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Iran Asks IMF for First Loan in Decades to Combat Virus


May 24, 2018
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Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of
One can literally only marvel at both the apparent utter desperation and the total and complete utter stupidity of the rouhani regime to go cap in hand to the very same western nations who have tried to strangle it to death.You`d have thought that rouhani & co would`ve learned their lesson about trying to do deals with the west long,long ago.
I hate to say this but I`m truly starting to wonder if the iri will actually survive long enough to hold elections for rouhanis [badly needed] replacement.


Iran Asks IMF for First Loan in Decades to Combat Virus
Iran said on Thursday that it has sought immediate financial assistance from the International Monetary Fund to help it combat one of the world's deadliest coronavirus outbreaks.

According to a tweet by Iran's top diplomat, IMF chief Kristina Georgieva had "stated that countries affected by #COVID19 will be supported via Rapid Financial Instrument (RFI)".

"Our central bank requested access to this facility immediately," Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif added on his Twitter account.

Iran has not received assistance from the IMF since a "standby credit" issued between 1960 and 1962, according to the fund's data.

Zarif said the IMF and its board "should adhere to fund's mandate, stand on right side of history and act responsibly".

The various loans that can be granted by the IMF must be approved by the institution's executive board, where the United States practically has a veto on decisions.

The United States is currently pursuing a policy of "maximum pressure" aimed at crippling the finances of Iran's government.

In an Instagram post picked up by state news agency IRNA, central bank governor Abdolnasser Hemmati claimed to have formally requested access to RFI by letter on March 6.

"Given the widespread prevalence of coronavirus in our country and the need to continue to take strong measures to prevent and cure (the disease), and to address its economic impact," Iran was asking for "about $5 billion" in assistance, Hemmati wrote on his Instagram account.

Iran on Thursday reported 75 new deaths from COVID-19, the highest single-day toll since the Islamic republic announced the first deaths from the outbreak on February 19.

It took the overall death toll to 429 out of a total of more than 10,000 confirmed cases of infection.

The World Health Organization called for Iran to be given more support in its fight to bring the outbreak under control.

"Iran is doing its best... We are trying to mobilise more support for Iran," WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters in Geneva, adding that the country needed more supplies.

According to the IMF's website, the RFI "provides rapid financial assistance, which is available to all member countries facing an urgent balance of payments need."

Iran doesn’t have 5B dollars?

And delusional people here think Iran can self fund a domestic fighter development program.
Iran doesn’t have 5B dollars?

And delusional people here think Iran can self fund a domestic fighter development program.

way to completely miss the point...

Iran is doing this to send a message. IMF is a western institution. there is no way in hell its going to give Iran a penny in this sanctions environment. Iran isn't stupid and fully knows this.

by doing this, Iran is once again exposing how barbaric American sanctions are against Iranian people. "medical terrorism" as Iran is calling it. And also a direct cause of the spread of coronavirus. Once the IMF rejects Iran, the focus and conversation will shift back to illegal/barbaric western sanctions against the Iranian people...

It will also take some heat off the Iranian government and give them a chance to blame sanctions for any shortcomings.

China is also making a lot of noise on this. but western MSM is dead silent to nobodies surprise.
way to completely miss the point...

Iran is doing this to send a message. IMF is a western institution. there is no way in hell its going to give Iran a penny in this sanctions environment. Iran isn't stupid and fully knows this.

by doing this, Iran is once again exposing how barbaric American sanctions are against Iranian people. "medical terrorism" as Iran is calling it. And also a direct cause of the spread of coronavirus. Once the IMF rejects Iran, the focus and conversation will shift back to illegal/barbaric western sanctions against the Iranian people...

It will also take some heat off the Iranian government and give them a chance to blame sanctions for any shortcomings.

China is also making a lot of noise on this. but western MSM is dead silent to nobodies surprise.

Nobody cares. The world isn’t fair. Grow up. The west controls the world, everyone knows that.

The fact Iran has to ask for a 5B handout is a joke.
One can literally only marvel at both the apparent utter desperation and the total and complete utter stupidity of the rouhani regime to go cap in hand to the very same western nations who have tried to strangle it to death.You`d have thought that rouhani & co would`ve learned their lesson about trying to do deals with the west long,long ago.
I hate to say this but I`m truly starting to wonder if the iri will actually survive long enough to hold elections for rouhanis [badly needed] replacement.
OK, Are you Iranian?
They can ask Pakistanis. I am sure you would find many penniless here who are ready to give. If only Iran asked for their pathetic life and not money.
I am even sure these Iran lobbist would some how arrange this amount for Iran.
I am neither nato shia nor anti Iran. Infact I admire the way Iran survive all sanctions.
But I hate fan boys in Pakistan who are either Saudi or iranian lobby. They are more iranian then true iranian. They should learn to be pakistani first. Only state would tell how relations we would have with other countries and in case of war in other countries you don't go and fight. For example after sulimani death half of pakistan wants to go and avenge his death.
Aid should be given to Iran for humanitarian reasons. Hopefully, we will have a vaccine within the year.
there are satellite images which shows that in iran city of qum there is massive digging of graves in graveyard which might be due to corona virus ,I think world should help iran on humanitarian basis
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Iran doesn’t have 5B dollars?

And delusional people here think Iran can self fund a domestic fighter development program.
It is normal to borrow money from foreign sources---all countries in the world do it---from Saudi Arabia to China and USA
No politics on this serious issue . IMF , EU , China , OIC all should support Iran , Italy and other countries .
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