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Iran building new production hall for centrifuges in mountains near Natanz


Mar 11, 2017
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Iran building new production hall for centrifuges in mountains near Natanz

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran has begun to build a hall in “the heart of the mountains” near its Natanz nuclear site for making advanced centrifuges, Iran’s nuclear chief said on Tuesday, aiming to replace a production hall at the facility hit by fire in July.

Iran said at the time that the fire was the result of sabotage and had caused significant damage that could slow the development of advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges.

“Due to the sabotage, it was decided to build a more modern, larger and more comprehensive hall in all dimensions in the heart of the mountain near Natanz. Of course, the work has begun,” said Ali Akbar Salehi, according to state TV.

Natanz is the centrepiece of Iran’s enrichment programme, which Tehran says is for peaceful purposes. Western intelligence agencies and the U.N.’s nuclear watchdog (IAEA) believe Iran had a coordinated, clandestine nuclear arms programme that it halted in 2003. Tehran denies ever seeking nuclear weapons.

The Natanz uranium-enrichment site, much of which is underground, is one of several Iranian facilities monitored by inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the U.N. nuclear watchdog.

A confrontation between arch foes Tehran and Washington has worsened since 2018, when U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew from Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with major powers and reimposed sanctions that have crippled Iran’s economy.

Under the deal, Iran agreed to curb its nuclear programme in exchange for the removal of most international sanctions. In reaction to U.S. sanctions, Tehran has gradually distanced itself from the nuclear pact.


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Getting ready for new round of negotiations. This is building leverage for when they need to give up something.
A better strategy is to build the bomb and then negotiate from position of strength......I hope the next president of Iran will have some balls to stand up to these repeated demands for negotiations...seems like every time Iran negotiates they lose more and gain nothing.....
A better strategy is to build the bomb and then negotiate from position of strength......I hope the next president of Iran will have some balls to stand up to these repeated demands for negotiations...seems like every time Iran negotiates they lose more and gain nothing.....
Only a zionist would like to see a weak Iran without any nuclear capability. It is against the zionist interests if Iran obtains a nuclear weapon. So the current president of Iran is a pathetic loser and zionist jewish anti Iran slave
A better strategy is to build the bomb and then negotiate from position of strength......I hope the next president of Iran will have some balls to stand up to these repeated demands for negotiations...seems like every time Iran negotiates they lose more and gain nothing.....
After all the claims of it being inhumane and against our beliefs, building an actual bomb is only paint us as a big liar.
After all the claims of it being inhumane and against our beliefs, building an actual bomb is only paint us as a big liar.
Well new round of negotiation would be as same as making bomb after saying "we won't buy something twice" or " We neither negotiate nor engage in war" besides I don't think anything significant would happen before Iranian upcoming presidential election mid 2021 if and only if the SL would not reject the whole idea categorically ... esp if Trump remains in office.
Anyhow it is not necessarily be making bomb .. for example 20% of all inspections across the globe in 2019 took place in Iran which could not be in this way anymore.,, or other issues that you know.
But the bottom line is what is the basis of our policy/decision making apparatus? economy or Geo-politic? so far the latter has been the polestar.
Well new round of negotiation would be as same as making bomb after saying "we won't buy something twice" or " We neither negotiate nor engage in war" besides I don't think anything significant would happen before Iranian upcoming presidential election mid 2021 if and only if the SL would not reject the whole idea categorically ... esp if Trump remains in office.
Anyhow it is not necessarily be making bomb .. for example 20% of all inspections across the globe in 2019 took place in Iran which could not be in this way anymore.,, or other issues that you know.
But the bottom line is what is the basis of our policy/decision making apparatus? economy or Geo-politic? so far the latter has been the polestar.
Good way you said it...is it "Economy" or is it "Geopolitics"...seems like for iran they are mutually exclusive...they do not have to be...there is a middle ground.
If Iran compromise on Nukes I will lose all remaining respect for them, get the nukes you fought for it for so long , every country has right to protect itself, and since Israel now openly declare theirs, I don't see why Iran can't have 50-100 warheads , its just point them towards enemy not the Hijaz .
If Iran compromise on Nukes I will lose all remaining respect for them, get the nukes you fought for it for so long , every country has right to protect itself, and since Israel now openly declare theirs, I don't see why Iran can't have 50-100 warheads , its just point them towards enemy not the Hijaz .
we fought for nuclear technology not nukes
we fought for nuclear technology not nukes

That is for public, deep down everyone knows that Iran is perusing to get nukes and there is nothing wrong in it, but if Iranians now give up on nukes that will be a bummer , after all those sanctions and negativity in west its time to get the bomb and show middle finger to everyone .
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