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Iran Condemns Egypt's Sectarian Killings As "Contradicting Islam"

Trying to say Arabs are not Arabs is ridiculous, I get stop because it's like saying tea is not tea. Whatever.

Dig deeper into it, if we apply this simpleness as you do now then Shias are also Muslims as Wikipedia tells us, though you disagree with this 1.
I think the leaders of the Muslim world should put more efforts in protecting human lives than protecting Islam... But all evidence in the recent times points to the contrary.

Whenever there is inter-Islamic sectarian violence or terrorism linked to Islamists, the Islamic leaders instantly jump to the defense of Islam claiming that the events are not Islamic etc. and there is no action or solutions suggested on how to prevent those events from recurring.
The ones who attacked those Shia are ordinary Egyptians not Salafis, as the video tells. I don't know why some Shia still think that only the so called "Wahabis" don't want their beliefs and practices to enter their countries while the vast majority of Arab Muslims I have seen on internet and real life are so suspicious of them, actually I'm a moderate compared to them. Shia can practice their rituals in their own counties but should never albeit for a moment think Muslims would tolerate Mohammed's wives and companions (SA) being cursed in their neighborhood.
All the hate is promoted by Salafis, and its not even debatable.... People are free to believe whatever they believe, even if it includes "insulting", and itle you find holy. This is freedom of speech, and its time we all accept it. People shouldn't be prohibited from expressing whats in their mind, even if its something you don't agree with!!!
I don't know what countries are you referring to specifically, but for us no thanks, we don't have a problem. If anybody tried to cross the line - like harassing people or women or young men- then the price will be heavy.

Also, We don't deal with Egyptians on individual levels, i.e. We don't support one group of people and dumb the others. Our relations are based on mutual respect, and KSA cares about the Egyptians more than their politicians, the recent agreement we've made with them supports my stand :)
If it wasn't for the presence of the Salafis, women would have more rights. They would be able to drive cars, travel with a permission from their husbands, ect... Your government is not as conservative as some people think. If it was up to them, they would have done a lot of reforms when it comes to human rights, but its not that easy and the main problem is the strong Salafi presence.
Saudi Arabia officials don't, but a lot of individuals from all over the world including Saudi Arabia do support Islamists in Egypt especially Salafis. Saudi Arabia's government in neutral when it comes to political player in Egypt.
Let just take it one by one at a time.

If it wasn't for the presence of the Salafis, women would have more rights. They would be able to drive cars, travel with a permission from their husbands, ect... Your government is not as conservative as some people think

:no: I serve my country therefore, I'm well aware of everything going on around us.

No, it isn't the conservative branch who's opposing women to drive, it is our people due to some security concerns.

Speaking of travel, this isn't true either, this has changed more than a decade ago. My Gov't is neutral trying always trying to compromise with everybody, the conservative Saudis aren't as hard as you think, many are flexible.

If it was up to them, they would have done a lot of reforms when it comes to human rights, but its not that easy and the main problem is the strong Salafi presence

Any kind/form/type of opposition is welcomed, the Saudi National Dialogue Centers were made for these purposes and these only.

Saudi Arabia officials don't, but a lot of individuals from all over the world including Saudi Arabia do support Islamists in Egypt especially Salafis. Saudi Arabia's government in neutral when it comes to political player in Egypt.

I was positively sure that KSA's stand on Egypt is neutral, we all wish the best to Egypt.

On other note, you've stated that lots of Saudi individuals take sides with the Salafis in Egypt, right? Would kindly tell me who are these people?

Let just take it one by one at a time.

:no: I serve my country therefore, I'm well aware of everything going on around us.

No, it isn't the conservative branch who's opposing women to drive, it is our people due to some security concerns.

Security concerns? would be kind enough to elaborate? are you scared she might run away?
Security concerns? would be kind enough to elaborate?

I'll be glad to do so.

Some people fear that in case of flat tires or accidents that no one could reach them on time to help out. Another reason is that we still have a nasty crime rate coming from a specific class in our community both locals and expats which is a national security concern as we take a pride for having the lowest crime rates worldwide.
Whenever there is inter-Islamic sectarian violence or terrorism linked to Islamists, the Islamic leaders instantly jump to the defense of Islam claiming that the events are not Islamic etc. and there is no action or solutions suggested on how to prevent those events from recurring.

the action and solution is very simple

A) for Wahhabis/Salafis to accept Shias and all other sects within islam including Sufis, Alawites, Druze, etc... as Muslims and not incite hatred and spread LIES about Shia muslims.

Just look at Yzd Khalifa previous comments were he called Shia muslims Zoroastrian Cult...others here have called Shia Islam as Jewish conspiracy, catholic cult, deviant sect, etc...

What do you think happens when these clerics go to poor and illiterate neighborhoods in Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanista, Iraq and say Zoroastrian Cult is in town , having a sex party, spying for Iran, cursing the prophet, planning to kill the Sunnis...etc...

That's exactly what they told the villagers in Egypt.

B) jail these people

I'll be glad to do so.

Some people fear that in case of flat tires or accidents that no one could reach them on time to help out. Another reason is that we still have a nasty crime rate coming from a specific class in our community both locals and expats which is a national security concern as we take a pride for having the lowest crime rates worldwide.

specific class in your community ? don't tell me all the crimes are committed by the Zoro cult?:cheesy:
Let just take it one by one at a time.

:no: I serve my country therefore, I'm well aware of everything going on around us.

No, it isn't the conservative branch who's opposing women to drive, it is our people due to some security concerns.

Speaking of travel, this isn't true either, this has changed more than a decade ago. My Gov't is neutral trying always trying to compromise with everybody, the conservative Saudis aren't as hard as you think, many are flexible.

Any kind/form/type of opposition is welcomed, the Saudi National Dialogue Centers were made for these purposes and these only.

I was positively sure that KSA's stand on Egypt is neutral, we all wish the best to Egypt.

On other note, you've stated that lots of Saudi individuals take sides with the Salafis in Egypt, right? Would kindly tell me who are these people?


Good luck to you guys!! Wish you the best
Friends, events are picking pace fast - we warned that Takfiri Wahabis under orders of US and Israeli Neocon groups are hell bent on spreading fitna among Muslims, creating conflicts, spreading hatred and despondency -- It now seems that they have begun to fight among each other, read for yourselves what happens to these people who play with fire and attempt to spread fitna among Muslims :

Muslim Brotherhood is 'a grave danger to Gulf security’

Dubai Police chief issues stark warning against attempt by Muslim Brotherhood to undermine UAE

Gulf News report
Published: 18:52 June 25, 2013
Gulf News

Dubai: Lt General Dahi Khalfan Tamim, Commander in Chief of Dubai Police, warned that the Muslim Brotherhood is posing a grave danger to political stability in the Gulf as they tend to seize power and implement their ideology. Their interference in internal affairs of Arab Gulf countries was quite obvious in recent months, which is completely unacceptable for the states in the region.

Lt General Dahi said that he had warned in the media long before the organisation came to power in one Arab country about the dangerous nature of the group.

Evil interests

The police chief said he had alerted the governments in the region and members of the public about the evil interests of the organisation and uncovered the secret plots and the fact that they are trying to overthrow the regimes in the region, but the reaction to the warning was light.

The organisation and its members in the region, however, become more aggressive when the Muslim Brotherhood assumes power in one Arab country — he did not specify. He said the organisation interferes more and more in the internal affairs of the Arab Gulf countries.

Lt General Dahi explained why the movement was considered a threat to national stability by saying the spiritual leader of the organisation told a a meeting of the Brotherhood in Sudan that the Brotherhood movement is moving forward like a sweeping stream that will uproot all that is standing in its way.

Lt General Dahi also stressed that the Brotherhood is planning to overthrow governments of Gulf countries and to seize power in the region.

He added that the Brotherhood runs clandestine organisations and has coup plans for the region. He also said that these plans are not a secret anymore as the leaders of the Brotherhood themselves publicize them.

He also said that as Arab fighters were taken advantage of in Afghanistan, the Brotherhood is taking advantage of the situation today to create new problems in the Arab world.


Lt General Dahi reiterated that all Egyptians other than those belonging to the Brotherhood are welcome in the UAE. Egyptians who are not affiliated to the organisation may enter the UAE any time and will not be banned from entering the country.

Speaking of the UAE and the refuge it provided to the Brotherhood leaders who had escaped persecution in their country at one time, he said that the country had no reservations against the Muslim Brotherhood at the time and it opened its doors to these shaikhs with all respect and esteem, and they worked as teachers.

The UAE received those as shaikhs, but they returned the hospitality by planting the seeds of their organisation in this country without realising the bad consequences of their activities.

He also added that the Brotherhood members tried to brainwash some people in the country to install certain ideas in their brains and even started blackmailing them.
He also pointed out that the Brotherhood does not rule according to Allah’s teachings and that they are liars

He said that if they ruled by Islamic law then he would believe in them! Lt General Dahi then asked if it is acceptable that the Brotherhood’s spiritual leader receives Gulf nationals and appoints them emirs in Gulf countries. He added that the Brotherhood leader did in fact appoint emirs for the region, and he asked: Who gave him this authority to become the Caliph?


Lt General Dahi said that there are those who are brainwashed and become a part of this organisation, and there are those who are lured by the Brotherhood and there are others who are pressured and threatened by them as well — as the organisation keeps records and photos of people to be used against them should they try to leave the organisation.

He said the UAE’s quick intervention and arrest of the clandestine group thwarted the Brotherhood’s plans in Arab Gulf countries
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