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Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)


Aug 12, 2015
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Computational Fluid Dynamics is the field of science formed by marriage of numerical methods, algorithms & data structures and fluid dynamics.
Fluid Mechanics can be divided into three categories.
  1. Fluid statics or hydrostatics (used more in design of dams..simple calculations)
  2. Fluid Dynamics deals with fluids in motion under the influence of forces. Subbranches include Aerodynamics, Aerothermodynamics, Gas Dynamics, Hydrodynamics
  3. Fluid Kinematics deals with study of flow parameters like velocities, rates etc without consideration of forces that cause them (not really popular or developed..in fact you won't find many references to it, just mentioned it for sake of accuracy)
Fluid flow equations i.e. Navier Stokes and their derivatives (Euler equations) are can only be solved analytically for a very simplified flow cases and geometries. Any complex geometry requires, breaking it down into smaller and simpler shapes or steps and then solve them.

This is a developing thread
@M.AsfandYar @Indus Pakistan @Horus @TOPGUN @Khafee @Dubious
Numerical methods is aimed at dividing complex problems into smaller and simpler forms in a process called discretisation, finding the solutions for each discretised element (area, volume, element) and then integrate them to find the solution for the whole field.

Numerical Methods can be divided into further three types or approaches
  1. Finite Difference Methods
  2. Finite Element Methods
  3. Finite Volume Methods
From academic point of view, FDM is the simplest to start with.
@Moonlight @RealNapster
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Numerical methods is aimed at dividing complex problems into smaller and simpler forms in a process called discretisation, finding the solutions for each discretised element (area, volume, element) and then integrate them to find the solution for the whole field.

Numerical Methods can be divided into further three types or approaches
  1. Finite Difference Methods
  2. Finite Element Methods
  3. Finite Volume Methods
From academic point of view, FDM is the simplest to start with.
@Moonlight @RealNapster
This can be a great thread mate. Thanks for this.
Now, I will have very brief intro to

I'm a great explainer... as per my classmates at Embry :) so you will find it much easier to digest than in most books :)

@M.AsfandYar and all others feel free contribute... BTW I have another interesting thread
Which can be helpful since some of the content is common and I will borrow from there

Introduction of basic flight aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics
Sadly i didnt take Flight Dynamics And Stability with my batch(Last Sem), but i will be taking that during summer or next sem. Though i do know what you are talking about, i dont know the maths behind that.
I have completed the rest of the Aerodynamics courses and am reasonably good at those.
Guys I can't write all... so I would like you guys who have studied or studying CFD should also contribute.

Sadly i didnt take Flight Dynamics And Stability with my batch(Last Sem), but i will be taking that during summer or next sem. Though i do know what you are talking about, i dont know the maths behind that.
I have completed the rest of the Aerodynamics courses and am reasonably good at those.
I need partners so we can create the informative thread. It is a thankless job because very few people are interested but I do my part.
For example, we can share the topics... one person studies one part posts here like FDM, other FEM etc
Guys I can't write all... so I would like you guys who have studied or studying CFD should also contribute.

I need partners so we can create the informative thread. It is a thankless job because very few people are interested but I do my part.
Ok i will be chirping in as we go. I have exams next week but i will be sure make time in both threads.
Ok i will be chirping in as we go. I have exams next week but i will be sure make time in both threads.
Great focus on exam but after exams you should as it will in fact help you the most. For me, it is not so useful since I'm run my own business in IT but I love the knowledge I received at some of the best univs. in their respective fields.

Basic Requirements to follow this thread:
  1. Understanding of basic fluid mechanics
  2. Ordinary Differential Equations
  3. Linear Algebra (i.e. Matrices)
  4. Some computer programming
Now, I will have very brief intro to

I'm a great explainer... as per my classmates at Embry :) so you will find it much easier to digest than in most books :)

@M.AsfandYar and all others feel free contribute... BTW I have another interesting thread
Which can be helpful since some of the content is common and I will borrow from there

Introduction of basic flight aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics
It’s like solving Hamiltonians for the electrons E-k (energy vs wave vector) characteristics in a system of atoms....
. .
Next will be FDM, so I will talk about Taylor series and its expansion.
Numerical methods is aimed at dividing complex problems into smaller and simpler forms in a process called discretisation, finding the solutions for each discretised element (area, volume, element) and then integrate them to find the solution for the whole field.

Numerical Methods can be divided into further three types or approaches
  1. Finite Difference Methods
  2. Finite Element Methods
  3. Finite Volume Methods
From academic point of view, FDM is the simplest to start with.
@Moonlight @RealNapster
Gosh reminds me when I took multivariate analysis 1 week crash course :fie:

Computational Fluid Dynamics is the field of science formed by marriage of numerical methods, algorithms & data structures and fluid dynamics.
Fluid Mechanics can be divided into three categories.
  1. Fluid statics or hydrostatics (used more in design of dams..simple calculations)
  2. Fluid Dynamics deals with fluids in motion under the influence of forces. Subbranches include Aerodynamics, Aerothermodynamics, Gas Dynamics, Hydrodynamics
  3. Fluid Kinematics deals with study of flow parameters like velocities, rates etc without consideration of forces that cause them (not really popular or developed..in fact you won't find many references to it, just mentioned it for sake of accuracy)
Fluid flow equations i.e. Navier Stokes and their derivatives (Euler equations) are can only be solved analytically for a very simplified flow cases and geometries. Any complex geometry requires, breaking it down into smaller and simpler shapes or steps and then solve them.

This is a developing thread
@M.AsfandYar @Indus Pakistan @Horus @TOPGUN @Khafee @Dubious
@ps3linux @zulu @baqai @fitpOsitive @graphican @War Thunder
. .
Gosh reminds me when I took multivariate analysis 1 week crash course :fie:
FDM is used to solve ODEs & PDEs (ordinary & partial differential equations). Fluid Flow equations are multi-variable (t, x1, x2, x3).
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