and take them back inside your borders.'
Ahmadinejad said the advocates of change must 'stop supporting the Zionists, outlaws and criminals.'
He called on the United States to 'stop interfering in other people's affairs.'
He also said the US government should 'let the American people decide their own future ... Stop pressuring them,' he added, without saying what he was referring to.
Ahmadinejad said he welcomed change but the 'change has to be fundamental.'
'If someone wants to talk with us in the language that (George W.) Bush used ... even if he uses new words, our response will be the same that we gave to Bush during the past years,' he added.
Tension between Washington and Tehran has been high over the latter's nuclear programme.
Bush refused to hold talks with Iran until it stopped its nuclear work, but on Monday Obama extended a diplomatic hand towards Tehran to break the deadlock.
In an interview with Al-Arabia television, Obama promised to lay a framework for his policy towards Iran.
'As I said in my inauguration speech, if countries like Iran are willing to unclench their fist, they will find an extended hand from us.
'It is very important for us to make sure that we are using all the tools of US power, including diplomacy, in our relationship with Iran.'

he better apologize to Iran so as to Pakistan about the terror camps or else we all know what Ahmednejid can do.
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